More Vintage and delusional work of the slack jawed butt bunch! The fact that he goes into a narcissitic rage each time someone requests him to simply post a web link shows he is a total psycho man. It's 2017 and branches of the federal gov such as the FBI are automated thus posting a web link should be quite simply to do unless of course you are the slack jawed butt much talking shit.b

SWEETHEART, YOUR language showing YOUR IGNORANCE continues to come through! YOU must know now each day, that YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK views are simply obsolete to our employees and co- workers! And when do YOU begin ANGER MANAGEMENT COUNSELING??
And posting a web link to what?? It can't be done like YOU say! Period.
But YOU can get verification by calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and asking questions. But after all, these are things YOU WON'T do because YOU DON'T want to hear the TRUTH! The TRUTH, YOU KNOW, like WHY has the case been CLOSED over 10 years?? The TRUTH, like WHY they are NOT NOW, or EVER have suspected Bill Clark was murdered! The TRUTH like has murder or Blunt Force Trauma EVER been suspected in Bill's death??
NO, YOU just prefer to AVOID any SPECIFICS about Bill's death! YOU just CAN'T bring YOURSELF to hear the TRUTH from the Sheriff's Office. So, cling tight to YOUR views about Bill being murdered by the FBI. There's almost no one left at Jazz who believes YOU! YOUR STUPIDITY is seen by ALL!

SWEETHEART, YOUR language showing YOUR IGNORANCE continues to come through! YOU must know now each day, that YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK views are simply obsolete to our employees and co- workers! And when do YOU begin ANGER MANAGEMENT COUNSELING??
And posting a web link to what?? It can't be done like YOU say! Period.
But YOU can get verification by calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and asking questions. But after all, these are things YOU WON'T do because YOU DON'T want to hear the TRUTH! The TRUTH, YOU KNOW, like WHY has the case been CLOSED over 10 years?? The TRUTH, like WHY they are NOT NOW, or EVER have suspected Bill Clark was murdered! The TRUTH like has murder or Blunt Force Trauma EVER been suspected in Bill's death??
NO, YOU just prefer to AVOID any SPECIFICS about Bill's death! YOU just CAN'T bring YOURSELF to hear the TRUTH from the Sheriff's Office. So, cling tight to YOUR views about Bill being murdered by the FBI. There's almost no one left at Jazz who believes YOU! YOUR STUPIDITY is seen by ALL!

I see you are still at it posting all your wild delusional version of how Bill died. This is simple and not even a debate. Involuntary Manslaughter, a natural caused death i.e. Blunt Force Trauma. Bill was involved in a fight at night out of the golf course with some out of state dudes who were passing through the hotel. Bill was an athletic and tough 44 year old who never backed down from punks. Sad but he took a golf club to the head. Blunt force trauma. If you were there and experienced what went down the next morning, you would know. Now stop your delusional mayham on here and go back to being Latoya and randomly and fictiously firing people. Haha

I see you are still at it posting all your wild delusional version of how Bill died. This is simple and not even a debate. Involuntary Manslaughter, a natural caused death i.e. Blunt Force Trauma. Bill was involved in a fight at night out of the golf course with some out of state dudes who were passing through the hotel. Bill was an athletic and tough 44 year old who never backed down from punks. Sad but he took a golf club to the head. Blunt force trauma. If you were there and experienced what went down the next morning, you would know. Now stop your delusional mayham on here and go back to being Latoya and randomly and fictiously firing people. Haha

SWEETHEART, the FBI, POLICE, Jazz, or the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has NO INFORMATION about any "out of state dudes", or information from the AUTOPSY REPORT that showed Bill "took a golf club to the head". Surely, YOU can't expect our employees to believe YOU!
If YOU know about "out of state dudes" that the authorities DO NOT, then YOU should report it to the AUTHORITIES- FBI, POLICE, Sheriff's Dept.!
YOU need to STOP YOUR LIES and delusional mayhem! There is NO LONGER a place for CONSPIRACY FREAKS like YOU to continue YOUR speculation!
The case has been CLOSED 10 years, with NO suspects being sought! There is NO EVIDENCE of any attack on Bill. NO Blunt Force Trauma. This is NOT A CASE OF INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER!! Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES- Myocardial Infarction- A heart attack! Period. There was NO murder!
So, "gut it up" and call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Information Officer. 602-876-1742, 602-876-1000.

SWEETHEART, the FBI, POLICE, Jazz, or the Maricopa Coucnty Sheriff's Office has NO INFORMATION about any "out of state dudes", or information from the AUTOPSY REPORT that showed Bill "took a golf club to the head". Surely, YOU can't expect our employees to believe YOU!
If YOU know about "out of state dudes" that the authorities DO NOT, then YOU should report it to the AUTHORITIES- FBI, POLICE, Sheriff's Dept.!
YOU need to STOP YOUR LIES and delusional mayhem! There is NO LONGER a place for CONSPIRACY FREAKS like YOU to continue YOUR speculation!
The case has been CLOSED 10 years, with NO suspects being sought! There is NO EVIDENCE of any attack on Bill. NO Blunt Force Trauma. This is NOT A CASE OF INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER!! Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES- Myocardial Infarction- A heart attack! Period. There was NO murder!
So, "every time gut it up" and call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Information Officer. 602-876-1742, 602-876-1000.

Every time you post, you prove how ignorant and how much of a dumb ass you really are. There are a couple of dozen divisions within the FBI. To make a generic reference about the FBI closed a case is moronic. You are dumber than dirt. I really do hope you are some 12 year old kid having the time of your life posting BS on this site. Otherwise, you are the biggest moron on the planet and need mental help in a bad way.

Every time you post, you prove how ignorant and how much of a dumb ass you really are. There are a couple of dozen divisions within the FBI. To make a generic reference about the FBI closed a case is moronic. You are dumber than dirt. I really do hope you are some 12 year old kid having the time of your life posting BS on this site. Otherwise, you are the biggest moron on the planet and need mental help in a bad way.

SWEETHEART, YOU are a LIAR, and a PHONY! There are NOT "a couple of dozen divisions within the FBI" who have different opinions on Bill Clark's death! How truly STUPID can YOU be?? The case has been CLOSED over 10 years ago, with help from the FBI and POLICE. This is a FACT!
The FBI, the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION has concluded that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES over 10 years ago! There is NO debate among divisions of the FBI. Only ONE CONCLUSION was reached by the FBI. There is no group of differing opinions on how Bill died! Otherwise, the FBI would have different opinions on many different cases! This is NONSENSE!
DO YOU really expect any employee or co- worker with a BRAIN to agree with YOUR ASSESSMENT of the FBI?? YOU FEW CONSPIRACY FREAKS are showing why you are really so STUPID! YOU'RE showing why no one believes anything YOU write! NO, there was NO murder!!

SWEETHEART, YOU are a LIAR, and a PHONY! There are NOT "a couple of dozen divisions within the FBI" who have different opinions on Bill Clark's death! How truly STUPID can YOU be?? The case has been CLOSED over 10 years ago, with help from the FBI and POLICE. This is a FACT!
The FBI, the FEDERAL BUREAU of INVESTIGATION has concluded that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES over 10 years ago! There is NO debate among divisions of the FBI. Only ONE CONCLUSION was reached by the FBI. There is no group of differing opinions on how Bill died! Otherwise, the FBI would have different opinions on many different cases! This is NONSENSE!
DO YOU really expect any employee or co- worker with a BRAIN to agree with YOUR ASSESSMENT of the FBI?? YOU FEW CONSPIRACY FREAKS are showing why you are really so STUPID! YOU'RE showing why no one believes anything YOU write! NO, there was NO murder!!

1. Once again you make a dumb ass out of yourself with each reply. By posting out of your ass.
2. There goes your angry Narcissitic rage when somebody calls your stupidity out.
3. To be exact there are 23 different divisions of the FBI so you need to be much more specific of which division closed this case and post the web link as support
4. There are no Jazz employees who give 2 shits about you or your bull shit especially your delusional posts on this public site.
5 Nobody in Jazz home office knows anything about your bull shit claims on this public site.
6. Until you can provide web based links to back up your delusional bull shit, you will continued to be viewed as an ass clown on here.
7. Murder cases can never be closed without an arrest being made.
8. Involuntary manslaughter cases have the highest rate of being unsolved with no identified suspects ever being made. 40% to be exact.
9. You did not know Bill and were not at the NSM.
10. Massive crime scene frenzy with meeting shut down the next morning which never happens cause of a heart attack.

1. Once again you make a dumb ass out of yourself with each reply. By posting out of your ass.
2. There goes your angry Narcissitic rage when somebody calls your stupidity out.
3. To be exact there are 23 different divisions of the FBI so you need to be much more specific of which division closed this case and post the web link as support
4. There are no Jazz employees who give 2 shits about you or your bull shit especially your delusional posts on this public site.
5 Nobody in Jazz home office knows anything about your bull shit claims on this public site.
6. Until you can provide web based links to back up your delusional bull shit, you will continued to be viewed as an ass clown on here.
7. Murder cases can never be closed without an arrest being made.
8. Involuntary manslaughter cases have the highest rate of being unsolved with no identified suspects ever being made. 40% to be exact.
9. You did not know Bill and were not at the NSM.
10. Massive crime scene frenzy with meeting shut down the next morning which never happens cause of a heart attack.

SWEETHEART, YOU are truly the epitomy of Ignorance! It doesn't matter which division of the FBI CLOSED the case. What matters is that it's been CLOSED over 10 years! And YOU DON'T KNOW there are 23 different divisions of the FBI! YOU are an obvious LIAR! Everyone needs to recognize this!
No one EVER asks the FBI which division made a decision!! How DUMB are YOU??
Neither do YOU KNOW how many Jazz employees are interested in HOW Bill Clark died. Especially true when YOU have continuously REFUSED to post HOW and WHY Bill was murdered!
The case has been CLOSED because the FBI and POLICE, have determined there was NO MURDER!
This is NOT a case of manslaughter, or the case would be OPEN. If YOU had half the brains, and guts to call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Information Officer, YOU would get the TRUTH! 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000. But everyone knows YOU are much too FRIGHTENED and EMBARRASSED to call!! YOU come on this board and spout YOUR phony CONSPIRACY FREAK LIES, and AVOID everything else!
Yes, I knew Bill and was at the NSM. Were YOU?? The meeting was shut down in part because people were upset that Bill Clark, a healthy, well- liked man, had died.

SWEETHEART, YOU are truly the epitomy of Ignorance! It doesn't matter which division of the FBI CLOSED the case. What matters is that it's been CLOSED over 10 years! And YOU DON'T KNOW there are 23 different divisions of the FBI! YOU are an obvious LIAR! Everyone needs to recognize this!
No one EVER asks the FBI which division made a decision!! How DUMB are YOU??
Neither do YOU KNOW how many Jazz employees are interested in HOW Bill Clark died. Especially true when YOU have continuously REFUSED to post HOW and WHY Bill was murdered!
The case has been CLOSED because the FBI and POLICE, have determined there was NO MURDER!
This is NOT a case of manslaughter, or the case would be OPEN. If YOU had half the brains, and guts to call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Information Officer, YOU would get the TRUTH! 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000. But everyone knows YOU are much too FRIGHTENED and EMBARRASSED to call!! YOU come on this board and spout YOUR phony CONSPIRACY FREAK LIES, and AVOID everything else!
Yes, I knew Bill and was at the NSM. Were YOU?? The meeting was shut down in part because people we're upset that Bill Clark, a healthy, well- liked man, had died.

There you go spinning the truth with your delusional warped lies. You continue to come on here and ignore reality and the truth with your tainted personal opinion. It's fact that there are 23 divisions of the FBI and once again you lie and say that is not true. You are a pathetic and mentally ill pathological liar. The truth means nothing to you. Damn you make up shit and say there are NOT 23 divisions of the FBI and that cases can be closed without arrests. Dumb delusional ass. And then you expect people to believe your made up lies.

There you go spinning the truth with your delusional warped lies. You continue to come on here and ignore reality and the truth with your tainted personal opinion. It's fact that there are 23 divisions of the FBI and once again you lie and say that is not true. You are a pathetic and mentally ill pathological liar. The truth means nothing to you. Damn you make up shit and say there are NOT 23 divisions of the FBI and that cases can be closed without arrests. Dumb delusional ass. And then you expect people to believe your made up lies.

SWEETHEART, what is amazing is that YOU CLAIM YOU KNOW there are 23 divisions within the FBI! YOU are a LIAR and don't know this!
When the FBI makes a decision on a case, they DON"T join together and make any decisions. The FBI INVESTIGATORS make their own decision based upon the FACTS they discover and sort out! They DON'T meet with 22 other divisions to vote on the results. YOU are truly a LIAR and a MORON!
The FBI determined over 10 years ago that Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES! An AUTOPSY confirmed that there was NO Foul Play involved, NO Blunt Force Trauma was evident, and NO murder ever took place. This information is available from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, or at 602- 876- 1000 (switchboard number). YOU'RE much too AFRAID to dial a number!! ALWAYS, there is AVOIDANCE!
As an IGNORANT CONSPIRACY FREAK, YOU CAN"T support YOUR claims. But our employees and co- workers easily see through YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT of the TRUTH! The TRUTH YOU refuse to accept by checking out the FACTS!

1. Once again you make a dumb ass out of yourself with each reply. By posting out of your ass.
2. There goes your angry Narcissitic rage when somebody calls your stupidity out.
3. To be exact there are 23 different divisions of the FBI so you need to be much more specific of which division closed this case and post the web link as support
4. There are no Jazz employees who give 2 shits about you or your bull shit especially your delusional posts on this public site.
5 Nobody in Jazz home office knows anything about your bull shit claims on this public site.
6. Until you can provide web based links to back up your delusional bull shit, you will continued to be viewed as an ass clown on here.
7. Murder cases can never be closed without an arrest being made.
8. Involuntary manslaughter cases have the highest rate of being unsolved with no identified suspects ever being made. 40% to be exact.
9. You did not know Bill and were not at the NSM.
10. Massive crime scene frenzy with meeting shut down the next morning which never happens cause of a heart attack.

1. Once again you make a dumb ass out of yourself with each reply. By posting out of your ass.
2. There goes your angry Narcissitic rage when somebody calls your stupidity out.
3. To be exact there are 23 different divisions of the FBI so you need to be much more specific of which division closed this case and post the web link as support
4. There are no Jazz employees who give 2 shits about you or your bull shit especially your delusional posts on this public site.
5 Nobody in Jazz home office knows anything about your bull shit claims on this public site.
6. Until you can provide web based links to back up your delusional bull shit, you will continued to be viewed as an ass clown on here.
7. Murder cases can never be closed without an arrest being made.
8. Involuntary manslaughter cases have the highest rate of being unsolved with no identified suspects ever being made. 40% to be exact.
9. You did not know Bill and were not at the NSM.
10. Massive crime scene frenzy with meeting shut down the next morning which never happens cause of a heart attack.

But I think it's important that IF our employees, both new and current, as well as FORMER employees, want to KNOW the TRUTH about Bill's death, they can merely call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, or call 602-876-1000.
From these phone numbers, anyone who wants to know the TRUTH of HOW Bill died can talk with a knowledgeable Information Officer.
YOU will learn the case has been CLOSED over 10 years, and that there has NEVER been any EVIDENCE of Murder, Foul Play, or Blunt Force Trauma!

But I think it's important that IF our employees, both new and current, as well as FORMER employees, want to KNOW the TRUTH about Bill's death, they can merely call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, or call 602-876-1000.
From these phone numbers, anyone who wants to know the TRUTH of HOW Bill died can talk with a knowledgeable Information Officer.
YOU will learn the case has been CLOSED over 10 years, and that there has NEVER been any EVIDENCE of Murder, Foul Play, or Blunt Force Trauma!

4. There are no Jazz employees who give 2 shits about you or your bull shit especially your delusional posts on this public site.
5 Nobody in Jazz home office knows anything about your bull shit claims on this public site.

4. There are no Jazz employees who give 2 shits about you or your bull shit especially your delusional posts on this public site.
5 Nobody in Jazz home office knows anything about your bull shit claims on this public site.

SWEETHEART, our employees and co- workers can choose at any time to call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. The phone numbers I give are VALID phone numbers! Try dialing the number, then when YOUR FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT and IGNORANCE consumes YOU, YOU can simply "hang- up"! I dare YOU to phone!!
602-876-1742, or 602-876-1000. The obsolete case# is 06-00885. Let's see if this is a bull shit claim!
ANYONE can ask about the status of Bill Clark's death!
YOU will hear that the case has OFFICIALLY been CLOSED for over 10 years now!
YOU will hear that there is NO ATTEMPT to search for a MURDERER, because NO MURDER ever took place!
YOU will hear that it was determined by the FBI and POLICE that there was NO EVIDENCE of Foul Play, and NO EVIDENCE of Blunt Force TRAUMA!
YOU will hear that the AUTOPSY REPORT lists Bill's death as being from NATURAL CAUSES. Myocardial Infarction. Basically, a heart attack.
Our employees and co- workers KNOW that statements by the few remaining CONSPIRACY FREAKS are totally FALSE!

SWEETHEART, our employees and co- workers can choose at any time to call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. The phone numbers I give are VALID phone numbers! Try dialing the number, then when YOUR FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT and IGNORANCE consumes YOU, YOU can simply "hang- up"! I dare YOU to phone!!
602-876-1742, or 602-876-1000. The obsolete case# is 06-00885. Let's see if this is a bull shit claim!
ANYONE can ask about the status of Bill Clark's death!
YOU will hear that the case has OFFICIALLY been CLOSED for over 10 years now!
YOU will hear that there is NO ATTEMPT to search for a MURDERER, because NO MURDER ever took place!
YOU will hear that it was determined by the FBI and POLICE that there was NO EVIDENCE of Foul Play, and NO EVIDENCE of Blunt Force TRAUMA!
YOU will hear that the AUTOPSY REPORT lists Bill's death as being from NATURAL CAUSES. Myocardial Infarction. Basically, a heart attack.
Our employees and co- workers KNOW that statements by the few remaining CONSPIRACY FREAKS are totally FALSE!

You are one sick and deranged bastard. Your child's games of copy cat info and reposting with your spin are moronic.
When's the last time you've done anything productive outside of your moms basement excluding playing an ass clown on this site?

You are one sick and deranged bastard. Your child's games of copy cat info and reposting with your spin are moronic.
When's the last time you've done anything productive outside of your moms basement excluding playing an ass clown on this site?

SWEETHEART, the TRUTH must hurt YOU and the couple of other CONSPIRACY FREAKS terribly! What an awful realization it must be for YOU!
YOU have such tremendous difficulty accepting that the death of Bill Clark was from NATURAL CAUSES!
YOU have such tremendous difficulty accepting the case was CLOSED by the FBI and POLICE over 10 years ago!
YOU have such tremendous difficulty accepting the Autopsy report shows NO signs of Foul Play, Blunt Force Trauma, or Murder!
YOU have such tremendous difficulty dialing a simple phone number of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept.
What YOU try to do is attack me for telling the TRUTH! It is so "crystal clear" to our employees and co- workers now more than EVER, that YOU desperately need Anger Management Counseling! SWEETHEART, please don't wait too long! YOUR anger is so evident!

Ha, you have tremendous difficulty living a life that is not filled with delusions and narcissism. Everything about you from living in your moms basement to making false claims without providing web based link proves you have a tremendous difficulty living a mentally stable life.

Ha, you have tremendous difficulty living a life that is not filled with delusions and narcissism. Everything about you from living in your moms basement to making false claims without providing web based link proves you have a tremendous difficulty living a mentally stable life.

SWEETHEART, YOU really do need to come to grips with YOUR IGNORANCE and FAILURE. If there is any web based link YOU wish to provide, YOU can do so! But there isn't!
Calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. at 602-876-1742 or 602- 876-1000 and talking with a "live person", can EASILY inform YOU that the case has been CLOSED over 10 years, NO EVIDENCE of any MURDER, and Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!
YOUR IGNORANT accusations only allow others to see how meaningless YOUR responses really are.
The TRUTH is that YOU have NOTHING to say about WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered. And EVERYONE KNOWS YOU NEVER, EVER will respond to any FACTS about HOW Bill died! NO CONSPIRACY!

SWEETHEART, YOU really do need to come to grips with YOUR IGNORANCE and FAILURE. If there is any web based link YOU wish to provide, YOU can do so! But there isn't!
Calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. at 602-876-1742 or 602- 876-1000 and talking with a "live person", can EASILY inform YOU that the case has been CLOSED over 10 years, NO EVIDENCE of any MURDER, and Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!
YOUR IGNORANT accusations only allow others to see how meaningless YOUR responses really are.
The TRUTH is that YOU have NOTHING to say about WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered. And EVERYONE KNOWS YOU NEVER, EVER will respond to any FACTS about HOW Bill died! NO CONSPIRACY!

Case closed. You admitted that there is no legit web based link that you can provide to support your bogus and delusional Claims. As far as calling the sheriffs office that is old news from 10 years ago that you jumped on 9 years after the fact. People were advised to call those numbers 10 years ago to receive police report, 911 tape and autopsy report. You are unoriginal and a flat out mental stooge. Haha. Ya sad Narcissitic Bastard!

Case closed. You admitted that there is no legit web based link that you can provide to support your bogus and delusional Claims. As far as calling the sheriffs office that is old news from 10 years ago that you jumped on 9 years after the fact. People were advised to call those numbers 10 years ago to receive police report, 911 tape and autopsy report. You are unoriginal and a flat out mental stooge. Haha. Ya sad Narcissitic Bastard!

Well SWEETHEART, I'm only giving out actual numbers to call to prove to EVERYONE that Bill Clark was NOT MURDERED! Yes, he died of NATURAL CAUSES!
What's the difference?? The phone numbers and the actual results have NOT CHANGED in over 10 years. The case has been CLOSED over 10 years! And the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office still knows the TRUTH! They always will, and anyone can call them. 602-876-1742, 602-876-1000 (main switchboard).
The decision was made that there was NO Foul Play, No Blunt Force Trauma, and NO MURDER! The FBI and POLICE investigated Bill's death thoroughly! The FBI did NOT force Bill to wear a "WIRE" and then murder him! WHY?? For what possible reason would they kill a sales rep??
But this is what was written on pgs. 5&6 10 years ago by some of the same SICK CONSPIRACY FREAKS who are still around today! Today they are too FRIGHTENED and EMBARRASSED to say anything about HOW Bill died- their phony beliefs! I really think that these LIARS believe the FBI will track them down!!!! This is why our employees and co- workers wonder WHY they AVOID SPECIFIC comments on Bill's death!! These IGNORANT fools live in a world of FEAR!

Well SWEETHEART, I'm only giving out actual numbers to call to prove to EVERYONE that Bill Clark was NOT MURDERED! Yes, he died of NATURAL CAUSES!
What's the difference?? The phone numbers and the actual results have NOT CHANGED in over 10 years. The case has been CLOSED over 10 years! And the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office still knows the TRUTH! They always will, and anyone can call them. 602-876-1742, 602-876-1000 (main switchboard).
The decision was made that there was NO Foul Play, No Blunt Force Trauma, and NO MURDER! The FBI and POLICE investigated Bill's death thoroughly! The FBI did NOT force Bill to wear a "WIRE" and then murder him! WHY?? For what possible reason would they kill a sales rep??
But this is what was written on pgs. 5&6 10 years ago by some of the same SICK CONSPIRACY FREAKS who are still around today! Today they are too FRIGHTENED and EMBARRASSED to say anything about HOW Bill died- their phony beliefs! I really think that these LIARS believe the FBI will track them down!!!! This is why our employees and co- workers wonder WHY they AVOID SPECIFIC comments on Bill's death!! These IGNORANT fools live in a world of FEAR!

10 years ago I called the same # that was provided on here and was told "involuntary manslaughter" was the natural cause of death. I also received autopsy report. It's lame that you come on here 9 years later and tell people to call the same #. Twisted sister.