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Let the cutting of the FAT Begin.

I guess the joke is on us after reading Vince's email. No cutting the fat...we are going to expand!! Can anyone explain this logic to me. Seriously - I don't understand!!

It’s maddening! They are chopping up obesity territories to add reps and then no doubt there will be a massive reorganization next year to let people go.

You need to make friends with actual analysts. They read reports and look at graphs and think they have it all figured out. They don't know docs, insurance companies, the process or how to make sense of trials.
Keep in mind, obesity isn't a standalone market. Many people have diabetes. So since Wegovy isn't covered, just use the cheaper list price Ozempic. Great for Ozempic growth but obesity segment will only grow marginally.
Actually listen to the talks. you'll see where the market is going.

Every time I come on this site, I see a comment that is dumber than anything I’ve ever read before it. Most people with diabetes have obesity but most people with obesity don’t have diabetes. And while the Street may not always be accurate, the fact that you think you know more than someone who’s professional career is pegged to how accurate they are is absolutely hilarious.

My guess is that when the OCS expansion starts, you will have a multitude of DCS reps posting. when some of those move over, their abandoned slot on the DCS side will go empty and ultimately go away. I don't see the Educator position being combined into a Diabetes/Obesity combo.