Last Training Class

I guess that is the perfect position for him. The non-position. HC1 is actually a good program. I liked the way that it tracked my opportunities but they are using it wrong. The are using it as a management tool when it is a sales tracking tool. A sales program cannot make up for bad management.

I guess that is the perfect position for him. The non-position. HC1 is actually a good program. I liked the way that it tracked my opportunities but they are using it wrong. The are using it as a management tool when it is a sales tracking tool. A sales program cannot make up for bad management.

You mean the program that isn't compatable with our iPads and increases our time out of clinics? That HC-1?

What about the I'm the Best salesperson ever DVP from Florida ?
CB....How many people have left his division since the Jan training class ?
I heard from one of his reps that everyone is miserable and can't stand hearing
his voice on their calls anymore.....

I remember him and big sexy racing trycycles at the training in Jan. There are few things funnier than watching your alcoholic whale of a boss getting carpet burn from falling face first off a tricycle.

Funny. Yes, first HC1 is not compatible with I-Pads and that would not have been hard to figure out before they launched the program. Second, there is absolutely no need to do it live.

Hey castle do you think it would have been ok to extinguish Hitler's life and most of the 3rd Reich at birth before they committed all those atrocities if someone knew ahead of time. Kind of a time traveler thing?

Well, that's how I feel about signing up with this insane assylum called Castle Medical. If I had any idea how insane your Micro Micro managing idiotic managing practices are I would have absolutely never made that call to you. Trust me I am gone as soon as I can replace the income or you fire me. It shouldn't be long for now.

When you ask the question does anyone have any comments, questions at the end of conference calls and no one talks that should be a big signal to YOU the Natives are restless! Or you just too plainly insane and cannot assimilate the social info coming in to your brain. Reminds me of Titanic.....full speed ahead

You are expressing the feelings of so many people who wish they had not responded to their advertisement. They say THIS PLACE IS NOT FOR EVERYONE like it is something special. Their egos are so out of line that they actually think this is a real special place for great sales people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do they not realize that even some of the top performers want out. Not because they are not making money but because THEY DO NOT TRUST YOU. That is the culture you are creating. Mistrust.

You are expressing the feelings of so many people who wish they had not responded to their advertisement. They say THIS PLACE IS NOT FOR EVERYONE like it is something special. Their egos are so out of line that they actually think this is a real special place for great sales people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do they not realize that even some of the top performers want out. Not because they are not making money but because THEY DO NOT TRUST YOU. That is the culture you are creating. Mistrust.

The top performers Aldo know it is a house of cards. They know it will collapse. So most are keeping options open, looking for other opportunities, and collecting their money until the castle crumbles.

I guess we are not drinking enough from The Why Cup. I asked a customer to partner up with Castle Medical in an effort to bring common sense back to healthcare and they laughed in my face. I don't understand why. So I asked another healthcare provider doctor, would you like to join with Castle and bring common sense back to healthcare and the doctor asked me if I needed to "lie" down. You have got to be kidding me Castle! That's the best sales pitch you have is bring back commonsense to healthcare?

That's the equivalent in my book as asking a camel to jump through the eye of a needle thing. People are laughing at me when I say those kind of things and it's embarrassing. I don't think I am the kind of person for Castle any more . The tinfoil hat that I have constructed to keep your tracking radars of of me during the day while I'm out n about spreading Castle VD does not fit anymore. I have even gone as far as wrapping my drivers license in tinfoil so I cannot be tracked by you or "those people." Someday I hope those little voices return to my head and tell me "it is ok to be a proud Castle Salesperson" but as long as I stay off the drink before noon everyday I doubt my delusions will change. Sorry for the change of heart or mind but I have been here for almost 60 days and have followed your sales guide lines and I'm not making any of that $25.000.00 to $500,000.00 a year like you promised. I would like to settle up with you and receive a $150.000.00 buy out and leave my tinfoild tracking deflectors in the closet where they belong. I have to go know, there is a little green man with antennas On his head knocking at my bedroom door.

Your problem isn't the little green man with antennas or the tinfoil radar tracking deflectors, you ain't drinkin enough of the hot cinnamon whiskey before noon. Since trainin at Castle, where I was taught to drink shots of hot whisky early in The day I have notice that everything is fine and I'm goodlooking and can kick most peoples can if they get in my way. Hell, I don't even listen to my wife n kids anymore. And those bills, I throw those in the trash and repeat with strong conviction " now are you gonna help me bring common sense back to Heath care" or are you going back n the trash. I'm telling ya, you need to start drankin early in the morning like we did at Castle trainin and you will see The Why again. It's a revolution, this drankin thing. In fact, I have found that the bottom of the bottle is always dry and so far there has not been any answers at the bottom of that bottle but. If I drink enoughhot liquor I feel I can be as successful as my training tells me. I must go now, my bottle is empty and once again no answer at the bottom of my bottle. So it's off to the liquor store for another shot at stardom.