
Run, don’t walk. 3 people have quit in the last month. Management is clueless, starting at the very top. Quotas and comp are changed on a quarterly basis. Micromanagement to the extreme. Blame, blame, blame. Botch launch of new product blamed on reps when management screwed it all up from the start. Top heavy organization where reps are second class and all promotions are only doled out internally.

I’ve been told that none of management have any burn experience. How is that even possible to run a division without knowing anything about the segment you are in? Wow

I’ve been told that none of management have any burn experience. How is that even possible to run a division without knowing anything about the segment you are in? Wow
They don’t want people who have any knowledge of the burn space, because the princess would then be exposed. Why do you think people who knew the space are no longer here?

interviewing here soon...anything I should be aware of??
The manager MR is a snake. I have never seen a manager use another co-worker to work against you and then he works against you using HR with the most petty things. He has done this many times and this is how they manage people. Total micromanagement they should have you just read a script…the ELT is completely out of touch. Lots of favoritism. Worst place I have ever worked. High turnover are not a surprise.

Run, don’t walk. 3 people have quit in the last month. Management is clueless, starting at the very top. Quotas and comp are changed on a quarterly basis. Micromanagement to the extreme. Blame, blame, blame. Botch launch of new product blamed on reps when management screwed it all up from the start. Top heavy organization where reps are second class and all promotions are only doled out internally.
This is pure truth! They pre launched a product when it wasn’t even approved but was anticipated. They didn’t get the approval as anticipated and was delayed. They held the sales force to MBO’s and didn’t pay people as agreed. If there are any lawyers on here who think there could be crime….selling before an FDA approval….please respond.

the company likes to focus on reimbursement as the main benefit and this could be a violation of the anti-kickback statute…it’s a form of inducement. Any curious lawyers who like to sue medical companies?

I’ve been told that none of management have any burn experience. How is that even possible to run a division without knowing anything about the segment you are in? Wow
None of the new hires have any burn experience, even the new clinical hire has no burn experience. Managers can’t help them, they have no burn experience. None of that really matters as senior management doesn’t think Epicel is actually being sold by the reps, they think it’s just managed. Guess now that Epicel is losing market share on a daily basis and sales are in a serious downturn they might get it. Then again, maybe not? Everyone that was actually selling it has left, nobody left that can even show them how to sell that product. sad, but true.