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Layoffs coming


Just got a text from my DM and he said December 22nd is D Day! Save your money!

Just got the same text from Doug Cole, he said it will be a company wide VM telling us all that TPNA will be shutting down the entire North American Sales Division effective next Tuesday Morning - he said it would have been Monday, but he's playing golf that day at a very expensive club and needs to expense it while the company is still solvent.

Hear me now. There will be no Takeda sales force next year (Jan 2012). Contract selling for the few products left making any money. We are all standing on a powder keg about to blow. There will be "shock and awe" when the announcements are made.

Mole here. The natives are extremely restless and soon you will discover their intentions. A very reliable source has opined that few will be left standing once the dust clears. As for those daily car drivers, they are in major jeapordy come December. An orderly evacuation was planned, but rapidly declining Actos sales has forced them to play their hand. Enjoy your holidays.

Mole here. The natives are extremely restless and soon you will discover their intentions. A very reliable source has opined that few will be left standing once the dust clears. As for those daily car drivers, they are in major jeapordy come December. An orderly evacuation was planned, but rapidly declining Actos sales has forced them to play their hand. Enjoy your holidays.

I concur. This is absolutely accurate.

Mole here. The natives are extremely restless and soon you will discover their intentions. A very reliable source has opined that few will be left standing once the dust clears. As for those daily car drivers, they are in major jeapordy come December. An orderly evacuation was planned, but rapidly declining Actos sales has forced them to play their hand. Enjoy your holidays.

Daily car drivers? You talking sales force?

Doubt it. No DM would send anything like that out unless he/she was a complete and total fucktard. Plus, they don't know anymore than we do about what's cooking..

Well my DM and I are friends and he just wanted to give me a heads up-he is applying for other jobs and suggested that I better do the same. So take it for what is worth-enjoy the holidays!

Hiring freeze is in effect for the HO too, a sure sign that layoffs are close.

Illinois law requires a 60 day notice period to employees in a mass layoff. In order for the layoffs to be before Christmas, the announcement will have to come in the next two weeks. More likely the layoff will be in January.

The layoff plan would have been in place for Actos LOE anyway, so it was just moved up a few months. They have the blueprint from the last layoff, so no big deal moving it up.

Takeda is a sad shell of its former self. Years of mismanagement and denial have finally done it in. It is a sick dog that needs to be put out of its misery. But the same old cronies and the politically connected will work their brown nosing magic to try and keep their jobs. The talented will leave as soon as they land new jobs. The average employee will be discarded as collateral damage.

And then the whole disaster will repeat itself (again) because the leadership never fires itself.

Good luck to everyone, we're all need it for what's coming.

Hiring freeze is in effect for the HO too, a sure sign that layoffs are close.

Illinois law requires a 60 day notice period to employees in a mass layoff. In order for the layoffs to be before Christmas, the announcement will have to come in the next two weeks. More likely the layoff will be in January.

The layoff plan would have been in place for Actos LOE anyway, so it was just moved up a few months. They have the blueprint from the last layoff, so no big deal moving it up.

Takeda is a sad shell of its former self. Years of mismanagement and denial have finally done it in. It is a sick dog that needs to be put out of its misery. But the same old cronies and the politically connected will work their brown nosing magic to try and keep their jobs. The talented will leave as soon as they land new jobs. The average employee will be discarded as collateral damage.

And then the whole disaster will repeat itself (again) because the leadership never fires itself.

Good luck to everyone, we're all need it for what's coming.

If that were true, why did we not get 60 days last time? We were notified middle of May and laid off middle of June.

Mole here. The natives are extremely restless and soon you will discover their intentions. A very reliable source has opined that few will be left standing once the dust clears. As for those daily car drivers, they are in major jeapordy come December. An orderly evacuation was planned, but rapidly declining Actos sales has forced them to play their hand. Enjoy your holidays.

Of course there's a layoff coming you fucking idiot. Because you can't sell, and neither can most reps at Takeda. You think you're a soothsayer for being able to predict that you fucking jackass. Hmmm. What can I do to prevent me getting laid off? Gee, I know, why don't I go out and sell something. There's a novel idea. Maybe rather than talking about the fact that there's a layoff coming, I should actually get off my fucking lazy ass and fucking sell something. Maybe if everyone did that we'd actually avoid a layoff. Fuck you, you fucking fuckstick! I'm sick of these fucking fuckers that want to just sit around and complain all day rather than actually doing their job. Leave the fucking company if you don't like it. FUCK YOU!

Of course there's a layoff coming you fucking idiot. Because you can't sell, and neither can most reps at Takeda. You think you're a soothsayer for being able to predict that you fucking jackass. Hmmm. What can I do to prevent me getting laid off? Gee, I know, why don't I go out and sell something. There's a novel idea. Maybe rather than talking about the fact that there's a layoff coming, I should actually get off my fucking lazy ass and fucking sell something. Maybe if everyone did that we'd actually avoid a layoff. Fuck you, you fucking fuckstick! I'm sick of these fucking fuckers that want to just sit around and complain all day rather than actually doing their job. Leave the fucking company if you don't like it. FUCK YOU!

Your post makes no sense. Why would anyone want to leave the company when you can work 10 hours a week and make a huge base salary. Goals are completely unattainable, but that doesn't bother me. Takeda must pay some of the highest base salaries in pharma so I don't care if goals are impossible to hit. I go to movies in the afternoon and dream at night about how my base pay just keeps commin in. I love it here. I'm never going to leave.

Your post makes no sense. Why would anyone want to leave the company when you can work 10 hours a week and make a huge base salary. Goals are completely unattainable, but that doesn't bother me. Takeda must pay some of the highest base salaries in pharma so I don't care if goals are impossible to hit. I go to movies in the afternoon and dream at night about how my base pay just keeps commin in. I love it here. I'm never going to leave.

I love it here too! That sweet Takeda breast milk is warm and plentiful - please keep it coming. I actually had the nerve to get my eyebrows waxed between signature retreivals this morning, and followed it up by shopping for three straight hours without a break. I then met my boyfriend for sex the rest of the day. Got in 10 solid calls with a few signatures all before 10:30am, and I didn't start until 10am - can you imagine how difficult that will be on e-signature? Oh my - it scares me just thinking about it. Have fun everyone!! PS - My bonus was almost 10K last go around - isn't that good considering I do it all in just a few short hours each week? Tootles!! I'm trending for ROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love it here too! That sweet Takeda breast milk is warm and plentiful - please keep it coming. I actually had the nerve to get my eyebrows waxed between signature retreivals this morning, and followed it up by shopping for three straight hours without a break. I then met my boyfriend for sex the rest of the day. Got in 10 solid calls with a few signatures all before 10:30am, and I didn't start until 10am - can you imagine how difficult that will be on e-signature? Oh my - it scares me just thinking about it. Have fun everyone!! PS - My bonus was almost 10K last go around - isn't that good considering I do it all in just a few short hours each week? Tootles!! I'm trending for ROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one will be @ for Rome!!!!!

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