Lay Offs


Message from the top.... company is aware that they don't want to pay the year severance. They will cut 145 reps and managers and 2 ABDs. Cuts coming in early 2011. One week severance per week of service. No healthcare COBRA option. Waiver will need to be signed to get severance that is offered.

One week of severance for one week of service? Are you sure about that?

Hey SmartAss, I am 100% certain this came from corporate because those idiots wouldn't know how to proof read a post to save their lives. Here's an example: we will not raise the price of ParaGard. Jesus do you think the doctors are that stupid that they don't remember that? This company from the get go has never given a shit about the big picture. It has always been "shoot from the hip" or "flavor of the month" marketing.

BTW op is dead on! Heard this myself from a very reliable source in the home office. Good luck, keep that head buried in the sand!

why in the hell would you have to sign a waiver? i said over a year ago this would happen after the deal with teva ended. i believe it or why would they have the ht team start copromoting seasonique? remember though they say they need us

why in the hell would you have to sign a waiver? i said over a year ago this would happen after the deal with teva ended. i believe it or why would they have the ht team start copromoting seasonique? remember though they say they need us

Scary! This poster may be right as the COBRA option is standard operating procedure with these lightweight fuckers. Shit!

Since you added so much to the original post please tell us where you are getting your information

I think anyone with any common sense could see the light we saw was NOT the light at the end of the tunnel. It was the light of an oncomming train.
I saw this when they started hiring stupid asses like SC and a manager who was a total tool. I left and went to a real company and now I look at these posts, secure in the knowledge that I have better ESP than Chris Angel.
If you listened to these dispshits and hung on, well you hung yourself. I have alot of friends still employed by these lying knuckleheads and I am so sorry to see my friends getting shitfucked but really, didnt we all see this comming???
There are alot of good people being hurt by these people. Really, the company has NO soul because management does not care for the Reps. They lie, they cheat, they steal. So Sad!

Agreed on all accounts, I just cannot figure out their plans; if these yo-yos are going to fire 100-200 reps and DMs why send everyone out to Atlanta in the middle of Dec only to lay them off 1 month later? Why not blow them out now?

Agreed on all accounts, I just cannot figure out their plans; if these yo-yos are going to fire 100-200 reps and DMs why send everyone out to Atlanta in the middle of Dec only to lay them off 1 month later? Why not blow them out now?

They will owe many of the reps here a years severance if they lay off before the end of December. They are trying to avoid that. They are trying to keep it all secret because they know people will stop working and start looking for jobs. They need everyone working hard right up to the layoffs, trying to achieve those wildly irresponsible goals. Crooks!

I left this silly company over a year ago. I saw the writing on the wall and it was very clear what was happening and the turn this company was making. I still have friends in the sales force and see that some things still havent changed. You have upper management lying to you, still no samples(seriously people you put up with this. Kind of embarrassing isnt it???), drunk managers still trying to manage and say they are the best, no marketing team, higher than achievable goals, and no leadership! I am so happy I got out and really wish the best to you all, but why stay??? The car, the measly salary, the health benefits??? Come on people you deserve is short and this is not a company to work for. What a joke. hahahahahahahahaha

Message from the top.... company is aware that they don't want to pay the year severance. They will cut 145 reps and managers and 2 ABDs. Cuts coming in early 2011. One week severance per week of service. No healthcare COBRA option. Waiver will need to be signed to get severance that is offered.

Makes sense to me. You have one group of people with nothing to do, a second group with territories that are too small and the third group with territories that are way too big. We need territories that provide a one month rotation and we carry all the products in our bag.

Makes sense to me. You have one group of people with nothing to do, a second group with territories that are too small and the third group with territories that are way too big. We need territories that provide a one month rotation and we carry all the products in our bag.

Yea because your really going to make a lot of impact on that one visit per month! Maybe thats the problem with this company, we have reps that think seeing an office once a month is enough!

They see what the ISR's are doing or not doing. If they do not hit at least 80% of their number they may be looking for a new home.
Higher pay than the other reps and not bringing in the numbers they need/want is not cost effective. CS and HT reps can do that for less..

In my territory I have a few accounts that I could see every 2 weeks, all the others once a month is more than enough. After all we are not talking a loestrin or Yaz volume here.

They see what the ISR's are doing or not doing. If they do not hit at least 80% of their number they may be looking for a new home.
Higher pay than the other reps and not bringing in the numbers they need/want is not cost effective. CS and HT reps can do that for less..

How many HT and OC reps are hitting their goals? You must be one jealous, miserable POS. There are many ISRs that don't make as much as some reps I know. You better get a clue and an argument because that is a fact. There are highly paid reps here...obviously just not you. Cost effective??? The ISRs are not making any bonus right now, just a 1,250 stipend even when they do hit goal. You have no idea what you are talking about.

No layoffs. Been called off due to Tevas desire to support the reps and their families during this recession. All will be given nicer cars and huge bonuses.
Will be allowing reps to make sales calls from the local bars via their cell phones.

No layoffs. Been called off due to Tevas desire to support the reps and their families during this recession. All will be given nicer cars and huge bonuses.
Will be allowing reps to make sales calls from the local bars via their cell phones.

So when you take that much ACID do you see god or Timothy Learhy???

How many HT and OC reps are hitting their goals? You must be one jealous, miserable POS. There are many ISRs that don't make as much as some reps I know. You better get a clue and an argument because that is a fact. There are highly paid reps here...obviously just not you. Cost effective??? The ISRs are not making any bonus right now, just a 1,250 stipend even when they do hit goal. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh, man...I feel so bad for the ISRs. A product that sells itself by price alone in the clinic setting combined with less than two handfuls of accounts must be hard work. What do you think has been driving the sales in the hospitals and clinics?!? YOUR SKILLS?!? You are offering a dirt cheap product to many people who have issues with compliance on other forms of birth control. Last I checked, the Seasonique numbers didn't skyrocket after the ISRs got their hands on it. Could it be you have been experiencing the same BS that we do every day? Or maybe you haven't even bothered to promote it because that would require leaving your house.

If you expect us to give a shit that you aren't making bonus right now, you are dreaming. We haven't been making bonus forever because of unattainable quotas. Most reps on the contraceptive team could handle making phone calls and dealing with credit holds ALONG WITH all the other accounts we have. Why pay you more to do less? You guys are freaking delusional. Jealousy has nothing to do with it. If you remember, the Blue team was calling on these accounts long ago and doing just fine with it.