Law Suites Coming!

I consulted an attorney and if you didn't give notice to your employer you really don't have a case. Attorney stated that because they are given a gratis $3000 payout you can accept or decline. Not a strong case if you didn't lose out of your current job. If you gave notice to your employer and cannot under all circumstances be re-instated (must have proof you tried) you have no case. Not giving the state I'm in but lets say midwest. I would at least consultant an attorney, perhaps you will find an attorney that has a different approach.

I consulted an attorney and if you didn't give notice to your employer you really don't have a case. Attorney stated that because they are given a gratis $3000 payout you can accept or decline. Not a strong case if you didn't lose out of your current job. If you gave notice to your employer and cannot under all circumstances be re-instated (must have proof you tried) you have no case. Not giving the state I'm in but lets say midwest. I would at least consultant an attorney, perhaps you will find an attorney that has a different approach.

So if you can't be reinstated you have no case??? Isn't that the same as not losing your current job?

Thanks for catching my error. You are right. If you aren't able to be re-instated as a result of providing your employer with your new information you "do" from what I was told have a case. This is of coarse if you've provided your employer with your notice and your offer was rescinded and your employer does not keep you employed. There is a legal term for this type of situation which I don't recall. Any good contract attorney will immediately utter the term. Good luck.

I resigned, quit, stopped showing up at the old job because inVentiv I was told would give me a new job (but they didn't - that sucks) I'm going to sue inVentiv and then go back to my old employer and threaten them with some legal gibberish of having to take me back..the correct legal term for this situation is 'your screwed'.

You must be another one of societies lost college graduates who's using their parents computer in THEIR BASEMENT!!! So funny.....

and you are clearly emphasizing how illiterate you are. See, plural v. possessive is today's lesson. You meant "society's" (as in possessive), not "societies" (that's plural, genius). Oh, lest I assume too much, "plural" means more than one.

Now, go defend yourself again, bimbo.

NICE..... Some people never grow up. We would like to hear what other people have planned.
This job loss screwed with a lot of us. Having to explain to family and friends that you actually don't have a job..... Please let me explain.... How awkward. Funny story my dad is a retired police office. His first response was "did you pass your drug test". I pretty much just read him the first paragraph from my release letter. My point is share some thoughts so others can relate.

NICE..... Some people never grow up. We would like to hear what other people have planned.
This job loss screwed with a lot of us. Having to explain to family and friends that you actually don't have a job..... Please let me explain.... How awkward. Funny story my dad is a retired police office. His first response was "did you pass your drug test". I pretty much just read him the first paragraph from my release letter. My point is share some thoughts so others can relate.

I agree, this job has screwed me and my family. I left a good job for a better quality of life and now I have nothing. I cannot believe that Inventiv did not put us on the top of the list for another contract after what they did to us. 3K is an insult.

You may also have legal recourse against your recruiter personally because they lied and misrepresented the opportunity leading you to resign your position.
The recruiter did know that there was a problem with this contract!!

Thanks for catching my error. You are right. If you aren't able to be re-instated as a result of providing your employer with your new information you "do" from what I was told have a case. This is of coarse if you've provided your employer with your notice and your offer was rescinded and your employer does not keep you employed. There is a legal term for this type of situation which I don't recall. Any good contract attorney will immediately utter the term. Good luck.

It is reinstated not re-instated, and of course not of coarse, and I also think you mean udder

NICE..... Some people never grow up. We would like to hear what other people have planned.
This job loss screwed with a lot of us. Having to explain to family and friends that you actually don't have a job..... Please let me explain.... How awkward. Funny story my dad is a retired police office. His first response was "did you pass your drug test". I pretty much just read him the first paragraph from my release letter. My point is share some thoughts so others can relate.

haha. You can't stop yourself. So, your Dad is a retired "police office?" The rest of your illiteracy in this post has already been pointed out by someone else who values the ability to write above a second-grade level.

So, you ask about everyone's plans. Mine is to laugh at you and write posts like this every time you reveal your idiocy.

NICE..... Some people never grow up. We would like to hear what other people have planned.
This job loss screwed with a lot of us. Having to explain to family and friends that you actually don't have a job..... Please let me explain.... How awkward. Funny story my dad is a retired police office. His first response was "did you pass your drug test". I pretty much just read him the first paragraph from my release letter. My point is share some thoughts so others can relate.

by the way, to be blunt, you don't deserve a job like this if you are really this dumb. I'm thinking massage job for you. Don't forget to give a good ending.

NICE..... Some people never grow up. We would like to hear what other people have planned.
This job loss screwed with a lot of us. Having to explain to family and friends that you actually don't have a job..... Please let me explain.... How awkward. Funny story my dad is a retired police office. His first response was "did you pass your drug test". I pretty much just read him the first paragraph from my release letter. My point is share some thoughts so others can relate.

I am waiting to hear back from a lawyer who is looking into the laws for my state. Depending what they say will depend on what I do. In the meantime I am applying for everything I can.