Great post!
you are right. there are too many idiots that don't know shit and this upcoming process will help them move on to a career that is actually better for them because sales sure as hell ain't it.

we need workers around here that can make it happen, not a bunch of hopefuls expecting the world to just bow at their sexy legs but stank ass feet.

get out there and get some shit done or accept your well deserved fate, bitches.

Honestly, who cares---I have some LARGE accounts, and I've seen my KAM----never!

Just like a PC rep . . .blame someone else for your shortcomings. I am a KAM. If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have business in those LARGE accounts. But you wouldn't know that . . . you're too busy having breakfast & lunch with your POD members. That's what you consider success. . . that you see them. Get to work you TROLL.

Stop fuckin cryiing about layoffs. If ur not on LOE and your doing your job you will be fine. We need to trim this fat b/c most of you scumbags don't do shit. I was in certification with a senior MSS that was in specialty and that bitch didn't know shit. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and make a difference. This company has our back, we just need results. Make it happen or ask to leave. Don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution.

As for your Oncology rants... Your whole portfolio isn't worth Aciphex! So don't act like you guys are the shit, b/c your not!

and i have seen many incompetent DMs who think their sole purpose is "coaching" reps and pretending to work on their many "office" days. just becuase the company protects you morons, does not mean you are capable of doing your job. try getting a management job out in the real world and see how "well" you do. you are just unofiicia;l babysitters with huge egos.

Hey Poster #65, sorry if I touched a the end, we're all in the same boat. Waiting to see if we have jobs. And from the sound of it, it's going to affect us all, so good luck.

Are the KAMs the same levels as DMs without Managing people?

Higher actually. I am a KAM as well and you could not pay me to be a DM. I agree its babysitting, nothing more, maybe its more babysitting and creative writing. Notice that your DM will never give you praise unless he comments how he "enabled" your success?

We are taught to cover our own ass first then light a fire under your ass next. I work 3 days max per week, earn more than your DM, and answer to no one. ITs a great gig, hopefully it lasts.

Higher actually. I am a KAM as well and you could not pay me to be a DM. I agree its babysitting, nothing more, maybe its more babysitting and creative writing. Notice that your DM will never give you praise unless he comments how he "enabled" your success?

We are taught to cover our own ass first then light a fire under your ass next. I work 3 days max per week, earn more than your DM, and answer to no one. ITs a great gig, hopefully it lasts.

Sounds like you should be the first to get laid off. Eisai can't afford to support freeloaders.