Lay offs to come!!


Well heard today from a VERY credible source that layoffs are coming Jan 2015. Our company has nothing to fall back on and with Purdue's approval we all know they'll have better managed care coverage. Tired of fighting for every script to just get turned down due to NO coverage. Our stock has done nothing but decline every month for the past year. I'd advise all of you to get your resumes out and start interviewing ASAP.

That was talked about back in July.... BM stated that head count would significantly be affected once Purdue received approval and he must have had his crystal ball because he said Jan 2015...

11 people viewing but no one is talking... Let's talk! Do you think this thread is legit?

Let's show some common sense about this please. We are backfilling underperforming territories, buying orphan drugs, and spending money to develop ADT formulations of Zohydro. Roger said for the past year that he expected Purdue to get approval. Now they get approval and we are going to fire everybody? Does that seem rational at all? When Kadian came out, did that destroy all other morphine drugs? Go out and do your job and you will be fine. Can we not sell the benefits of a Q12 drug versus a Q24 drug? Patients are hesitant to go from Norco to our drug but now that there is a QD version all docs are going to now convince patients that this is the only option? The sky is not falling in my opinion. Before you morons comment, I'm not in home office or in Managed Care. I'm just another SAM who will be working throughout 2015 and beyond. Oh my god, there's another car besides Ford...we better close shop and Fire everyone...we can't possibly survive!

Let's show some common sense about this please. We are backfilling underperforming territories, buying orphan drugs, and spending money to develop ADT formulations of Zohydro. Roger said for the past year that he expected Purdue to get approval. Now they get approval and we are going to fire everybody? Does that seem rational at all? When Kadian came out, did that destroy all other morphine drugs? Go out and do your job and you will be fine. Can we not sell the benefits of a Q12 drug versus a Q24 drug? Patients are hesitant to go from Norco to our drug but now that there is a QD version all docs are going to now convince patients that this is the only option? The sky is not falling in my opinion. Before you morons comment, I'm not in home office or in Managed Care. I'm just another SAM who will be working throughout 2015 and beyond. Oh my god, there's another car besides Ford...we better close shop and Fire everyone...we can't possibly survive!

WOW!!!! You are seriously delusional!! But I understand the company doesn't want anyone jumping ship before they are ready. It would cost the company $1,350 a day for each rep that leaves before layoffs. Our reps have families depending on them and as loyal as they have been for us throughout the daily challenges we face with Zohydro, we owe it to them to be honest about our near future with the company. I would highly suggest everyone to start looking at other opportunities. We have already been warned that once Purdue's Hysingla is approved we will be kicked off more managed care plans. We have been racing to secure our fate this past year but now the race is over and if you fail to believe that than that's shameful on your part and I wish you the best. I just couldn't sleep at night without warning each of you.

WOW!!!! You are seriously delusional!! But I understand the company doesn't want anyone jumping ship before they are ready. It would cost the company $1,350 a day for each rep that leaves before layoffs. Our reps have families depending on them and as loyal as they have been for us throughout the daily challenges we face with Zohydro, we owe it to them to be honest about our near future with the company. I would highly suggest everyone to start looking at other opportunities. We have already been warned that once Purdue's Hysingla is approved we will be kicked off more managed care plans. We have been racing to secure our fate this past year but now the race is over and if you fail to believe that than that's shameful on your part and I wish you the best. I just couldn't sleep at night without warning each of you.

I guess we will all find out soon enough if our company implodes. I seriously doubt it.

WOW!!!! You are seriously delusional!! But I understand the company doesn't want anyone jumping ship before they are ready. It would cost the company $1,350 a day for each rep that leaves before layoffs. Our reps have families depending on them and as loyal as they have been for us throughout the daily challenges we face with Zohydro, we owe it to them to be honest about our near future with the company. I would highly suggest everyone to start looking at other opportunities. We have already been warned that once Purdue's Hysingla is approved we will be kicked off more managed care plans. We have been racing to secure our fate this past year but now the race is over and if you fail to believe that than that's shameful on your part and I wish you the best. I just couldn't sleep at night without warning each of you.

Please. There is nothing magic about Hysingla. If Zogenix under Purdue on price payers would be Zogenix's best friend. They don't give a shit about Purdue anymore (their OxyContin stranglehold is gone). All they care about is price. They don't even give a crap about abuse deterrence. Plus who really believes H is a once daily drug? Proof is in the pudding. Don't give up! Fight back, damnit.

This company is a sinking ship; can you say Titantic??? Whos gone to be the last rat on board when this ship goes down????? Not me, my full time job now is looking for my next full time job! Good luck to all.

Please. There is nothing magic about Hysingla. If Zogenix under Purdue on price payers would be Zogenix's best friend. They don't give a shit about Purdue anymore (their OxyContin stranglehold is gone). All they care about is price. They don't even give a crap about abuse deterrence. Plus who really believes H is a once daily drug? Proof is in the pudding. Don't give up! Fight back, damnit.

You're sadly mistaken. We at home office have already been told that managed care compinies will not fulfill our contract anymore once H is available. So to your point, Purdue will be under Zohydro when it comes to cost. As you know we've already been kicked off plans and that's without H on the market. And Purdue is such a strong company that can afford rebates. Yes, Oxy is Generic but they make money off every script whether generic or not. Plus their pain patch is claiming the charts in market share since Hydro has rescheduled. Now they have H out and they also have a strong pipeline. I'm disappointed that we will have to cut the majority of our sales force and possibly sell the company however, we aren't worth much. Clearly you haven't followed our stock this year.

What do you suppose the allure is to those who try to scare people? Competitors trying to hurt the competition? Underperforming SAMs who are trying to feel better? Maybe one that was fired who is trying to get revenge? Who knows. Poor souls.
MCO's insist on non-abuse deterrent all the time, like morphine, so they couldn't care less about ADT of the new med.
What really makes the difference with these things? The skill of the SAM. Those who blame managed care are those who are less skilled. Sure, it has impact, but usually the skill of the SAM is what determines prescription volume. For every highly skilled rep there are 10 losers in this industry - probably more.
If you are skilled, stay. If your numbers suck - while this is hard to accept, you just aren't as good as the top reps. That's OK - lots of companies where you can still make a living, but not here. So move on with a smile. If you're a highly skilled will really, really, really enjoy the future here.

What do you suppose the allure is to those who try to scare people? Competitors trying to hurt the competition? Underperforming SAMs who are trying to feel better? Maybe one that was fired who is trying to get revenge? Who knows. Poor souls.
MCO's insist on non-abuse deterrent all the time, like morphine, so they couldn't care less about ADT of the new med.
What really makes the difference with these things? The skill of the SAM. Those who blame managed care are those who are less skilled. Sure, it has impact, but usually the skill of the SAM is what determines prescription volume. For every highly skilled rep there are 10 losers in this industry - probably more.
If you are skilled, stay. If your numbers suck - while this is hard to accept, you just aren't as good as the top reps. That's OK - lots of companies where you can still make a living, but not here. So move on with a smile. If you're a highly skilled will really, really, really enjoy the future here.

OK OK OK OK!!! Please just stop! I seriously about wet my self from laughing so hard at this.
And the fact that you keep referring to us reps as "Sam" speaks volumes of how bright you are.
Not to mention how uneducated you are as it relates to the market and our company. No worries, once you're laid off you can be rich off our OUTSTANDING stock!!! LMFAO

Anybody who thinks this company has a future past December is delusional and/or just plain stupid. Our cash burn far exceeds what Zohydro is bringing in or could hope to bring in. The gentlemen in the C-Suite have no choice but to tell you what they want you to believe. They need to squeeze every script they can out of their salespeople before this thing is dead in the water. The company is on life support. Wake up and pull your heads out of the sand. Let's not forget, when they lay off you may be lucky enough to get a week of severance. Spend your time wisely looking for a job.

I'm amazed when a new competitor is launched and the board goes crazy with doom and gloom. If there is ever a war, don't come into my foxhole!

Yeah, things suck, but you have no choice but to fight back. Purdue is not the behemoth it once was.