Lies!! Our jobs are Gone, Resume Please

all the information about most of us being retained is bull as we all know. B&L bought the products, not the people. Very few of us will have jobs come the end of the month. The B&L executives better rethink the strategy. Docs do not know who the B&L rep is. Execs, drop your egos and realize that without ISTA reps your prescriber base will drop dramatically and market shares will be lost. B&L's pharmaceutical division has been a complete failure in the industry. Wake up and smell the coffee.

I couldnt agree more with this post. I'm an idiot for still working out in the field everyday and knowing that 3 B&L reps overlap my Ista territory-- but here are the facts with my doctors-- Over 90% of the customers I've seen in the last 2 months have told me they will DROP writing all Ista products if I'm let go. Why? R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P-S----- that's why. In my territory-- the B&L reps have not given a shit about their doctors and have simply skated along assuming they can get by on the B&L name, which will prove to be a HUGE and very costly mistake for B&L. I pity the reps that will take over my territory-- their going to have to start working their assess off to make up for their laziness and lack of sales ability. Although, I would love to stay on, they bought us so I'm being very realistic and doubt I'm going to keep my job even though my numbers have been pretty good.

I couldnt agree more with this post. I'm an idiot for still working out in the field everyday and knowing that 3 B&L reps overlap my Ista territory-- but here are the facts with my doctors-- Over 90% of the customers I've seen in the last 2 months have told me they will DROP writing all Ista products if I'm let go. Why? R-E-L-A-T-I-O-N-S-H-I-P-S----- that's why. In my territory-- the B&L reps have not given a shit about their doctors and have simply skated along assuming they can get by on the B&L name, which will prove to be a HUGE and very costly mistake for B&L. I pity the reps that will take over my territory-- their going to have to start working their assess off to make up for their laziness and lack of sales ability. Although, I would love to stay on, they bought us so I'm being very realistic and doubt I'm going to keep my job even though my numbers have been pretty good.

Right on brother ( or sister) -- same shit going on in my territory. Thank you again Vince for leaving us this shit pile of a mess in a miserable economy-- My wife and I just bought a home 6 months ago and have a kid on the way--- nothing like knowing you'll be in the unemployment line to give your family that "vote of confidence"--- hey Vince hope y

Right on brother ( or sister) -- same shit going on in my territory. Thank you again Vince for leaving us this shit pile of a mess in a miserable economy-- My wife and I just bought a home 6 months ago and have a kid on the way--- nothing like knowing you'll be in the unemployment line to give your family that "vote of confidence"--- hey Vince hope your doing great down there in sunny So Cal in your multi million home on the water, fancy cars, jet planes and tens of millions in the bank---