REGN is a boys club with sexist and racist leadership.
thats right-and I fucking love that about this company. If you don't like it go find another fucking job snowflake
REGN is a boys club with sexist and racist leadership.
thats right-and I fucking love that about this company. If you don't like it go find another fucking job snowflake
At a time like this it would be good to have real leadership. Praluent folks have been there for the company
through it all.
Who has the actual power to do the right thing ?
It's rediculous to think that they knew this was a possibility at the same time they are handing out jobs to outside salespeople vs holding off on offers and being able to transition a whole Salesforce over to dipilumab and protect their own employees if Praluent got pulled. Shows how little the company cares about it's people and how leadership is incapable of thinking 2 steps ahead.
Well, it doesn't help leadership at all levels run right to their YES MEN to get confirmation irregardless of how bad the decision is. Therefore, REGN generated this messed up situation throughout the entire value chain from development through end user (patients) as displayed by patent fail and manufacturing fail.
How our legal and manufacturing leaders are still employed is beyond me..................?
It's regardless not iregardless...and you're employed? Dumb fuck
Leadership will be hiring more Melania Trump look alikes due to a better Palm to pussy ratio. You will fit in my Palm as well. You f****** pussy.
Been introduced to Her Bees then! Way to go bro...hey listen up you fucking pile of shit-youre a zero. Remember how I got you to suck my dick a few weeks back? Why so angry now then pussy pants?
DR rocks the tutu.Keenan drove the access team at GSK into the ground and is well on his way to duplicating that effort here. He and is illegitimate son AP will ruin this place. Thanks DR.
Wow, covered up another round of Regeneron HR felatio acts.
It's Sunday. Hating the thought of another upcoming flip/flop leadership indecision week.