Layoffs looming.

So was this actually true or someone just trying to spread fear?

Regardless, you’d have to be ignorant to thinki that a restructuring including layoffs is not being discussed.

AG has basically been shut out, winless, since he arrived.

So he’s got to do something radical to save face. Not that he’d be right, but he’s got to show something different than what he’s been doing.

Regardless, you’d have to be ignorant to thinki that a restructuring including layoffs is not being discussed.

AG has basically been shut out, winless, since he arrived.

So he’s got to do something radical to save face. Not that he’d be right, but he’s got to show something different than what he’s been doing.

Yeah, absolutely winless (except in his mind when he shit the bed by lambasting the salesforce at POA). That was his win, not.

Are all the teams doing a NSM?

If they are it’ll be a repeat of Orlando. Ilumya team will get iced out because we are viewed as the downfall of Sun. I’m in top third and I’d rather get Wendy’s and sit in a parking lot then have to attend some bs awards banquet. It’s one thing we attend business meetings but the evening events suck. And for the love no scavenger hunts please.

Two things are going to happen. A lot of people are leaving in Dec/Jan, truth. Second, new Ilumya TMs being hired being offered/paid higher salaries so few resignations for that reason where people have been here since day one and that was last straw knowing some folks making more with way less experience.
Can we also please stop hiring the short skirts and the douche guys? It’s like being at Stryker.

Which areas?

If you don’t make your market share goal, you’ll be put on a 60/90 day pip you must sign and if still fail to meet goal you’ll be terminated. So what a Christmas to look forward to if you have a shit territory. Don’t bash the reps people.
Some people have no MSL, no interim MSL, no FRM, and ilumya is NOT on formulary with the major plans. Throw in high % Medicaid/Medicare and no ASOC and you need to be looking for another job. Good luck people in all seriousness.

Med Derm + PDT will be hardest hit. Have failed to make a single goal for a long time now.

I really think it’s a crap shoot as to what happens. i don’t sell Ilumya but was shocked to still see Tv ads last night. But perhaps the air slot was bought a while back. I don’t see Sun spending money going forward, I think the strategy shifts to full on cost-control. As far as I know, not a single business unit has hit their quarterly goal since the Ranbaxy deal.

Simply said, that can’t continue. A 5th grader could figure that out.

There are some good people still here, but really only a few. It’s become a ghost town, where careers come to die as someone said a while back.

There’s a complete lack of integrity, with our CEOs insider trading charges and settlement being just the tip of the iceberg.
Product quality issues, products recalls, mfg plants shut down by FDA, it makes me queasy.

The reluctant billionaire?

How about the reluctant employee ?