Initial decisions made by ZS however those displaced in NS will have help via directors and area management in back filling spots across divisions. NS directors will be kept and will be leading new divisions. Folks I sit in the meetings- I'm sorry if the truth hurts or you can't accept it. Top performing reps in NS will be safe if willing to take other spots throughout country. Diabetes, Cardio, Men's health and MSK will fight for the scrapes- with how the plan sits as of now (well last meeting I was in about this was a month and a half ago but this is common theme for last year). Contingency plans regarding our pipeline (or lack of) now that drugs have not made it through (mglu, effient study, solanezumab, etc...still waiting word on NERI) plans will be put in motion.
Again this is fact I've heard it with my own ears.
Lilly insider