Let's List All The Things We Do Not Get With Contract

Now we get a reduction in cell phone reimbursement. Fuck you bastards. I will continue to rob you blind right under your nose. The more you take from us the more we will help ourselves.

So you don't understand that we are not permanent employees? WOW you are a moron.

Pension lol we have retirement options you dimwit
Severance?? Your a total moron

Frankly, we don't like your kind here. As your colleagues say 'get a real Pharma job' !! Oh wait, you can't so your here? Is that correct?

PS Please use a condom! Please!!! We need to stop dumming down America

Obviously none of us are that hot or we would not be in the position we are in! Working a contract job with each passing day getting closer to getting fired. When our contracts end we are on the street with no severance, nothing and unemployed again. For many of us that will be on more time on top of many times we have been unemployed. To be truthful, we cannot get anything else so we are stuck here all hating it.

Obviously none of us are that hot or we would not be in the position we are in! Working a contract job with each passing day getting closer to getting fired. When our contracts end we are on the street with no severance, nothing and unemployed again. For many of us that will be on more time on top of many times we have been unemployed. To be truthful, we cannot get anything else so we are stuck here all hating it.

Agree I could not get anything else. I am depressed and drink all day. I am 41 and a contract rep. Tell me I will wake up from this joke. This has got to be as low as it can go job wise.

"Let's List All The Things We Do Not Get With Contract"

A lousy unemployment check, a giant COBRA bill, and a painful amount of spare time with no money to go do something with it.

When I joined the ranks of contract I realized what a huge step down I was taking. I was aware the pay was very low. I did not realize how horrible the respect level was, that we are all thought of as temps and losers that could not get anything else. To be honest, I would not be a contract rep. if could get something else I just couldn't. I struggle with the bills and know it was the worst mistake I have ever made.

When I joined the ranks of contract I realized what a huge step down I was taking. I was aware the pay was very low. I did not realize how horrible the respect level was, that we are all thought of as temps and losers that could not get anything else. To be honest, I would not be a contract rep. if could get something else I just couldn't. I struggle with the bills and know it was the worst mistake I have ever made.

Please tell me you don't have kids!

If I had known how badly we would be treated by upper management, I am not sure I would've take the job. This is my first experience with contract and it's just so difficult to be "partners" with an Endo person - both of you responsible for the footprint - knowing they have it a lot better than you. Gotta love these reports that track every move of your day too. They are pushing people to lie, more than they're motivating us to work.

When I joined the ranks of contract I realized what a huge step down I was taking. I was aware the pay was very low. I did not realize how horrible the respect level was, that we are all thought of as temps and losers that could not get anything else. To be honest, I would not be a contract rep. if could get something else I just couldn't. I struggle with the bills and know it was the worst mistake I have ever made.

Talk about insecure, your must have been the kid everyone picked on in school. Who cares what others think, have some balls.

Wait for it...Wait for it... they will be taking more $$$ out of our paycheck soon by raising FLEET charges...maybe February...March...guaranteed! More for More sake. No, it's not to make budget, not to run more efficiently, not to address higher costs, not to level it out to industry norms, not to give a discount to our clients NOPE. It's to fuel upper management ego, power trip and CYA. Pompous SOBs, Just gonna do it! "We're doin' it!"

If you have accepted and are working a contract that is one thing. We are ruined goods. If you still have a chance and have not accepted RUN LIKE HELL. These positions are dead end, temporary labor and the pay is like minimum wage. You cannot possibly live on this kind of money.