
With Robin now a key account manager we can expect our major cororate accounts to be carrying our products as first line preferences. Robin just has to implement her "action selling" techniques and we are guaranteed that VCA, NVS VMG and others will be using Activyl and Activyl + as well as our Nobivac Lyme and the rest of our bio line. Finally Robin has the opportunity to show us unprofessionals how a professional sales rep gets the job done. Get busy sweetie the quarters almost over. Remeber no vacations and enter all your calls on your own time. That is what week ends are for.

At National sales meetings Honey Bunny Robin can tell us how her use of Action Selling and the fantastic results it has produced. The delight of her going through each of the 9 steps will be informative and laughable. It will be interesting to see if she even can remember the 9 steps. Go get them Honey. You will be a star.

It is unfair to treat Robin disrespectfully. Just because she has ruined the lives and careers of countless people is no reason to degrade and humiliate her. Of course if the shoe were on the other foot she would not hesitate in destroying your livihood and reputation and taking great glee in her actions.. She deserves all of the humiliation and disdain that she has earned but a good christian would not indulge in this type of justfiable retribution. OK so I am not a good christian. Robin is a wart that should be removed and my guess is that she will soon be gone. Praise the Lord.

Robin treated us as though she ran the plantation and we were her underlings. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the cotton fields. Get picking you have a quota to make. If you can't do it we will find some one that can.

Where have all the Summit posters gone? Could Robin have been the voice of Summit? I guess it would be difficult to degrade the sales force now that you are one of them. Don't worry Robin at your age you can pick up your bag for your first call and claim that you threw your back out. What age are you now ? 61?

Dear West Virginia trash, I take some pleasure in knowing that you have been downgraded.

Guess she will have to change her alumnai page for the Harvard of the south. She lists herself as Merck Director of Sales.After a career of climbing the corporate ladder and stepping over corporate bodies she now has to return to where she statrted. A lowly sales rep with no authority.

Calling WVU the "Harvard of the South" is both offensive to Harvard, and to the South.

"Harvard of the South" is a reference to Vanderbilt University because it's comparable in academic excellence and beautiful campus, noted for its iconic brick and ivy look.

Calling WVU the "Harvard of the South" is both offensive to Harvard, and to the South.

"Harvard of the South" is a reference to Vanderbilt University because it's comparable in academic excellence and beautiful campus, noted for its iconic brick and ivy look.
Sorry oh academic omnipotent one. No offense to Vanderbilt, Tulane or other quality southern schools. I believe it was just a goof on Robin. We should leave Robin to be what she was .The worst sales director in the 59 year history of Schering/Merck Animal Health. TAlking any more of her is boring. She is a terrible executive and her career has crashed. What else is there to say?

Sorry oh academic omnipotent one. No offense to Vanderbilt, Tulane or other quality southern schools. I believe it was just a goof on Robin. We should leave Robin to be what she was .The worst sales director in the 59 year history of Schering/Merck Animal Health. TAlking any more of her is boring. She is a terrible executive and her career has crashed. What else is there to say?

That place went downhill when Raul Kohan showed up. The guy hated reps and hired managers to manage by fear. Robin was a outgrown of Raul's personality. Why do you think the company has had such large turnover even before Robin??

Calling WVU the "Harvard of the South" is both offensive to Harvard, and to the South.

"Harvard of the South" is a reference to Vanderbilt University because it's comparable in academic excellence and beautiful campus, noted for its iconic brick and ivy look.

No offense to Vanderbilt. It was a sarcastic remark referring to our former "Dear Leaders". Alma mater. The South has a number of excellent schools but we do know West Virginia is not one of them. Sorry for the mis understanding. Additionally Robin is no longer fun. Lets move on.

That place went downhill when Raul Kohan showed up. The guy hated reps and hired managers to manage by fear. Robin was a outgrown of Raul's personality. Why do you think the company has had such large turnover even before Robin??

Raul's meaness was off set by Tom B and Bruce M. Once those two were gone it allowed Raul to bring in Hubert who then made Robin National sales Director. Before Hubert it was much more professional and productive.When ever Hubert was confronted by Robin he immediatly held up his hands and surrendered.He is now in France sipping wine and counting his severance bonus.

Calling WVU the "Harvard of the South" is both offensive to Harvard, and to the South.

"Harvard of the South" is a reference to Vanderbilt University because it's comparable in academic excellence and beautiful campus, noted for its iconic brick and ivy look.

Probably why their football team is where it is at.

Despite your disparaging words regarding Bruce's weight challenge more than 80 percent of the sales force received bonus payments. If a product was on back order it was removed from our quota. he stood up to Raul and took the heat for the whole sales force and would not back down. yea he was heavy but he was always there to defend the sales force. AS FAR AS Paul no doubt he was eccentric and after 25 years Robin came up with an excuse to force him out. There has been none worse then Robin. That can not be questioned.

Despite your disparaging words regarding Bruce's weight challenge more than 80 percent of the sales force received bonus payments. If a product was on back order it was removed from our quota. he stood up to Raul and took the heat for the whole sales force and would not back down. yea he was heavy but he was always there to defend the sales force. AS FAR AS Paul no doubt he was eccentric and after 25 years Robin came up with an excuse to force him out. There has been none worse then Robin. That can not be questioned.

Old timer here. Yup. Bruce was big but he always fought for us. When he was director of sales my bonus checks were very healthy, When they placed him on the S-List and took key products from him and assigned them to Andy we had Andy handeling the marketing of major products and Robin as Sales Director. I'll be out soon but that is when the good ship Schering began to sink. Robin made sure to keep steering the boat into the iceburg. You go girl! You rock! Can some one explain to me what Robin's new position entails?

Robin's new position entails training distributors and influencing National/Key accounts. She is in this new role as a promotion to expand that part of the business. She has the knowledge and charisma to get distributors and corporate accounts to want Merck products!