Laughing Stock of the Industry

I have retail experience selling clothes not cosmetics so I don't feel
I would be comfortable nor qualified to demonstrate your "Gel" product,
especially in public. What's it for anyway?

Recent College Grad

You didn't SELL clothes retail, you were a CASHIER!!! Just like at Macs. You will fit right in at Watson

I truly enjoy how this one person keeps writing negative posts and then posts a response to their own post. You know what the best part is, we know who it is. On second thought, wait because the best is yet to come. But don't worry, you won't be here. Gotta love these reorgs. We get to clean house

word on the street is that you are a serious bone smuggler, care to comment

Maybe Watson isn't a good fit for me because you all seem so mean.
Mean people suck. Maybe I need to look into Big Pharmaceutical companies
with good products with nice people who don't look at porn.

Here's my plan (my friend did this)

Get hired by a Pharmaceutical Company and live at home.
Go through the training classes which are one big party with other recent
College Grads. Let my friends drive my company car while at training. Then
save all my money because I'm living at home and quit after one year.
Then vacation in Europe for two years! She claims she never really sold anything
and even got bonus checks. Her boss loved her because she was cute and agreeable
and hated to see her go and gave her a great job reference.

Recent College Grad

Maybe Watson isn't a good fit for me because you all seem so mean.
Mean people suck. Maybe I need to look into Big Pharmaceutical companies
with good products with nice people who don't look at porn.

Go to Big Pharma. Big Pharma has good products that get recalled because they kill and maim people. Be with nice people. They are the Gen-X airheads you will really fit in with.

Lastly, what is wrong with looking at porn?

We have just been chosen the laughing stock of the pharmaceutical business for the third year in a row. We have been analyzed as having the worst products, management, lack of R&D, and overall poorest field execution according to the powers that be. Let us all reflect on who we really are as a company. Liars, cheaters,misfits,and slugs. We should all have a BIG laugh knowing that we are the lowest of the low. I for one believe the medical community when they tell me get lost, your company has nothing to offer but the best generic line money can buy. We have deluted ourselves in believing we are anything other than sheist on a stick.

This place is off the charts regarding total implosion right in front off my eyes. I survived the recent BRAND bloodbath but can honestly say I don't feel any pleasure. This company is in its/ final days as far as I can tell. We have nothing in the pipeline worth a crap and recent acquisitions suggest that BRAND will soon be a distant memory. Bisaro et all have taken to Wall street specific mentality. I am getting out A.S.A.P.

This place is off the charts regarding total implosion right in front off my eyes. I survived the recent BRAND bloodbath but can honestly say I don't feel any pleasure. This company is in its/ final days as far as I can tell. We have nothing in the pipeline worth a crap and recent acquisitions suggest that BRAND will soon be a distant memory. Bisaro et all have taken to Wall street specific mentality. I am getting out A.S.A.P.

Off the charts does not do justice to our plight in the field. Our spiritshave been broken. Our commitments to continue this madness going forward are over. Our confidence in our upper management are non existent. The end game: the fat lady has sung and this farce is history.

I dropped out from participating 2 weeks ago and life has never been better, These witless chumps have no clue. My docs don't miss me, 2010 will be the summer of george, no work just living it up. Please continue my paychecks, benes, etc. etc.