Honestly, what is the point of this? Could we not reopen old wounds. I get the emotional trauma, but is CP going to be the vehicle to get closer for something that happened in 2006?Leave it alone.

SWEETHEART, the point of this has always been to speak the TRUTH!
It is important that everyone at Jazz or everyone associated with Jazz knows that Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES, and that this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years. This was decided after careful investigation by the Authorities, including the FBI, POLICE, Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept, - the county where Bill died, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
There has NEVER, EVER been any EVIDENCE of Foul Play, Blunt Force Trauma, or murder that EVER took place! And our employees and co- workers KNOW it!
The couple of CONSPIRACY FREAKS who push their misguided theory NEVER, EVER have disclosed SPECIFICALLY HOW and WHY Bill was murdered! And they NEVER will! This is the POINT of all this!!

Kinda like you! And just think! You are so stupid that you allowed yourself to be fooled by Trump. You fell in love with Trump early on and were so smitten you passed on Cruz, a clearly superior choice! Keep up with these rants, they just prove...

SWEETHEART, I gotta' admit, YOU are one DUMB individual!
How can YOU tell I supported Trump?? What possibly gives YOU that idea?? The TRUTH is SWEETHEART, that I DESPISE TRUMP!!
From YOUR dumb post, I am assuming that YOU are one of the few CONSPIRACY FREAKS still left- over at Jazz! It's really time YOU pulled YOUR head out of YOUR ass!

SWEETHEART, the point of this has always been to speak the TRUTH!
It is important that everyone at Jazz or everyone associated with Jazz knows that Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES, and that this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years. This was decided after careful investigation by the Authorities, including the FBI, POLICE, Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept, - the county where Bill died, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
There has NEVER, EVER been any EVIDENCE of Foul Play, Blunt Force Trauma, or murder that EVER took place! And our employees and co- workers KNOW it!
The couple of CONSPIRACY FREAKS who push their misguided theory NEVER, EVER have disclosed SPECIFICALLY HOW and WHY Bill was murdered! And they NEVER will! This is the POINT of all this!!

Exactly. Practice the bull shit that you anonymously preach on this public site and start telling the truth you poor mentally deranged bastard.

Exactly. Practice the bull shit that you anonymously preach on this public site and start telling the truth you poor mentally deranged bastard.

Thank You! It's important that the few remaining CONSPIRACY FREAKS now get the message from ALL our employees and co- workers. I agree that they are mentally deranged!
The TRUTH has already been absorbed; That the case of Bill Clark has been CLOSED over 10 years, and that according to The FBI, POLICE, the Maricopa County Sheriff's autopsy report, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES! NO Foul Play, NO Blunt Force Trauma, NO murder, EVER took place!!
To those couple of CONSPIRACY FREAKS who believe the FBI murdered Bill, IGNORANCE is BLISS!

But SWEETHEART, Bill did not die of "Voluntary manslaughter". He died of myocardial infarction- a heart attack, and keeled over! Period. This is according to the autopsy results given to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. over 1o years ago!
Talking about voluntary manslaughter, aka Blunt Force Trauma is MEANINGLESS, since he died from NATURAL CAUSES. Our employees and co- workers of today KNOW all this! CONSPIRACY FREAKS are NOT to be believed! NEVER identifying a "subject" IS NOT par for the course!! There was a captive audience at the NSM! The investigating authorities ARE NOT that INCOMPETENT!

Wow what type of loser posts on a holiday such as July 4? Apparently somebody who does not have a life and suffers from a severe mental illness. That's very sad. This same loser posted on Thanksgivig day and Christmas day as well. I guess when you are lonely and don't have a life, holidays don't mean anything. Pathetic!

Wow what type of loser posts on a holiday such as July 4? Apparently somebody who does not have a life and suffers from a severe mental illness. That's very sad. This same loser posted on Thanksgivig day and Christmas day as well. I guess when you are lonely and don't have a life, holidays don't mean anything. Pathetic!

SWEETHEART, I just knew YOU would be IGNORANT enough to point out that I posted on July 4th!
It's all YOU have left to comment upon! Since YOU'RE totally UNABLE to post on the subject of Bill's death, YOU can only hope to attack me for anything, including when I post.
It is so very obvious now that everyone at Jazz believes that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES! Just as they KNOW the case has been CLOSED for 10 years, and the VALID autopsy report given to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office shows this!! The report was also generated by the FBI and POLICE, showing NO murder, No Blunt Force Trauma!
So, as long as our employees and co- workers accept the FACTS and TRUTH, I'm fine!!
It's up to the few remaining CONSPIRACY FREAKS to accept the TRUTH! Either way, they're NOT taken seriously!

SWEETHEART, I just knew YOU would be IGNORANT enough to point out that I posted on July 4th!
It's all YOU have left to comment upon! Since YOU'RE totally UNABLE to post on the subject of Bill's death, YOU can only hope to attack me for anything, including when I post.
It is so very obvious now that everyone at Jazz believes that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES! Just as they KNOW the case has been CLOSED for 10 years, and the VALID autopsy report given to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office shows this!! The report was also generated by the FBI and POLICE, showing NO murder, No Blunt Force Trauma!
So, as long as our employees and co- workers accept the FACTS and TRUTH, I'm fine!!
It's up to the few remaining CONSPIRACY FREAKS to accept the TRUTH! Either way, they're NOT taken seriously!

Simply put you are a delusional ass wipe that has no life away from the delusional life that you live down in your moms basement posting on this site during holidays. This anonymous site is your entire life. It's all you have. Sad bastard!

And you're stalking them like a pu$$y. You're BOTH major Fuck ups and LONELY FREAKS !!!!!!!!!!!
YES SWEETHEART, interesting to see how YOUR complete STUPIDITY takes over YOUR lack of brains when YOU let YOUR ANGER rule YOUR miserable life!! C'mon now, YOU must know it's time to register for Anger Management help! And YOU probably need to take the couple of other CONSPIRACY FREAKS along with YOU! I'm confident our co- workers would agree!!
Let's see; Case CLOSED over 10 years, NO Foul Play, NO Blunt Force Trauma recorded, NO murder EVER acknowledged, decisions reached by the FBI and POLICE, an autopsy reported of death by Natural Causes, to the Maricopa County Sheriff. NO COVER- UP by the FBI, and of course, NOTHING SPECIFICALLY listed by any Conspiracy Freak because of their FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT, so they simply AVOID any discussion of Bill Clark's death! HOW truly FREAKIN' AMAZING!! It's no wonder YOU'RE angry!

Ya slack jawed butt munch!

SWEETHEART, it's amazing how IGNORANT people like YOU just can't seem to grasp REALITY!
Have YOU registered for an ANGER MANAGEMENT course yet?? In YOUR case, the sooner the better!
But what remains most important is that all our employees and co- workers KNOW the TRUTH about how Bill died! YOU have NO CREDIBILITY!
They KNOW the case has been CLOSED over 10 years. They KNOW the autopsy report bares out that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES. They KNOW the CONSPIRACY FREAKS are a FEW meaningless FRIGHTENED, EMBARRASSED liars, that nobody really listens to anymore! YOU have NOTHING left to say, so YOU continue to AVOID the subject.

SWEETHEART, it's amazing how IGNORANT people like YOU just can't seem to grasp REALITY!
Have YOU registered for an ANGER MANAGEMENT course yet?? In YOUR case, the sooner the better!
But what remains most important is that all our employees and co- workers KNOW the TRUTH about how Bill died! YOU have NO CREDIBILITY!
They KNOW the case has been CLOSED over 10 years. They KNOW the autopsy report bares out that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES. They KNOW the CONSPIRACY FREAKS are a FEW meaningless FRIGHTENED, EMBARRASSED liars, that nobody really listens to anymore! YOU have NOTHING left to say, so YOU continue to AVOID the subject.

Show the specific web based documentation from all these so called law enforcement agencies that you keep referencing? Slack Jawed Butt Munch fits you well. Hahahahahahahaha

Show the specific web based documentation from all these so called law enforcement agencies that you keep referencing? Slack Jawed Butt Munch fits you well. Hahahahahahahaha

SWEETHEART, YOU are nothing more than a CONSPIRACY FREAK who has lost any and all CREDIBILITY with our employees and co- workers!
YOU realize of course, that YOU have the ability to print out anything YOU have asked me to do!!
Why don't YOU call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, or 602-876-1000, and talk to them about the CLOSED case, the AUTOPSY, the role of the FBI and POLICE in Bill's death from NATURAL CAUSES, and that it has been determined over 10 years ago, that there was NO murder, NO Foul Play, and NO Blunt Force Trauma EVER suspected by ANY INVESTIGATING agency!
YOUR TOTAL ABJECT FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT prevents YOU from discussing the case! It also makes YOU out to be totally IGNORANT!! NO, it's NOT GOOD to be a CONSPIRACY FREAK!

Typical Slack Jawed Butt Munch! You make all these bold claims and reference points but refuse to post the supporting web based documentation to back it up. Others have provided documentation on here going all the way back to 2006 but you keep running scared and refuse to provide web based documentation. Typical Slack Jawed Butt Munch!

Typical Slack Jawed Butt Munch! You make all these bold claims and reference points but refuse to post the supporting web based documentation to back it up. Others have provided documentation on here going all the way back to 2006 but you keep running scared and refuse to provide web based documentation. Typical Slack Jawed Butt Munch!

YOU SWEETHEART, have provided NOTHING! Too AFRAID to talk about Bill's murder?? Too EMBARRASSED to talk about blaming the FBI for Bill's death?? This is what YOU CONSPIRACY FREAKS tried to do in 2006! YOU LOSE! Case CLOSED for over 10 years!
SWEETHEART, time to get your head out of YOUR ass, and accept the TRUTH that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES. The FBI was NOT responsible for Bill's death! He had a heart attack. Try calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and talking with them, if YOU have any "guts"! 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000.
Most of our employees and co- workers have called, and have learned the TRUTH! Just a simple phone call!!

YOU SWEETHEART, have provided NOTHING! Too AFRAID to talk about Bill's murder?? Too EMBARRASSED to talk about blaming the FBI for Bill's death?? This is what YOU CONSPIRACY FREAKS tried to do in 2006! YOU LOSE! Case CLOSED for over 10 years!
SWEETHEART, time to get your head out of YOUR ass, and accept the TRUTH that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES. The FBI was NOT responsible for Bill's death! He had a heart attack. Try calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and talking with them, if YOU have any "guts"! 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000.
Most of our employees and co- workers have called, and have learned the TRUTH! Just a simple phone call!!


Can you read? Why do you keep asking over and over for material that has been posts dozens of times on here? Damn pal that's insane.

Can you read? Why do you keep asking over and over for material that has been posts dozens of times on here? Damn pal that's insane.

SWEETHEART, referring to obsolete posts from 2006 is NOT what matters! What matters is what has been ruled in the last 10 years!
The case has been CLOSED, as agreed to by the FBI and POLICE! Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES, a heart attack, as per the AUTOPSY REPORT given to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. There was NO murder, and NO Blunt Force Trauma associated with his death! There was NEVER any EVIDENCE that Bill wore a "WIRE", and then was killed by the FBI! This is pure nonsense made- up by a few remaining CONSPIRACY FREAKS, who are too FRIGHTENED and EMBARRASSED to specifically discuss current issues!
All this has been RULED as to what occurred in Bill's death! Our employees and co- workers are smart enough to KNOW the TRUTH, and have checked it out for themselves!
Either explain YOUR thoughts on HOW Bill died, or accept the TRUTH and FACTS!!

The case has been CLOSED, as agreed to by the FBI and POLICE! Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES, a heart attack, as per the AUTOPSY REPORT given to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Quote

You just keep butt munching your insane lies on here. First off, it's impossible for any murder cases to be closed without an arrest. Second, there is no way in hell the FBI agreed that this case is closed. Third, if for some delusional and twisted way the FBI did say this, there would be web based evidence to support this delusional claim and there is NOT! Fourth, if there is another autopsy report other than the one that's been posted on this site, please do post it on here for all to see. You really do need to get a life and stop making this site your life.

The case has been CLOSED, as agreed to by the FBI and POLICE! Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES, a heart attack, as per the AUTOPSY REPORT given to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Quote

You just keep butt munching your insane lies on here. First off, it's impossible for any murder cases to be closed without an arrest. Second, there is no way in hell the FBI agreed that this case is closed. Third, if for some delusional and twisted way the FBI did say this, there would be web based evidence to support this delusional claim and there is NOT! Fourth, if there is another autopsy report other than the one that's been posted on this site, please do post it on here for all to see. You really do need to get a life and stop making this site your life.

SWEETHEART, The case has been CLOSED for over 10 years because it IS NOT A MURDER CASE! YOU seem to be having difficulty understanding this! And what do YOU KNOW?? NOTHING. YOU have NEVER ONCE presented SPECIFIC FACTS that Bill was ever murdered! YOU simply just attack me for telling the TRUTH, that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES! Where is YOUR EVIDENCE that he was murdered??
The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has all the PROOF needed about this case! So WHY don't YOU "gut it up" and call them?? YOU WON'T, YOU CAN'T because YOU'RE too FRIGHTENED and too EMBARRASSED! The REVISED AUTOPSY REPORT confirms death from NATURAL CAUSES.
The LIES of CONSPIRACY FREAKS have been destroyed by the TRUTH! And our employees and co- workers all know this! The FBI and POLICE concluded there was NO murder, NO foul play, and NO Blunt Force Trauma!! All PROOF is available from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office; 602-876-1742 or 602- 876- 1000- the switchboard main number. Have the "Brains" to call!

SWEETHEART, The case has been CLOSED for over 10 years because it IS NOT A MURDER CASE! YOU seem to be having difficulty understanding this! And what do YOU KNOW?? NOTHING. YOU have NEVER ONCE presented SPECIFIC FACTS that Bill was ever murdered! YOU simply just attack me for telling the TRUTH, that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES! Where is YOUR EVIDENCE that he was murdered??
The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has all the PROOF needed about this case! So WHY don't YOU "gut it up" and call them?? YOU WON'T, YOU CAN'T because YOU'RE too FRIGHTENED and too EMBARRASSED! The REVISED AUTOPSY REPORT confirms death from NATURAL CAUSES.
The LIES of CONSPIRACY FREAKS have been destroyed by the TRUTH! And our employees and co- workers all know this! The FBI and POLICE concluded there was NO murder, NO foul play, and NO Blunt Force Trauma!! All PROOF is available from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office; 602-876-1742 or 602- 876- 1000- the switchboard main number. Have the "Brains" to call!

More Vintage and delusional work of the slack jawed butt bunch! The fact that he goes into a narcissitic rage each time someone requests him to simply post a web link shows he is a total psycho man. It's 2017 and branches of the federal gov such as the FBI are automated thus posting a web link should be quite simply to do unless of course you are the slack jawed butt much talking shit.b