If layoffs are just "rumors", then why North FL still has 3 vacant positions?
1) Either prospective reps already can see Iroko has no future.
2) Since Iroko's future belongs in a hospice, Inventiv won't even bother to carry on with it.
3) The DM won't even bother to fill the positions and use it as an excuse to validate their negative trend.
I can almost hear her saying: "Sticks and stones, sticks and stones" .
Many reasons for not filling a territory. Maybe RBM wants to shift those targets around. Maybe they want to move the territory, or combine territories. Could also be as simple as no good candidates yet. Lots of worthless candidates out there you need to sift through. I see those losers at Panera every day. Also, does RBM IC incentivize them to sit on it? Maybe.