Lay offs to come!!

Don't you think that is a test about your dedication and loyalty to the job?? That is a ton of time off when offices are open and doctors are seeing ALOT of patients because they have met their deductibles for the year etc.. Zogenix doesn't have a history of giving long severance or decent benefits (car or health insurance), so be careful what you ask for.....because 50% will gone very very soon.


A reorg is way overdue. For those of you that think a changing of the leadership will keep this ship afloat, I have some swampland in Florida I'd love to sell you. Do you delusional SAMs not keep up with Yahoo Finance? Do you understand the cash burn month after month with very little revenue coming in? If you're not smart enough to see the writing is on the wall and you should be well into the interview process somewhere, then God help you. You're not helping yourselves and deserve to be high and dry with no severance/benefits/car.

You're sadly mistaken. We at home office have already been told that managed care compinies will not fulfill our contract anymore once H is available. So to your point, Purdue will be under Zohydro when it comes to cost. As you know we've already been kicked off plans and that's without H on the market. And Purdue is such a strong company that can afford rebates. Yes, Oxy is Generic but they make money off every script whether generic or not. Plus their pain patch is claiming the charts in market share since Hydro has rescheduled. Now they have H out and they also have a strong pipeline. I'm disappointed that we will have to cut the majority of our sales force and possibly sell the company however, we aren't worth much. Clearly you haven't followed our stock this year.

PP rep here. Idk if your ur drug will continue to make it or not but things aren't a lot more cheery over here. This post shows u know NOTHING about PP.
1) Doubtful we will cost less - our mgmt feels our drugs our superior and deserve a premium price - always !
2) no strength in a company where 98% of revenue coming from a product that is about to go generic.
3) managed care hates us and we never rebate.
4) B patch claiming mkt share Lol !!!
5) pipeline

PP rep here. Idk if your ur drug will continue to make it or not but things aren't a lot more cheery over here. This post shows u know NOTHING about PP.
1) Doubtful we will cost less - our mgmt feels our drugs our superior and deserve a premium price - always !
2) no strength in a company where 98% of revenue coming from a product that is about to go generic.
3) managed care hates us and we never rebate.
4) B patch claiming mkt share Lol !!!
5) pipeline

LMFAO!!!! You posted that on their board! My brother works in their HO and found your post comical! Dude face it, PP is gonna kick our a$$. I wish it wasn't so because I like my job here but I've heard major cuts are in the very near future for us.

Mark this post from the Naive Department but as an outsider looking in, why don't you just slash the price, go to every payer in major markets, and cut Purdue's knees off?

payers don't give a crap about abuse. they only care about price. you're in survival mode now. just get some cash flow in. keep the lights on for a year.

I know the marketing guys get seizures when they think about price wars but you guys need to smell the salt and wake up.