
Great email today. Bragging about double digit growth and performance of the US team. Funny being that the sales force is at 92% to goal which will pay about 50-60% of targeted IC. Since they are not paying IC, they should go ahead and reduce retirement benefits and charge more for health insurance(Oh wait, that takes place Jan 1st)

Just some advice to management.........dont send emails bragging about performance when the majority are not hitting IC target.

Their response is.............you should not complain cuz at least you have a job. My response is you are correct I have a job, but un-motivated sales force ALWAYS underperforms.

So go ahead and suuuk my FING PIZZER


Yup...currently about 80% of the sales force is underwater on IC and all we get are e-mails bragging about double digit growth!

Bottom line is that the sales force is getting screwed out of IC.

The best will leave and Novo will be left with the bottom of the barrel. Seen it before.

Yup...currently about 80% of the sales force is underwater on IC and all we get are e-mails bragging about double digit growth!

Bottom line is that the sales force is getting screwed out of IC.

The best will leave and Novo will be left with the bottom of the barrel. Seen it before.

Where are they going to go stupid fuck? Those guys are getting paid my friend, it's the sub par producers like yourself will quit or be fired. Know this, pussy, you work for a company who is consistantly ranked as one of the best in the country to work for.

Here’s what I don’t get: when Victoza was launched, Novo HQ anticipated that it would achieve “blockbuster” status ($1 billion in sales) by 2015. The week before last, our CFO revised this outlook and now states that Victoza will achieve blockbuster status in Q4 2011 – four full years ahead of schedule!!!

How does that happen?

I’m baffled how we were able to accelerate sales of Vic to the point of hitting $1B in sales four years earlier than anticipated, especially since the sales force is chastised by management at every turn for their poor sales achievements and lousy percent to plan attainment. This has got to be one of the most successful product launches in history and you would never know it when talking with sales mgmt.
Something is not adding up.

My team and I talked about this yesterday actually. Its amazing. So highly demotivating to be constantly told to do better, improve, management is coming down on sales force across the US, then get this email bragging about growth and greatness.
Yes, I have a job. I can also get a job anywhere else. I've had 3 people leave my team and go elsewhere and its a shame bc they are amazing reps.
Novo shouldnt let the amazing people walk away. You continue to dick over your reps and they'll walk. Its happening everywhere.
This company use to be better than this. Its a huge let down to see greatness fall.

Where are they going to go stupid fuck? Those guys are getting paid my friend, it's the sub par producers like yourself will quit or be fired. Know this, pussy, you work for a company who is consistantly ranked as one of the best in the country to work for.

And why is Novo ranked consistantly as one of the best in the country to work for?

Because, of the incredibly honest great feedback the company receives from the E-Voice survey! Such a top notch company. Great ethics, wonderful management and leadership team.

Now I'll go vomit.

Here’s what I don’t get: when Victoza was launched, Novo HQ anticipated that it would achieve “blockbuster” status ($1 billion in sales) by 2015. The week before last, our CFO revised this outlook and now states that Victoza will achieve blockbuster status in Q4 2011 – four full years ahead of schedule!!!

How does that happen?

I’m baffled how we were able to accelerate sales of Vic to the point of hitting $1B in sales four years earlier than anticipated, especially since the sales force is chastised by management at every turn for their poor sales achievements and lousy percent to plan attainment. This has got to be one of the most successful product launches in history and you would never know it when talking with sales mgmt.
Something is not adding up.

Remember the reason that many of the senior sales mgt go along with treating you this way is that they know that they likely can NOT get a job in another industry at their age and with so many years in this, an industry in decline. They will do whatever it takes to hang on so don't expect change. They are legends in their own minds but never would be recruited to other industries.

Remember the reason that many of the senior sales mgt go along with treating you this way is that they know that they likely can NOT get a job in another industry at their age and with so many years in this, an industry in decline. They will do whatever it takes to hang on so don't expect change. They are legends in their own minds but never would be recruited to other industries.

That's pretty funny. I assume that pharma sales reps are highly coveted in every industry? Employers are holding position open in hopes that you will one day grace them with your presence? Ha!

That's pretty funny. I assume that pharma sales reps are highly coveted in every industry? Employers are holding position open in hopes that you will one day grace them with your presence? Ha!

No moron , the reps are in the same boat namely not all that recruitable, but are younger and less expensive. The sales mgt act as though they are world class and can go anywhere. That would be the joke. Get it now??

No moron , the reps are in the same boat namely not all that recruitable, but are younger and less expensive. The sales mgt act as though they are world class and can go anywhere. That would be the joke. Get it now??

You may be less expensive, but you're WAAYYYY overpaid for what you bring to the table. Nobody wants you at anything near the salary you make now. Get it?

Where are they going to go stupid fuck? Those guys are getting paid my friend, it's the sub par producers like yourself will quit or be fired. Know this, pussy, you work for a company who is consistantly ranked as one of the best in the country to work for.

High performers,smart, talented, hard working people can always find jobs, make great money and yes find better jobs than Novo. There are many people out of work but not many high quality people. Defining what a great company is depends on what you value. If your values conflict with the company values then find the courage to leave. If you stay then live with what is dished out. I prefer to keep my paycheck and the rest doesn't matter. Money, title, fear rule most lives, sad but true.