Exactly what I was thinking. A few posts maybe okay. But god this is insane. A little obsessive and sad.
This guy is a major tool. In my twenty years in sales I have never seen or heard of a manager hated by so many reps. He moved back home to Fresno because word was out on him in Sac. I came pretty close to punching this prick once. Karma is a B|T(H isn’t Lance? Scumbag!
Nope. Still here. Just checking on that ass wipe. He must be going crazy since he can’t do ride alongs and jam his reps. He’s a POS and always will be.
Let us know what shit he’s pulling on Lily reps. FU LL
ALWAYS be prepared to role play before each call. Never deviate from his roll play. Always place samples the way he likes to place them. NEVER set samples down before you get a signature.
Make as many useless excell sheets with data and numbers. He LOVES that shit! He will micromanage every aspect of the job. Including the amount of time you spend backing up from a parking lot.
Make sure you drive perfectly! He will rip you a new asshole if you don’t.
He loves Monday ride a longs and fridays. He might wana do a ride along on a Sunday!
He will track you, never lie of where you are. ALWAYS EXPECT HIM TO TRACK EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE. He was trained by a micromanager and has become a bigger asshole than his old boss.
He makes reps cry, he will break you down step all over you and make you cry some more. He is the type of manager that enjoys making people miserable.
My suggestion, get the fuck out of his territory and inform all of your team members to document everything he does and says. Always assume he is fucking you over And report him every time he does anything that makes you uncomfortable.
He should NEVER manage anything alive.
Good luck, you will need it.
Nope. Still here. Just checking on that ass wipe. He must be going crazy since he can’t do ride alongs and jam his reps. He’s a POS and always will be.
Let us know what shit he’s pulling on Lily reps. FU LL
I heard that it was Lance that was on the grassy knoll.Nope. Still here. Just checking on that ass wipe. He must be going crazy since he can’t do ride alongs and jam his reps. He’s a POS and always will be.
Let us know what shit he’s pulling on Lily reps. FU LL
I heard that it was Lance that was on the grassy knoll.
Oh my god you losers made it a month with out commenting on lance Lopez. Congratulations on that.
Nope. Still here. Just checking on that ass wipe. He must be going crazy since he can’t do ride alongs and jam his reps. He’s a POS and always will be.
Let us know what shit he’s pulling on Lily reps. FU LL
Love reading about Lance. Years later he is still the most hated manager. He’s really not a manager. Just some POS that is capable of ruining your life if you allow it. Say hello to that miserable loser. FU LL