Lies!! Our jobs are Gone, Resume Please

Guys and gals, the party is over. I hate to rain on the parade of hope, but B&L is buying us and we will not be kept. Pharma guidelines will now have to be followed, which means no printing. Our leverage is gone with our usefulness and worth. Management always hangs out the carrot to keep Reps working but in the end we will all be left with a phone call announcing that we've been displaced. It hurts but it's reality. It was a good run, but everything you're doing now to " Save Your Jobs" is a waste of time. You don't want to hear or believe this, but it's the truth. Get your resume together and start sending it out, there are thousands of unemployed ex-pharma reps that we will be competing against, you have to start now. The people at the top are making millions off the deal and do not care about us. This is a hard pill to swallow, but it's the truth. We are one step away from major lawsuits, so we had to sell. Prepare now before your in the unemployment line. Denial is your worst enemy!

Guys and gals, the party is over. I hate to rain on the parade of hope, but B&L is buying us and we will not be kept. Pharma guidelines will now have to be followed, which means no printing. Our leverage is gone with our usefulness and worth. Management always hangs out the carrot to keep Reps working but in the end we will all be left with a phone call announcing that we've been displaced. It hurts but it's reality. It was a good run, but everything you're doing now to " Save Your Jobs" is a waste of time. You don't want to hear or believe this, but it's the truth. Get your resume together and start sending it out, there are thousands of unemployed ex-pharma reps that we will be competing against, you have to start now. The people at the top are making millions off the deal and do not care about us. This is a hard pill to swallow, but it's the truth. We are one step away from major lawsuits, so we had to sell. Prepare now before your in the unemployment line. Denial is your worst enemy!

This is the best, most realistic, honest answer given. So true. If the rep in your area is doing well they are not going to replace then with you.

Exactly. People are acting like they are going to fire the entire sales force. Wouldn't be prudent.

I appreciate the positive attitude but you're living in a dream world. Have you been through this before? I'm guessing you haven't. This deal is following a cookie cutter methodology ,nothing different or special. This wil be a blood bath of layoffs. You're loyaly and hard work will not be rewarded, the party is over. I'm sorry but the truth hurts. I've been through this before and had a job lined up so I transitioned to a new position and recieved a nice severance. I was a multiple President's Club winner with a great record. Do not trust management, all I'm saying is prepare for the worst and hope for the best so you're not in the unemployment line wondering what happened. This deal has been approved by the FTC and fast tracked for closure. This is happening now, prepare for yourself and your family.