Lantheus Medical Imaging

The stock of Lantheus Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:LNTH) is a huge mover today!

The stock decreased 1.07% or $0.03 during the last trading session, hitting $2.77.

Lantheus Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:LNTH) has declined 37.08% since November 6, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 35.94% the S&P500.

Let's think about what they have:

The cyclotrons are ancient, and back when they had talent they did all the engineering, maintenance, upgrades, etc. themselves. Now they haven't got that talent, and the cyclotron vendors have told them that they (the vendors) can't maintain them without a massive and expensive process to bring them back in line with the vendor's specifications. So they are running a huge liability there. On top of that, the vaults are so hot that they represent a massive cleanup liability, so getting out of the facility is essentially impossible.

They only have one product left with any legs, and that's Definity. Definity's patent will expire in a few years, and then what have they got? Maybe they can limp along on residual Definity sales and generators for a couple of years, but it won't get any easier. Where is the growth?

They fucked themselves with Xenon, raising the price until it brought a competitor back into the market. So good job putting $30 million at risk.

They haven't advanced any of their clinical products one inch in three years. That's forever, and in the meantime some competitive products have caught up. So the opportunity for products like the cardiac PET tracer is diminished.

Their spend on capex has been reduced to where every day the lights turn on is a small miracle. When you stop maintaining your facilities, it becomes an odds game. Maybe you'll get away with it for years, but any day could be the big failure.

So, I assume most of the Phoenix Rising comments are trolling, which is all good fun, but are there any true believers here that have a thought out counter point?

Not a problem, LMI has now deferred to plan B. Nobody's going take the place off their hands, so suck it dry till declining profits can no longer pay the bills, default on loans leaving the bank holding the bag, and the government with the decontamination of the site. Of course, we, consumers, taxpayers and naive stock investors are really the ones that will pick up the tab. Making LMI a stand alone public entity was step one toward claiming bankruptcy. No longer Avista's problem after they've stuffed their pockets with an obscene return on their original investment before getting out of Dodge.

Not a problem, LMI has now deferred to plan B. Nobody's going take the place off their hands, so suck it dry till declining profits can no longer pay the bills, default on loans leaving the bank holding the bag, and the government with the decontamination of the site. Of course, we, consumers, taxpayers and naive stock investors are really the ones that will pick up the tab. Making LMI a stand alone public entity was step one toward claiming bankruptcy. No longer Avista's problem after they've stuffed their pockets with an obscene return on their original investment before getting out of Dodge.

Good luck to 'em. Welcome to America where fairness is a dream. Suck it up chumps. If they could have kept that joke joke going forever you'd all be singing a different tune. I don't know where in the Constitution it says someone owes you a living. Those investors took a huge gamble and it happened to pay off. It was a good run, 32 years worth. I got more out of them than they got out of me. It's all good. Enjoy the rest of your lives.

Good luck to 'em. Welcome to America where fairness is a dream. Suck it up chumps. If they could have kept that joke joke going forever you'd all be singing a different tune. I don't know where in the Constitution it says someone owes you a living. Those investors took a huge gamble and it happened to pay off. It was a good run, 32 years worth. I got more out of them than they got out of me. It's all good. Enjoy the rest of your lives.

Huge gamble my ass.The purchase price might not have been an incredible bargain but it was more than a fair was a buyers price. BMS was anxious to get out and they took advantage of that. Avista made a profit beyond their investment of $125 million in less than 5 years and they were planning on making more but had to go with plan B because they were unable to unload the place. There's a big difference between working for an expanding, thriving business with opportunities for personal and professional growth and a dead end company looking to squeeze out every penny. It's your choice where to work. There's no panacea about what LMI has become or where it's going. If you're still there, you have no choice but to suck it up. If your out, I agree, "Enjoy the rest of your lives."

Good luck to 'em. Welcome to America where fairness is a dream. Suck it up chumps. If they could have kept that joke joke going forever you'd all be singing a different tune. I don't know where in the Constitution it says someone owes you a living. Those investors took a huge gamble and it happened to pay off. It was a good run, 32 years worth. I got more out of them than they got out of me. It's all good. Enjoy the rest of your lives.

We may be a dying breed but I agree. I had a few years less and with the exception of the last couple most were good. I know folks who are still there and wish them well and hope they can stay as long as they can. Hell had I not been hit, I might still be there who knows. But all in all not bad.

We may be a dying breed but I agree. I had a few years less and with the exception of the last couple most were good. I know folks who are still there and wish them well and hope they can stay as long as they can. Hell had I not been hit, I might still be there who knows. But all in all not bad.

Open jobs posted ? They are still hiring ?

Selling off everything but the kitchen sink ...

Lantheus Holdings, Inc. (“Lantheus” or the “Company”) (LNTH), parent company of Lantheus Medical Imaging, Inc. (“LMI”), a global leader in the development, manufacture and commercialization of innovative diagnostic imaging agents and products, today announced the sale of its radiopharmacy servicing business in Australia to Global Medical Solutions, Ltd. (“GMS”)

Think it's been a hot summer? Well, I believe things are going to really start heating up! Large VC Hedge fund is currently vetting Lantheus. To those folks that have more $$$ than sense I have a proposition of "free" land in Florida. Ya, let me kick you in the b!@#$%"s or twist your t*&^%'s and I'll give you a couple free acher"s. Stay tuned!!!!!

  • LMI   Aug 30, 2016 at 03:02: PM
Roy Greaves attack again lay off Deborah Gattenby from EHS i think that Roy is the one need to live the company

Ever since RG put LS in charge of EHS, she has cleaned out almost the whole group. She canot stand that the old timers have vastly more knowledge than her and that makes her feel threatened. LS is always dealling the disrespected card. LS is the most incompetent employee in Billerica outside of the person who hired her.