Lay offs to come!!

Well I am spending this week and beyond looking for a new job. I wish managers and above would stay off this site with the BS and "rainbows and unicorns" attitudes. Sell that on your team conference calls and to yourself if that let's you sleep at night. The sky is falling.

Omgeeeee! Purdue does not know how to sell because they never had to before! Do you know how many physicians refuse to speak/associate with the Purdue rep! They don't work! So if you are worried ab the Purdue clearly aren't on you A game. I laugh at the though of a Purdue rep introducing an abuse deterrent's like getting a fat free/sugar fee recipe for diabetics from Paula Deen!!! Get REAL

does the morphine er or fentanyl patch rep work? or does managed care step edits do it for them?
Then what the hell do you think Tier 2 is gonna do for Purdue? Oh they won't get Tier 2? You think regional plans are willing to take a cut in their supplemental rebate on their OxyContin check? I didn't think so. think they would like a 3% kicker to NDC block the QD competitor that Zogenix makes? Wake the fuck up.

all the doom and gloomers need to look at the Purdue Hysingla thread. It will cheer you up.

The old non abuse deterrent OC had HUGE brand loyalty. Plans couldn't push back because OC was the only real game in town and Purdue had them by the balls with discounts.

The new OC is a big as a horse pill and doesn't have the immediate pop the old formulation did. It's not the only game in town anymore. If I were Zogenix, I'd price this sucker to move, kick the crap out of Purdue, and keep on moving. Kick Purdue in the teeth where they have the most leverage: price. If you do that, MCO's listen. They don't give a crap about abuse deterrence. They care about price, and the don't give a crap about Purdue. They care about converting thousands of Vicodin patients to a branded product. Period. That's big bucks. Purdue will face the same problem.

Well heard today from a VERY credible source that layoffs are coming Jan 2015. Our company has nothing to fall back on and with Purdue's approval we all know they'll have better managed care coverage. Tired of fighting for every script to just get turned down due to NO coverage. Our stock has done nothing but decline every month for the past year. I'd advise all of you to get your resumes out and start interviewing ASAP.

Have u seen the Hysingla data? Early Christmas gift, we will have no problems at all. Hysingla will bring us more scripts, guaranteed. Our jobs just got a lot easier.

WOW!!!! You are seriously delusional!! But I understand the company doesn't want anyone jumping ship before they are ready. It would cost the company $1,350 a day for each rep that leaves before layoffs. Our reps have families depending on them and as loyal as they have been for us throughout the daily challenges we face with Zohydro, we owe it to them to be honest about our near future with the company. I would highly suggest everyone to start looking at other opportunities. We have already been warned that once Purdue's Hysingla is approved we will be kicked off more managed care plans. We have been racing to secure our fate this past year but now the race is over and if you fail to believe that than that's shameful on your part and I wish you the best. I just couldn't sleep at night without warning each of you.

The original poster is just another Wall Street stock trader shorting Zogenix and trying to sink the stock price

Anybody who thinks this company has a future past December is delusional and/or just plain stupid. Our cash burn far exceeds what Zohydro is bringing in or could hope to bring in. The gentlemen in the C-Suite have no choice but to tell you what they want you to believe. They need to squeeze every script they can out of their salespeople before this thing is dead in the water. The company is on life support. Wake up and pull your heads out of the sand. Let's not forget, when they lay off you may be lucky enough to get a week of severance. Spend your time wisely looking for a job.

From another stock trader/hedge fund worker. These guys are quite active here

Well I am spending this week and beyond looking for a new job. I wish managers and above would stay off this site with the BS and "rainbows and unicorns" attitudes. Sell that on your team conference calls and to yourself if that let's you sleep at night. The sky is falling.

And another stock trader. Geez!!!!

Stock at an all time low- take the long weekend to get your resume together. Soon your expenses won't get paid and that's your personal card people- one or two week severance and then a huge COBRA payment is next. No happy holidays at Zogenix.

I didn't think anything would happen until after the New Year??? For those that are kept, will you take off the week b/w Christmas and New Year that was offered by Roger? Do you think your RSM's will allow it since you have to ask their permission?

Don't you think that is a test about your dedication and loyalty to the job?? That is a ton of time off when offices are open and doctors are seeing ALOT of patients because they have met their deductibles for the year etc.. Zogenix doesn't have a history of giving long severance or decent benefits (car or health insurance), so be careful what you ask for.....because 50% will gone very very soon.