Leqvio is a failed drug

I’m ready to watch this division burn to the ground.

Have you watched the last year? Because this division has been a raging tire-fire since day one of the Leaving launch.
I cannot wait for Entresto to to go generic so those smug, incompetent asswipes have nothing to hide behind - when the lifeboat sinks and they need Leqvio to keep them afloat, they'll finally have to come to terms with what a complete fucking disaster they've created.
You'll find Duane, Sandeep and Jeff hiding under their desks.

I had my phone screen. The bill of goods sold to me sounded good until I was told Leqvio launched a year & a half ago! I thought it was a launch from the beginning.
They don’t tell you this up front. But when I heard the term “hitting the reset button” and that folks had left, the red flags went up.

each territory will have 2 reps, I was told:
Cv1 Leqvio 100%
Cv2 70% Entresto 30% Leqvio 70%

This is a situation where they bring in external folks who are clueless about the existing shit show.

i did my due diligence. No thanks. I’ll pass.

I had my phone screen. The bill of goods sold to me sounded good until I was told Leqvio launched a year & a half ago! I thought it was a launch from the beginning.
They don’t tell you this up front. But when I heard the term “hitting the reset button” and that folks had left, the red flags went up.

each territory will have 2 reps, I was told:
Cv1 Leqvio 100%
Cv2 70% Entresto 30% Leqvio 70%

This is a situation where they bring in external folks who are clueless about the existing shit show.

i did my due diligence. No thanks. I’ll pass.
Great decision. I love how they said they are hitting the reset button. Nope, no they aren’t. The same buffoons are here with same bad results.

I had my phone screen. The bill of goods sold to me sounded good until I was told Leqvio launched a year & a half ago! I thought it was a launch from the beginning.
They don’t tell you this up front. But when I heard the term “hitting the reset button” and that folks had left, the red flags went up.

each territory will have 2 reps, I was told:
Cv1 Leqvio 100%
Cv2 70% Entresto 30% Leqvio 70%

This is a situation where they bring in external folks who are clueless about the existing shit show.

i did my due diligence. No thanks. I’ll pass.

best decision possible

Hit the reset button.
Hit the ground running.
Critical phase of launch.
What are my ethics?
All interview red flags. Do the hiring managers really think anyone interviewed is going to say that they struggle or fail with ethical decisions?
Hit the ground running? Do you only want people who are 120% qualified with no growth potential in role so they WILL leave in a year?
Critical phase of launch? You launched last year boss man,
And before you say I’ve obviously spoken with employees before interviewing it’s called doing my homework, but I guess you don’t want reps who will do that in their role.
all of the above are why I turned down your offer.

The minute they put Duane in charge of this I could’ve told you this was gonna happen. Did no one do any due diligence on this guy? At BMS he went from CV RBD to marketing director then back to RBD because it was obvious he wasn’t capable of any further development. He was fired in March of 2014 for screwing up the New England Region’s Oncology biz plan. Fast forward and suddenly he’s a VP at Novartis?

The minute they put Duane in charge of this I could’ve told you this was gonna happen. Did no one do any due diligence on this guy? At BMS he went from CV RBD to marketing director then back to RBD because it was obvious he wasn’t capable of any further development. He was fired in March of 2014 for screwing up the New England Region’s Oncology biz plan. Fast forward and suddenly he’s a VP at Novartis?

how long did it take BMS to realize that Duane was in over his head!?! I’m shocked that Novartis continues to have faith that this guy and his two awful, no personality, no innovation AVPs are going to save this “launch”. Newsflash … the drug has failed to launch due to the decisions this leadership team has made and continues to make. Their solution for everything is more pressure, more trackers and insinuation of doing whatever it takes to get this drug prescribed but then will hide behind compliance when reps speak out against them. Just trying to determine how long we will have to hang on before they fix this.

I had my phone screen. The bill of goods sold to me sounded good until I was told Leqvio launched a year & a half ago! I thought it was a launch from the beginning.
They don’t tell you this up front. But when I heard the term “hitting the reset button” and that folks had left, the red flags went up.

each territory will have 2 reps, I was told:
Cv1 Leqvio 100%
Cv2 70% Entresto 30% Leqvio 70%

This is a situation where they bring in external folks who are clueless about the existing shit show.

i did my due diligence. No thanks. I’ll pass.

90% of what I read on this site is bullshit, but I will assume you are telling the truth.
Hit the reset button?
They still don't buy data. They still don't provide meaningful PRISM data. They still have district goals, not territorial goals. They gave away a ton of free syringes and slapped them on the reps' goals. They fired the ISET team without any idea how they would engage with systems moving forward.
They still have Duane, Jeff and Sandeep. That's right. The easiest fix is the one that they simple refuse to make. Those three drooling, vapid dickheads are the architects of the F.T.O. train-wreck that is still rolling down the tracks.
Did you ask for any specifics about what they meant by "reset button"? Did you ask them why they would need to hit the "reset button"?
Or did you simply see the writing on the wall and write the whole thing off?

Anybody know what the ISET folks actually did. Supposedly they were to talk to the C Suite and make crapnhappen, UT instead they were relying on the Repa and Hosptial folks to make connections or do things for them.

Anybody know what the ISET folks actually did. Supposedly they were to talk to the C Suite and make crapnhappen, UT instead they were relying on the Repa and Hosptial folks to make connections or do things for them.
Nothing I could discern in my territory. I’m actually doing very well with Leqvio (in spite of the constant roadblocks Novartis constructs), but I will never get the recognition or $ for it, because my success is drowned by other territories underperformance in the team goal. This has been the worst launch in history and we have all worked twice as hard for half the money.

Anybody know what the ISET folks actually did. Supposedly they were to talk to the C Suite and make crapnhappen, UT instead they were relying on the Repa and Hosptial folks to make connections or do things for them.

So who is handling the corporate accounts now? Look, I get the frustration with the ISET team, but there is a massive void as it relates to contracting and system wide development.
For all intents and purposes there is nobody doing that work anymore, and unless you work in rural North Dakota, you need someone filling that role.
Maybe you don't see it yet because it was so easy to shit on them when they were here, but you'll notice it sooner or later (probably sooner).

Exactly the same people are handling the accounts. SOCs did nothing.reps are getting drs sold & whatever the frms are called now are working out the contracting. It’s not that hard when you don’t have some asshole pretending to work by creating fake meetings & irrelevant account plans.

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