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Lay-offs start December 1st - You heard it here first!

Actos Recall Warning

The TZD Market is going to be completely pulled by the FDA on November 15, 2007 when final results come from the remaining two meta-analysis reports.

There are far too many alternative type treatments in place to manage and control type II diabetes at this time for the Food and Drug Administration to keep overlooking the huge potential side effect profile of the class of drugs called Thiazolidinedione (TZD).

TZD was first brought to market under the generic name: Troglitazone and trade name: Rezulin in the late 1990s by Parke Davis and Sankyo Pharmaceutical Companies and then withdrawn by the FDA on 21 March 2000 due to an increased incidence of drug-induced hepatitis that led to many deaths.


Earlier in 2007 both Actos and Avandia released two seperate black box warnings about potentially dangerous side effects: warnings about a condition in which the heart does not adequately pump blood. And an increased incidence of bone fracture was noted in female patients taking pioglitazone.


Tomorrow, September 29, 2007 a leading Medical Journal called The Lancet is going to reveal startling results about another potentially deadly side effect concerning both the generic: Pioglitazone trade name: Actos and the generic: Rosiglitazone trade name: Avandia.


Another "rumor" has recently surfaced in this past week alone that Actos is possibly increasing the rate of bladder cancer and investigations have immediately started exploring this concern.

---On a nother note, but related overall to this subject:

President Bush just signed into law Thursday September 27, 2007 the final agreement that allows the FDA the power to remove unstable and unsafe drugs from the United States of America prescription profile.


Today, September 28, 2007 the FDA immediately went into action with this new power and gave all drug companies world wide 30 days to remove any drugs that they are selling in the United States of America that are Unapproved by the FDA and considered cough medicine that contain hydrocodone and marketed to children


Every year, doctors write approximately 65 million prescriptions for drugs not yet approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the federal agency that regulates prescription drugs.Apparently there are many drugs that fell into what was termed a "FDA Black Hole" and somehow slipped through federal regulated guidelines for specific metrics of gaining approval.


---late breaking news today announced a ground breaking step forward in the quest to make patient care the safest possible by the actual elimination of drugs that are linked to organ failure and/or even death.

It was also announced today that the 7 of the top Pharmaceutical Companies in the World will be coming together in an unprecedented meeting to compare unsafe side effect profiles of all the top selling products. The symposium is dubbed, International Severe Adverse Events Consortium. It is very odd that Takeda TPNA has opted not to participate in this forum, while their main competitor in the Type II Diabetes Market, GlaxoSmithKline is enrolled and ready to go to work in concert with the other 6 companies. The US FDA is applauding this effort to move forward in ensuring safetiness and compliance for all patients that suffer from a broad stroke of many disease states.


---And on one final note concerning both Actos and Avandia:

The FDA seems to have had ample evidence about the risks associated with Actos and Avandia. In 2006, FDA drug safety advisor Dr. Rosemary Johann-Liang urged the agency to add a black box warning to Actos and Avandia because of serious cardiovascular risks. Instead of heeding her warning, however, the agency reprimanded Johann-Liang and did nothing to adequately inform consumers about the possible risks associated with Actos and Avandia.

So for those of you nay-sayers that point fingers at Dr. Steven Nissen's claim that Actos is safer than Avandia has been now singled out as actually being paid large sums of research money by Takeda. If you actually think that Avandia is going bye bye and Actos is untouchable, I would highly recommend that you stop drinking the kool-aid and realistically start thinking about your future in terms of having employment.


The FDA seems to have had ample evidence about the risks associated with Actos and Avandia. In 2006, FDA drug safety advisor Dr. Rosemary Johann-Liang urged the agency to add a black box warning to Actos and Avandia because of serious cardiovascular risks. Instead of heeding her warning, however, the agency reprimanded Johann-Liang and did nothing to adequately inform consumers about the possible risks associated with Actos and Avandia

This sounds very familiar to the cover-up job that Merck did with Vioxx!

The TZD Market is going to be completely pulled by the FDA on November 15, 2007 when final results come from the remaining two meta-analysis reports.

There are far too many alternative type treatments in place to manage and control type II diabetes at this time for the Food and Drug Administration to keep overlooking the huge potential side effect profile of the class of drugs called Thiazolidinedione (TZD).

TZD was first brought to market under the generic name: Troglitazone and trade name: Rezulin in the late 1990s by Parke Davis and Sankyo Pharmaceutical Companies and then withdrawn by the FDA on 21 March 2000 due to an increased incidence of drug-induced hepatitis that led to many deaths.


Earlier in 2007 both Actos and Avandia released two seperate black box warnings about potentially dangerous side effects: warnings about a condition in which the heart does not adequately pump blood. And an increased incidence of bone fracture was noted in female patients taking pioglitazone.


Tomorrow, September 29, 2007 a leading Medical Journal called The Lancet is going to reveal startling results about another potentially deadly side effect concerning both the generic: Pioglitazone trade name: Actos and the generic: Rosiglitazone trade name: Avandia.


Another "rumor" has recently surfaced in this past week alone that Actos is possibly increasing the rate of bladder cancer and investigations have immediately started exploring this concern.

---On a nother note, but related overall to this subject:

President Bush just signed into law Thursday September 27, 2007 the final agreement that allows the FDA the power to remove unstable and unsafe drugs from the United States of America prescription profile.


Today, September 28, 2007 the FDA immediately went into action with this new power and gave all drug companies world wide 30 days to remove any drugs that they are selling in the United States of America that are Unapproved by the FDA and considered cough medicine that contain hydrocodone and marketed to children


Every year, doctors write approximately 65 million prescriptions for drugs not yet approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the federal agency that regulates prescription drugs.Apparently there are many drugs that fell into what was termed a "FDA Black Hole" and somehow slipped through federal regulated guidelines for specific metrics of gaining approval.


---late breaking news today announced a ground breaking step forward in the quest to make patient care the safest possible by the actual elimination of drugs that are linked to organ failure and/or even death.

It was also announced today that the 7 of the top Pharmaceutical Companies in the World will be coming together in an unprecedented meeting to compare unsafe side effect profiles of all the top selling products. The symposium is dubbed, International Severe Adverse Events Consortium. It is very odd that Takeda TPNA has opted not to participate in this forum, while their main competitor in the Type II Diabetes Market, GlaxoSmithKline is enrolled and ready to go to work in concert with the other 6 companies. The US FDA is applauding this effort to move forward in ensuring safetiness and compliance for all patients that suffer from a broad stroke of many disease states.


---And on one final note concerning both Actos and Avandia:

The FDA seems to have had ample evidence about the risks associated with Actos and Avandia. In 2006, FDA drug safety advisor Dr. Rosemary Johann-Liang urged the agency to add a black box warning to Actos and Avandia because of serious cardiovascular risks. Instead of heeding her warning, however, the agency reprimanded Johann-Liang and did nothing to adequately inform consumers about the possible risks associated with Actos and Avandia.

So for those of you nay-sayers that point fingers at Dr. Steven Nissen's claim that Actos is safer than Avandia has been now singled out as actually being paid large sums of research money by Takeda. If you actually think that Avandia is going bye bye and Actos is untouchable, I would highly recommend that you stop drinking the kool-aid and realistically start thinking about your future in terms of having employment.

Are you freaking kidding me? Do you have absolutely no life whatsoever? Did you really spend that much time out of your life looking up all this crap and crafting this bullshit post. That's pretty sad dude...you are a loser.

Are you freaking kidding me? Do you have absolutely no life whatsoever? Did you really spend that much time out of your life looking up all this crap and crafting this bullshit post. That's pretty sad dude...you are a loser.

Thanks for the compliment - I did all this in about 15 - 20 minutes and none of it was "crafted" dickface. Maybe you don't give a flying fuck about our future, but I do.

And it apparently looks like others are interested too, because there has been over 230 views in the last 24 hours, I bet it hits 1,000 by Monday - So go jerk off to that ass clown!!!

Just curious about your hateful attitude though, do you think cafepharma is only a place to see who is the hottest rep in the Midwest or make fun of a particular micro-managing DM?

Or is it a little bit deeper than all of that, because you have no research skills that allow you to analyze a business model and you have some type of jealousy for those that go beyond bringing in donuts and coffee to your offices and pretend to be a sales rep?

There will be a huge meta analysis coming out soon. The numbers will actually make both Avandia and Actos look better. Nissen was able to cherry pick studies with high side effects to enhance his meta analysis, this one is coming straight from large HMO data bases and can not be spun.

Thanks for the compliment - I did all this in about 15 - 20 minutes and none of it was "crafted" dickface. Maybe you don't give a flying fuck about our future, but I do.

And it apparently looks like others are interested too, because there has been over 230 views in the last 24 hours, I bet it hits 1,000 by Monday - So go jerk off to that ass clown!!!

Just curious about your hateful attitude though, do you think cafepharma is only a place to see who is the hottest rep in the Midwest or make fun of a particular micro-managing DM?

Or is it a little bit deeper than all of that, because you have no research skills that allow you to analyze a business model and you have some type of jealousy for those that go beyond bringing in donuts and coffee to your offices and pretend to be a sales rep?

Okay. The superintellectual drug rep with superior research skills and and a potty mouth really told me off. Guess I'll go sharpen up my resume Nostradamus, because November 15th approaches. Too freaking funny. Stil laughing at you, loser.

"Thanks for the compliment - I did all this in about 15 - 20 minutes and none of it was "crafted" dickface. Maybe you don't give a flying fuck about our future, but I do."

Gotta like the pride and passion though... can't get over it...too funny.

There will be a huge meta analysis coming out soon. The numbers will actually make both Avandia and Actos look better. Nissen was able to cherry pick studies with high side effects to enhance his meta analysis, this one is coming straight from large HMO data bases and can not be spun.

Bull shit, check the Lancet Journal that just came out yesterday to find the real truth. We are fucked and do not want to admit it.

i am worried - my dad is a doctor and one of his old residency buddies is on the FDA panel - he said "tell your actos selling daughter to keep her resume current" but you didn't hear it from me...

700 views and growing...Nobody is worried nor concerned - No, not here at Takeda!

Ohhh man...you are a loser. Your magnum opus is getting beat by the Banging my DM Thread.

Still showing that pride in your lame thread.

"RRRRRRH DUUAARRRRH DUUURR...I got seb en hun dwid hits!"

What a loser jackass...

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