
All respiratory meds are in the process of being sold. Next is to let go everyone in the respiratory field sales force plus, everyone affiliated with respiratory in the home office. This will save millions and keep us afloat while the future is being determined for neurology.

If you’re on the respi side and not looking, you’re in denial. They’re going to keep Inst and NAS (to keep TF in a job) and get rid of retail... It’s pretty obvious

How many reps and RBD’s can leave respi before this thing implodes?
What is this - last person turn out the lights? Positions are not being back-filled for a reason - less reps, less sales, even less chance of hitting the number.

It’s coming. Get ready. The end is near for many.

if you are going to post things like this and pretend you actually know something specific, at least give us some more information than “it’s coming...”. Otherwise you are just trying to stir up trouble and are playing the same guessing game as the rest of us.

I can assure you that not rehiring vacancies isn't a guess on the future. The only thing that remains an issue here is when. And, although I don't think it will happen - the 'when' could apply to rehiring and bolstering the sales force. At the end of the day, however, something needs to happen. Status quo won't cut it.

With approximately 35 vacancies currently, I would estimate that there will be anywhere between 10 and 20 new resignations during the month of January. If that happens, the sales force will be at 2/3 strength.
It's like Respi has 1/2 bottle of oxygen remaining and is still 2,000 feet from reaching the summit of Mt. Everest - and the clock just struck noon. Do the math.

I can assure you that not rehiring vacancies isn't a guess on the future. The only thing that remains an issue here is when. And, although I don't think it will happen - the 'when' could apply to rehiring and bolstering the sales force. At the end of the day, however, something needs to happen. Status quo won't cut it.

With approximately 35 vacancies currently, I would estimate that there will be anywhere between 10 and 20 new resignations during the month of January. If that happens, the sales force will be at 2/3 strength.
It's like Respi has 1/2 bottle of oxygen remaining and is still 2,000 feet from reaching the summit of Mt. Everest - and the clock just struck noon. Do the math.
I was told there would be no math on this site!

Get ready. There are major changes coming in respiratory by end of March. Most of you will not like the outcome.
Tick tock tick tock.

You are the worst kind of annoying. Posting your opinion like it is fact and pretending you know more than the rest of us who are clueless. Everyone knows some type of change will happen. Stop pretending you know what what it is or have any insider information. If you actually knew something you would just post what the changes will be. Just stop.