Last Training Class


So in my opinion, the training class was a joke at best. I was amazed at how Rob and Stacey actually thought it was time well spent.

I am embarrassed by everything about Castle at the corporate office (if that could ever be called a corporate office) down to field support. If Scott wants us to buy into his vision, then I agree DVP and up in leadership has to change hands. If I were to be offered a job to help turn this sinking ship around, I would do it. Just because it would be so great to walk into the office and show them how a real company is run. Having fun and still being a professional working environment can still be done without all the extreme levels. And if employees do not take their job seriously, then how can our customer ever want to partner with us? Just think of how this company could be run in a matter of one month with effective sales/operations leadership. Scott should clean house and use the experienced reps in the last training class to grow Castle into a company people actually want to work hard for.

When a potential customer asks a question, and our corporate office does not even know how to answer it.....then we have a real problem. Just a simple question regarding our tox panel and no answer.....but we are in the tox business???

I am not the first rep in my territory, and the A accounts were hit hard by the previous rep as I am now doing. The problem is they think we are a joke.....because we are a joke! I am actually afraid someone might want to partner with Castle. If I am able to sign an A account, I may have to answer for all the failures to come as I hear our service sucks. I would not know yet, but if the way the sales force is treated is any indication on how our company is run....then I would say service failures are just a sample away!

Most of the new sales force hired are very experienced, myself included. So if they actually think we will stay and even begin to think this is a long time career, they are living in a dream. If all the other posts are correct and it is a burn and turn company, then I was sold a bill of goods when hired. Like other posts, I also have a family to consider. I will also just use their dime while I look for another job......although I am out here trying, I am not successful at all. They said our DVP will be spending more time in the field. I cringe at the thought of riding with my DVP. If their demeanor out in the field is anything like it was at corporate, my accounts will be laughing the next time I come by myself.

I am a great sales person, and this job is like a brick tied to my feet.

I think we should all keep track of how many reps from the last class have quit/been fired. One of our team members has already left and I can only hope I may be the next.....


If this is any indication, one of the teams at the last training had 4 people quit before they got on the pane home. Two more were fired the next week. The team had 12 reps in the field and now has less than 6. That's a 50% turnover ratio in less than two weeks!!!!

Hell, I would be interested to see the ratios from the training teams since January. We lost 5 team members between training classes where I am. Just an indication. We are one of the teams west of the Mississippi.

If this is any indication, one of the teams at the last training had 4 people quit before they got on the pane home. Two more were fired the next week. The team had 12 reps in the field and now has less than 6. That's a 50% turnover ratio in less than two weeks!!!!

Hell, I would be interested to see the ratios from the training teams since January. We lost 5 team members between training classes where I am. Just an indication. We are one of the teams west of the Mississippi.

My division does not have one rep left from the January training. Only reps from this last training.

My DVP could not answer one single question I asked him when I got out into the field. He took two weeks to answer the first question that a customer had. He actually told people we didn't need to know anything. He said it "was real easy." What a way to approach the customer.

I was in a meeting with a Dr, my DVP, and Rob ( on the phone). Rob tried to played the "truth and common sense" card. When the doc asked about specifics with our testing and contracts, Rob literally told him that the relationship with the lab is what matters most in healthcare.
The Doc laughed and politely ended the call.

Needless to say, we both have a chuckle every single time I walk into the clinic. She said that she can't use us based on that conversation alone.

Bonji to the sales process and also to making me feel even better about leaving.

I was in a meeting with a Dr, my DVP, and Rob ( on the phone). Rob tried to played the "truth and common sense" card. When the doc asked about specifics with our testing and contracts, Rob literally told him that the relationship with the lab is what matters most in healthcare.
The Doc laughed and politely ended the call.

Needless to say, we both have a chuckle every single time I walk into the clinic. She said that she can't use us based on that conversation alone.

Bonji to the sales process and also to making me feel even better about leaving.

So, does that go towards his 90% closing ratio or not?

Remember Rob and all the leadership have "open doors"....but if your DVP even thinks you thought about calling anyone except him, he has a total fit!

If only we could communicate with Scott on a professional level. At some point we will have to realize Scott is just like the others in leadership as nothing has changed over the last year. I really did believe in Scott at training, but then the BS Master took the stage with his broken rib and you knew this was a total joke!

I was in an earlier training class and our entire division turned over and then some.There is not one person left from the first training or the second training. There may be two out of the four from the January class. At least one territory has turned over four times and that is since the August class.

I was in an earlier training class and our entire division turned over and then some.There is not one person left from the first training or the second training. There may be two out of the four from the January class. At least one territory has turned over four times and that is since the August class.

Camelot, which has now been absorbed into the crusaders, has lost every rep from the January training class.

What about the I'm the Best salesperson ever DVP from Florida ?
CB....How many people have left his division since the Jan training class ?
I heard from one of his reps that everyone is miserable and can't stand hearing
his voice on their calls anymore.....