Leadership Summit

And there it is....Straight from the horses ass mouth. Marketing things sales input is useless. This is why Novo will continue to spend millions on materials that are worthless. case closed.

"You people just dont know how to implement the excellent materials we give you! We had focus panels across the country that told us that your doctors really wanted to see _----"!

I think a perfect example is the use of tablets by pharma. How many managers or marketing people have told us how doctors really prefer tablets to print detail aids and stuff. YEAH, RIGHT!
Anyone here seen their doctors doors be kicked open as a result of tablets being used by reps? How about the institutional or AE side? Anyone have real-world case studies where tablets have improved access and time with big customers?

"You people just dont know how to implement the excellent materials we give you! We had focus panels across the country that told us that your doctors really wanted to see _----"!

I think a perfect example is the use of tablets by pharma. How many managers or marketing people have told us how doctors really prefer tablets to print detail aids and stuff. YEAH, RIGHT!
Anyone here seen their doctors doors be kicked open as a result of tablets being used by reps? How about the institutional or AE side? Anyone have real-world case studies where tablets have improved access and time with big customers?

Real-world case studies? I thought this company only believed in Observational studies?

And there it is....Straight from the horses ass mouth. Marketing things sales input is useless. This is why Novo will continue to spend millions on materials that are worthless. case closed.

Smarty Pants, I'm not really from Marketing. I just like to yank your chain and see you get all excited. Quit thinking those that post on CP are telling the truth or even work for this company. It's just too easy to get you (and the grandpa that posted earlier as well) all worked up. Thanks for being my entertainment!

Smarty Pants, I'm not really from Marketing. I just like to yank your chain and see you get all excited. Quit thinking those that post on CP are telling the truth or even work for this company. It's just too easy to get you (and the grandpa that posted earlier as well) all worked up. Thanks for being my entertainment!

oooooo-weeeeee......you got me. Or are grandpa and smartypants the same person? And 44Q guy? Maybe this whole thread was just one person -- and you. Dang. you are SOOOO smart.