I couldnt agree more with this post. I'm an idiot for still working out in the field everyday and knowing that 3 B&L reps overlap my Ista territory-- but here are the facts with my doctors-- Over 90% of the customers I've seen in the last 2 months have told me they will DROP writing all Ista products if I'm let go. Why? R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P-S----- that's why. In my territory-- the B&L reps have not given a shit about their doctors and have simply skated along assuming they can get by on the B&L name, which will prove to be a HUGE and very costly mistake for B&L. I pity the reps that will take over my territory-- their going to have to start working their assess off to make up for their laziness and lack of sales ability. Although, I would love to stay on, they bought us so I'm being very realistic and doubt I'm going to keep my job even though my numbers have been pretty good.