Low pay and a feeling every morning when I get up that I really am not doing this. It has to be a dream. I have gone backwards at least 15 years.
Get up in the morning???? You can't be serious...Low pay and a feeling every morning when I get up that I really am not doing this. It has to be a dream. I have gone backwards at least 15 years.
Its a job, get over it. If you dont like it get out.... I promise you no on will miss you... if you were all that you would not be here....get over it!
Somewhat of an indictment of yourself. Apparently, you are also not "all that" or you wouldn't be here either.
Obviously none of us are that hot or we would not be in the position we are in! Working a contract job with each passing day getting closer to getting fired. When our contracts end we are on the street with no severance, nothing and unemployed again. For many of us that will be on more time on top of many times we have been unemployed. To be truthful, we cannot get anything else so we are stuck here all hating it.
When I joined the ranks of contract I realized what a huge step down I was taking. I was aware the pay was very low. I did not realize how horrible the respect level was, that we are all thought of as temps and losers that could not get anything else. To be honest, I would not be a contract rep. if could get something else I just couldn't. I struggle with the bills and know it was the worst mistake I have ever made.
When I joined the ranks of contract I realized what a huge step down I was taking. I was aware the pay was very low. I did not realize how horrible the respect level was, that we are all thought of as temps and losers that could not get anything else. To be honest, I would not be a contract rep. if could get something else I just couldn't. I struggle with the bills and know it was the worst mistake I have ever made.