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Leadership Summit

Brand strategy be damned!! Just do what you want to do, without oversight or data to back up your approach. Sounds like a great recipe, pal!!

The data is results you dimwit. The oversight is self-control and discipline. Docs could give a rats ass about your version of brand strategy. But keep creating all those cool and worthless collateral materials from your cubicle.

The data is results you dimwit. The oversight is self-control and discipline. Docs could give a rats ass about your version of brand strategy. But keep creating all those cool and worthless collateral materials from your cubicle.

Funny. A Sales Rep who thinks they know Marketing. Of course, you know everything, right?. I'm sure your "self-control" will keep you 100% compliant with policies and the pharma guidelines as well, huh? I love the self-monitoring program you're trying to set-up. I'm sure it will work great. Plus, I'm sure your hunch about what works well with docs is better than any ATU data that we have, too. Why don't you go ahead and set-up our next few clinical trials as well--I'm sure you feel qualified to do that.

Thanks for being a typical Sales person, though. You can do it all without anyone's help or expertise. Because you think it, it must be true, right? Funnny!

Funny. A Sales Rep who thinks they know Marketing. Of course, you know everything, right?. I'm sure your "self-control" will keep you 100% compliant with policies and the pharma guidelines as well, huh? I love the self-monitoring program you're trying to set-up. I'm sure it will work great. Plus, I'm sure your hunch about what works well with docs is better than any ATU data that we have, too. Why don't you go ahead and set-up our next few clinical trials as well--I'm sure you feel qualified to do that.

Thanks for being a typical Sales person, though. You can do it all without anyone's help or expertise. Because you think it, it must be true, right? Funnny!

Goodness gracious.....so defensive! I've been in the industry since before you were receiving trophies and grape son-cones for standing on a t-ball field. Since you seem to have a comprehension problem, I'll say it again....I'm not a rep, though I spent my time there learning the ropes. Until you know what it's really like gaining the confidence of docs and working a territory, you will continue to produce marketing materials that sales reps don't need or want. If marketing would actually listen to what those in the field have to say, perhaps that wastefulness could end. Your reaction to this very post demonstrates why it won't happen.

Goodness gracious.....so defensive! I've been in the industry since before you were receiving trophies and grape son-cones for standing on a t-ball field. Since you seem to have a comprehension problem, I'll say it again....I'm not a rep, though I spent my time there learning the ropes. Until you know what it's really like gaining the confidence of docs and working a territory, you will continue to produce marketing materials that sales reps don't need or want. If marketing would actually listen to what those in the field have to say, perhaps that wastefulness could end. Your reaction to this very post demonstrates why it won't happen.

The marketing folks know in their hearts that they are essentially obsolete. Soon the rules will have us using the Package Insert only to talk to the doctors which means that a large number of marketing people are unnecessary. Its their worst case scenario , remember they are the "brains" and we are just tools to execute their plan. What happens if sales ends up being needed and marketing largely goes away??? They'll just freak out.

Goodness gracious.....so defensive! I've been in the industry since before you were receiving trophies and grape son-cones for standing on a t-ball field. Since you seem to have a comprehension problem, I'll say it again....I'm not a rep, though I spent my time there learning the ropes. Until you know what it's really like gaining the confidence of docs and working a territory, you will continue to produce marketing materials that sales reps don't need or want. If marketing would actually listen to what those in the field have to say, perhaps that wastefulness could end. Your reaction to this very post demonstrates why it won't happen.

Our marketing teams have every reason to be defensive. Spend some time with them, and you'll see what most of us have long suspected. We should've put a policy in place that all marketers spend at least one year in the field as a rep. And not just one of those always-do-well spots, either, but a territory in an area of the country where we have the least amount of access.
This is hugely impractical, I know. But it would cut out some of the incredible waste we've been seeing since 2008 or so. I also wish that more senior-level folks would do more than rely on the AVPs and RBDs for territory and district-level info. They need a dose of reality---too many of those former BMS Merck and Pfizer mopes are there because they are sycophants of someone with some "power".

Goodness gracious.....so defensive! I've been in the industry since before you were receiving trophies and grape son-cones for standing on a t-ball field. Since you seem to have a comprehension problem, I'll say it again....I'm not a rep, though I spent my time there learning the ropes. Until you know what it's really like gaining the confidence of docs and working a territory, you will continue to produce marketing materials that sales reps don't need or want. If marketing would actually listen to what those in the field have to say, perhaps that wastefulness could end. Your reaction to this very post demonstrates why it won't happen.

Defensive? OK, if you say so. I simply pointed out that you were making a foolish argument. I also love this argument as well--you've been out there a long time, so you must know what you're doing? Don't confuse tenure with competence, old man. It's guys like you that got us into the shit we're in right now in this industry. Everyone's hands are tied because Sales people always thought they could do it their way. It didn't work. It resulted in the most heavily scrutinized and limited industry in the world. Congrats, grandpa. Forgive me if I take your experience with a grain of salt.

The issue with listening to the field is this--3000 reps, 3000 opinions. All think they are right, but none have anything besides their gut feelings to back it up. When things don't work out, you blame the Marketing materials and the messaging, because (GASP!), it couldn't be you, could it? Again, get over yourself. Plus, gramps, I think it's time you move on. This industry has passed you by.

Our marketing teams have every reason to be defensive. Spend some time with them, and you'll see what most of us have long suspected. We should've put a policy in place that all marketers spend at least one year in the field as a rep. And not just one of those always-do-well spots, either, but a territory in an area of the country where we have the least amount of access.
This is hugely impractical, I know. But it would cut out some of the incredible waste we've been seeing since 2008 or so. I also wish that more senior-level folks would do more than rely on the AVPs and RBDs for territory and district-level info. They need a dose of reality---too many of those former BMS Merck and Pfizer mopes are there because they are sycophants of someone with some "power".

Good to see you've now moved on to counseling the career progression of the Marketing team. There's nothing you don't think you know, is there, Sales Guy?

The marketing folks know in their hearts that they are essentially obsolete. Soon the rules will have us using the Package Insert only to talk to the doctors which means that a large number of marketing people are unnecessary. Its their worst case scenario , remember they are the "brains" and we are just tools to execute their plan. What happens if sales ends up being needed and marketing largely goes away??? They'll just freak out.

Nice post. Sales people fuck up (by doing it their own way) and get multi-million dollar fines, but it's Marketing that will be obsolete? Nice try. Your days are numbered in this world of Compliance we live in....

Good to see you've now moved on to counseling the career progression of the Marketing team. There's nothing you don't think you know, is there, Sales Guy?

The only possible good that comes out of the delay of our new products is that I hope some of our would-be marketing drones will have to find a real job. Looking at LinkedIn, I see a lot of former pharmaceutical marketers doing DTC stuff like Exedrin, Advil, Prevacid and others. Ooo. Very impressive! "Focus groups seem to like the packaging with a deeper purple. Can we get your Art Director to mock up some pantones with a deeper purple? OK, I have to run now. Its 1:20pm. Summer Friday is calling!"

Dweebs. Your stuff is worthless, doctors hate our corny Madison Avenue approach, but you drones dont listen.

Defensive? OK, if you say so. I simply pointed out that you were making a foolish argument. I also love this argument as well--you've been out there a long time, so you must know what you're doing? Don't confuse tenure with competence, old man. It's guys like you that got us into the shit we're in right now in this industry. Everyone's hands are tied because Sales people always thought they could do it their way. It didn't work. It resulted in the most heavily scrutinized and limited industry in the world. Congrats, grandpa. Forgive me if I take your experience with a grain of salt.

The issue with listening to the field is this--3000 reps, 3000 opinions. All think they are right, but none have anything besides their gut feelings to back it up. When things don't work out, you blame the Marketing materials and the messaging, because (GASP!), it couldn't be you, could it? Again, get over yourself. Plus, gramps, I think it's time you move on. This industry has passed you by.

The last sentence applies to everyone in pharma. This entire industry is soon to be history. Any job in pharma is a joke, and if your honest with yourself you know it is true. It doesn't matter how much money you have made over the years in this industry. Your career in any pharma role is a joke. It has been for decades, and you know it is true.

Soon, the Michael Moore documentary will be coming out exposing the entire pharma industry. Then pharma people will be out of work, and will have to find a real job. You know, a job in which you actually have to work for a living.

The last sentence applies to everyone in pharma. This entire industry is soon to be history. Any job in pharma is a joke, and if your honest with yourself you know it is true. It doesn't matter how much money you have made over the years in this industry. Your career in any pharma role is a joke. It has been for decades, and you know it is true.

Soon, the Michael Moore documentary will be coming out exposing the entire pharma industry. Then pharma people will be out of work, and will have to find a real job. You know, a job in which you actually have to work for a living.

You lost me at Michael Moore. He truly is a fat piece of worthless shit.

Nice post. Sales people fuck up (by doing it their own way) and get multi-million dollar fines, but it's Marketing that will be obsolete? Nice try. Your days are numbered in this world of Compliance we live in....

It's a shame. You're so threatened that you didn't even understand the post. Marketing doesn't exist for compliance reasons. Compliance will always have a place to help prevent sales screw ups. Its the traditional marketing people that will go bye bye.

It's a shame. You're so threatened that you didn't even understand the post. Marketing doesn't exist for compliance reasons. Compliance will always have a place to help prevent sales screw ups. Its the traditional marketing people that will go bye bye.

No one is threatened in my area. Go look at lay-offs in this industry over the last 10 years. How many headlines have you seen that say, "XXX Pharma to lay-off 250 Marketers." Replace that with "Sales" and you've seen in 100 times.

Sales, not Marketing, is becoming obsolete in this industry. You can only say what we tell you to say, or you risk getting fired. What do you actually sell?

The only possible good that comes out of the delay of our new products is that I hope some of our would-be marketing drones will have to find a real job. Looking at LinkedIn, I see a lot of former pharmaceutical marketers doing DTC stuff like Exedrin, Advil, Prevacid and others. Ooo. Very impressive! "Focus groups seem to like the packaging with a deeper purple. Can we get your Art Director to mock up some pantones with a deeper purple? OK, I have to run now. Its 1:20pm. Summer Friday is calling!"

Dweebs. Your stuff is worthless, doctors hate our corny Madison Avenue approach, but you drones dont listen.

Good plan. When there are product delays, it's always the Marketing Department that gets cut, right? Perhaps you want to reach out to some of your buddies in Sales and ask them why they lost their jobs (Hint: Product delays). The delay of degludec puts your job, not mine, at risk. Quit being stupid.

new to this monkey conversation ... face it itz been luck until not ... diabetes pandemic ... lantus cancer scare they taught us to exploit ... victoza daily versus byetta twice daily ... it happened to michael jordon, tiger woods, ibm and its happening to us soon ... they will get 2 64 quarters of growth ... they will get there by laying us off a thousand at a time just like pfizer ... pharm sales is all luck .. and u know it ... bunch of apes u r ..

Defensive? OK, if you say so. I simply pointed out that you were making a foolish argument. I also love this argument as well--you've been out there a long time, so you must know what you're doing? Don't confuse tenure with competence, old man. It's guys like you that got us into the shit we're in right now in this industry. Everyone's hands are tied because Sales people always thought they could do it their way. It didn't work. It resulted in the most heavily scrutinized and limited industry in the world. Congrats, grandpa. Forgive me if I take your experience with a grain of salt.

The issue with listening to the field is this--3000 reps, 3000 opinions. All think they are right, but none have anything besides their gut feelings to back it up. When things don't work out, you blame the Marketing materials and the messaging, because (GASP!), it couldn't be you, could it? Again, get over yourself. Plus, gramps, I think it's time you move on. This industry has passed you by.

Not very intuitive are you? You are making me laugh with all your old man cracks -- assumptive assertions don't work in this format any more than in whatever business model you're trying to follow. I know you probably enjoy making things more difficult than they need to be, but guess what? You wouldn't have to ask every single rep of their opinion! You do know about a little thing called sampling, right? Bottom line is you and your co-horts have no desire to hear the opinions of the people actually using the materials. Anyone who's been in ANY business knows that marketing should support the business goals of a company, not drive it.

Not very intuitive are you? You are making me laugh with all your old man cracks -- assumptive assertions don't work in this format any more than in whatever business model you're trying to follow. I know you probably enjoy making things more difficult than they need to be, but guess what? You wouldn't have to ask every single rep of their opinion! You do know about a little thing called sampling, right? Bottom line is you and your co-horts have no desire to hear the opinions of the people actually using the materials. Anyone who's been in ANY business knows that marketing should support the business goals of a company, not drive it.

OK. I'll ask 100 people and get 100 opinions. Same scenario. Every salesperson out there want to justify doing it their own way. As long as you've been around the industry, I would think you would realize one thing by now: Sales people think they know everything about everything. Their feedback is useless.

Not very intuitive are you? You are making me laugh with all your old man cracks -- assumptive assertions don't work in this format any more than in whatever business model you're trying to follow. I know you probably enjoy making things more difficult than they need to be, but guess what? You wouldn't have to ask every single rep of their opinion! You do know about a little thing called sampling, right? Bottom line is you and your co-horts have no desire to hear the opinions of the people actually using the materials. Anyone who's been in ANY business knows that marketing should support the business goals of a company, not drive it.

Friggin' brilliant post.

OK. I'll ask 100 people and get 100 opinions. Same scenario. Every salesperson out there want to justify doing it their own way. As long as you've been around the industry, I would think you would realize one thing by now: Sales people think they know everything about everything. Their feedback is useless.

You couldnt be more wrong. Ask 100 reps that call on hundreds of physicians apiece, and you'll get closer to true client needs than your BS "sampling" of 50 focus panel docs (whose pockets have been lined with our money).

OK. I'll ask 100 people and get 100 opinions. Same scenario. Every salesperson out there want to justify doing it their own way. As long as you've been around the industry, I would think you would realize one thing by now: Sales people think they know everything about everything. Their feedback is useless.

And there it is....Straight from the horses ass mouth. Marketing things sales input is useless. This is why Novo will continue to spend millions on materials that are worthless. case closed.