
supposedly there will be a huge restructuring for the King folks and Pfizer post Lipitor and based on approvals in FDA in June. Are any of us safe at all?

They seem to be doing their best to squash rumors to keep us working.
We heard 1st week October there will be cuts. Reps, RBDs? DMs?

Any scoop people? We are all looking/interviewing.


this is correct! WORD!

I say all you Pharma reps who have stuck in the industry as you all have... Waiting to be laid off as a result from patent expiration on big drugs should have not ridden the train till it crashed. If you did your SCREWED! Get a real job where you actually have to work beyond 10-2 tues-thurs. If ya wait, nobody in their right mind will hire you... Talk to all the masters that were laid off, see where they are now!

supposedly there will be a huge restructuring for the King folks and Pfizer post Lipitor and based on approvals in FDA in June. Are any of us safe at all?

They seem to be doing their best to squash rumors to keep us working.
We heard 1st week October there will be cuts. Reps, RBDs? DMs?

Any scoop people? We are all looking/interviewing.

No layoffs in 2011.

I say all you Pharma reps who have stuck in the industry as you all have... Waiting to be laid off as a result from patent expiration on big drugs should have not ridden the train till it crashed. If you did your SCREWED! Get a real job where you actually have to work beyond 10-2 tues-thurs. If ya wait, nobody in their right mind will hire you... Talk to all the masters that were laid off, see where they are now!

I love how idiots like you assume that when Pfizer has a lay off that the market is flooded and no one can find work. Good sales people market themselves and land good jobs. Losers like you bitch there is no jobs and spend your day on Cafe Pharma. I get at least one offer a year without trying, minor pay cuts and nothing to leave Pfizer for, but not bad. You sound like you got fired and clearly still wish you had the 10-2.

Ask all the masters that were laid off? The masters were all 55 years old. Who cares if they got laid off or left a year earlier...they still wouldn't get jobs. Who the hell hires a 55 yr old former pharm rep? Moron.

Ask all the masters that were laid off? The masters were all 55 years old. Who cares if they got laid off or left a year earlier...they still wouldn't get jobs. Who the hell hires a 55 yr old former pharm rep? Moron.

Fat dumb-ass like you with no skills, no one. Intelligent, hardworking person with other skills, like me, plenty of offers. No worries here! Go enjoy your pity party elsewhere.

Ask all the masters that were laid off? The masters were all 55 years old. Who cares if they got laid off or left a year earlier...they still wouldn't get jobs. Who the hell hires a 55 yr old former pharm rep? Moron.

So you know ALL the masters and none got a job? Wal-Mart needs greeters and I have yet to see one under 55.

Masters are now cashing in their branded Pfizer meds for cheaper generics and pushing shuffleboard with the hot Golden Girls.

and laughing at you pathetic little caterers, as we go to the bank with our retirement and severance checks.

Stay with deserve exactly what you'll get. Then, when you're in the street crying, think of all the Masters who made this industy what it once was, until all you little turds with no skills and a big mouth that says nothing intelligent flushed it all down the toilet.

Pfuck you and all those like you.

and laughing at you pathetic little caterers, as we go to the bank with our retirement and severance checks.

Stay with deserve exactly what you'll get. Then, when you're in the street crying, think of all the Masters who made this industy what it once was, until all you little turds with no skills and a big mouth that says nothing intelligent flushed it all down the toilet.

Pfuck you and all those like you.

Hey Masters, you green turds got flushed by the new kids in town. Deal with it; you'll be out of money soon and come begging for a contract job to cover your senior coffee and bagel with the other cocoons at Panera.

Hey Masters, you green turds got flushed by the new kids in town. Deal with it; you'll be out of money soon and come begging for a contract job to cover your senior coffee and bagel with the other cocoons at Panera.

you know i wouldn't normally enagage with such immature behavior but having been in two very different industries, i have to comment on you two.
first, to the experienced rep, settle down, you are letting a child push your buttons.
i happen to agree with your position that the industry as a whole has been posioned by the "newer" reps that flooded the industry in the last 10-15 years. pfizer was tremendous reason for this, as where all the big pharma comanies. they imbued a sense of class to a classless group and this led to a delusional self worth that just oesn't hold up under close scrutiny. they don't know what they think they know but they are willing, interestingly, to dismiss those who truely do know. btw almost ALL medical professionals know this.
so calm yourself. the industry is changing dramatically. contract sales forces will be a huge part of the future, which leaves reps like the child commenting out in the cold. he has no future in this industry with that mentality nor that lack of skill sets required for future positions in pharma. you, on the other are a valuable, yet , to date, unrealized asset soon to be tapped. in the next couple of years the "mature, seasoned reps" will be the only people comanies will be looking at. simple economics. cost effective over the long run, little to no startup time and tremendous relationship building skills at ALL levels.
to the little fella thinking your going to fly high, burning all your bridges as you walk towards the cliff. I hope you never have to face losing your job for any reason, but you will. and when it happens, your attitude will betray you. most likely the person interviewing you will be someone like me. and i am extremely adept at seeing through fakes who think thier resume is stellar, and it may be, on paper, but i have seen enough mediocre resumes with stellar candidates to know who is real and who is not.
you are not.
The fact that you come here, not to educate yourself as to what the underlying currents in the company and industry as a whole are, but to attck and try to belittle others who you could truely benefit from, speak volumes about you.
i would wish you luck in your future but i don't honestly think it will help you.
you will be gone LONG before your older more mature collegue will.
i hope, i really do hope, that we meet one day in an interview situation. just to rip you a new one! but alas, that will probably never occur. at least not with me. i have faith that it will with another "mature" hiring manager!

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