When will training begin for any new hires
When will training begin for any new hires
I have an actual question,
What will ride a longs be like? I’m not sure if offices would let 2 people back. Any insight ?
What are you talking about of course they will let 2 people back and your manager will be in every single call with you for two straight days
Yup, 2-days. A whole 2 days out of 45. Sorry about that. The good news is that it has always been part of the deal that we signed up for. Remember?
The good news is that’s pretty much all we need to do to make a 6-figure salary and get a new car every 2-3 years for free. You people will literally bitch about everything. Gives the rest of us a bad name
Sales force will be reduced significantly due to this pandemic. Although ROI is high, the landscape is changing quickly. Guess the gravy train lasted as long as it could last. Imagine all reps being gone! With high salaries and all the buying power. I guess it’s time to make an early transition. I wonder what volunteer severance will be? I am just tired of all the worry.
I agree with you on a normal basis. But have you heard of the coronavirus? They should not be riding with us for 2 days. Not essential to our job
Here’s a simple fix. Lay off RDs. They bring zero value to the company. Keep 2 RDs and have them fly around the country. All they do is ride in our cars and get fat. I mean really, tell me how RDs bring anything to the table?
being held accountable really bothers you.
While I agree that RDs bring little value, they too will be gone when we go. Big paradigm shift in the way this company will be doing business. Who are we kidding? Salespeople? Really? I USED to be a salesperson prior to Pharma. Now, it’s just activity. I think it’s laughable how some of our colleagues think so highly of themselves because drug is on formulary. That’s all it’s about mostly. Frankly, we are all of very little value. Wait until the announcement come. Sales force is very expensive for re-run drugs.
Very true. RDs exist so higher ups don’t have to get their hands dirty dealing with the minutiae of the field. That’s it.
Karen probably has her family convinced she is a “medical professional”. Probably wears a lab coat to family gatherings.