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Leadership by cliche = failure!

30 pct reduction in the number of VPs and Sr. Directors would be a good start. Leading by example would be another way to give the sense that we are all in this together. A guaranteed period of stability. E.g. No reorgs for 3 years for research would be another good thing.

so, what would you do? no cash, no new meds, no growth, loss of exclusivity on major brands.
point above on target
but whats the answer? what would you do to get pfizer out of this mess. cant turn back the clock.

Another fine example of Pfizer leadership. Your sycophants took out the people with the ideas because they knew the brilliant strategies of reach and frequency are dead in most parts of the country. But because they refuse to make pretty documents to make their bosses look good, they are gone and we are stuck in the cess pool. A start would be refusing to accept negative growth (consultants opinions) and then listening to the people who hit numbers on a consistent basis. They have the answers. Stop treating sales people like shit goes along with that.

so, what would you do? no cash, no new meds, no growth, loss of exclusivity on major brands.
point above on target
but whats the answer? what would you do to get pfizer out of this mess. cant turn back the clock.

No cash? read the financials there is plenty of cash. The current product line has plenty of growth potential, look at the pathetic market shares. There is just horrific leadership from the RPs to the useless strategy team and RBDs to the marketing teams who can only drivel out the same inane strategies. There are a few people left who still somehow always deliver the numbers like the previous post said. Go to them and learn! For those who were let go, go back and rehire them. Simple leadership is what is needed, not ivory tower bs that never wins the day.

No cash? read the financials there is plenty of cash. The current product line has plenty of growth potential, look at the pathetic market shares. There is just horrific leadership from the RPs to the useless strategy team and RBDs to the marketing teams who can only drivel out the same inane strategies. There are a few people left who still somehow always deliver the numbers like the previous post said. Go to them and learn! For those who were let go, go back and rehire them. Simple leadership is what is needed, not ivory tower bs that never wins the day.

Yes, there's a ton of cash. The plan is to squeeze the corporation so hard that there will be enough cash generated to go on another round of that vicious Pfizer circle - buy a successful company, take their successes away, shit all over them and then kick them out......

so, what would you do? no cash, no new meds, no growth, loss of exclusivity on major brands.
point above on target
but whats the answer? what would you do to get pfizer out of this mess. cant turn back the clock.

1. Stop managing the company SOLELY from the perspective of investors - especially short term investors. Your customers and employees matter too. If your BoD doesn't let you take a long term view and forces you to be penny wise and pound foolish in hitting next quarter's numbers, have the courage and integrity to quit.

I completely agree with the previous poster. Pfizer senior management has to get off of the crack pipe of only thinking about immediate value to the investor. I think everyone understands that in the end, Pfizer needs to create value for the investors. But most people understand that you create that value by running your business well. Focus on running your business well, and in the long run there will be great value to the investor.

I think we all understand that with the loss of Lipitor income (and others), that it would be irresponsible to not cut costs. However, when you cut costs by over outsourcing, and getting rid of too many skilled professionals, you hurt your ability to run the business well. You may look good to investors today, but not for long.

So when Ian / Sally / and all talked about being competitive and benchmarking against other companies, anyone else notice that they talked only about the benchmarking the expense of things provided to employees? What about benchmarking against other companies processes?

Our senior management seems to completely miss the idea of running the business well, and only pays homage in the form of hollow cliches.

The two previous posts are spot on and underscore the disconnect with the leadership messages. Less with less is all about the next qtr and own it is an attempt to gain commitment for the future. They don't even see the silly shortfall of their own clichés. Sad.

Absolutely agree with the previous few posters. Every thing this management team talks about is directed at short term stockholder value, most of the time at the expense of the employees. I understand you need to creat stockholder value, but it is much harder to do if you have an unmotivated and abused workforce who have been conditioned by this management team to focus on their own welfare.

Leadership says " Do as I say , not as I do." Stop thinking in terms that make common sence. Think more in terms of what can we sell next so that I can keep the stock price up unti I am ready to cash in those option and make some mega buck. You are so blind to think that I care about you when you are only employee #86231 to me. Now get out there and sell. Remember, the right message to the right customer with the right frequency delivers results. There was some desk jockey in marketing that came up with that one and it was orignally shot down. I used the same words but moved my hands when I talked and the other members of senior management gave me a standing ovation. How about this cliche. "The rich get richer". In the words of David Chappele ."Im Rich Beitch."

Even after the cutbacks/layoffs of the past 5 years, apparently there was still the tiniest shred of morale left for management to destroy.

And they did destory it, over the past couple of weeks. And management, as always, was tone-deaf (you just slashed our fucking benefits; if you're also going to raise the fucking cafeteria prices, just do it -- don't make it seem like it's part of your brilliant plan to restore shareholder value).

Also tone-deaf: beginning a conversation about aging at a time when a large percentage of Pfizer workforce is feeling less positive about aging every single day. If they redid those aging surveys now, just a month or two later, results would be significantly worse.

And, finally, here is one value shareholders will never receive again: my lunches, my evenings, my nights, my weekends.

I can't stand the two faced, box ticking, self serving crap. It makes my skin crawl. If i didn't depend on the income I'd be gone in a blaze of bridge burning glory. i started this job loving what i did, now i just watch as my sole slips away day by day. Being Pfizerised drains the life out of you, it wasn't like this in my last company. God why do Pfizer have to buy EVERYBODY!!!!

I can't stand the two faced, box ticking, self serving crap. It makes my skin crawl. If i didn't depend on the income I'd be gone in a blaze of bridge burning glory. i started this job loving what i did, now i just watch as my sole slips away day by day. Being Pfizerised drains the life out of you, it wasn't like this in my last company. God why do Pfizer have to buy EVERYBODY!!!!

If some of you only knew, the number of employees with this company who have suffered psycholgical damage, it would freak you out...

People, life is short. Trust me there is a better life away from this dysfunctional company. If you are in your thirties, get out NOW.

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