Lance Lopez


Wow great advice. You are a loser. I did enough time at Lilly to know a few things

1. Managers are useless.
2. Your success is your own making.
3. If you want promotions, kiss ass and do nonsense feel good projects.
4. Don’t make it personal. You are not doing anything dynamic.
5. It is an easy job. Unless you really suck you are not getting fired.
6. You are underpaid but given job security.

Go out and get a real job if you are so awesome. But like I said, you are a loser. Stop being an internet tough guy and get a new job. Lance has got
Hahahahahha. LLopez is a legendary dick. Funny to see him getting his just feedback from former reps. How is it that Lily reps don’t chime in on this AHole? People don’t change so he must still be a royal jerkoff. Amazing that someone doesn’t put an end to his shit. He’s no manager. FU
Nope. Still here. Just checking on that ass wipe. He must be going crazy since he can’t do ride alongs and jam his reps. He’s a POS and always will be.
Let us know what shit he’s pulling on Lily reps. FU LL
Nope. Still here. Just checking on that ass wipe. He must be going crazy since he can’t do ride alongs and jam his reps. He’s a POS and always will be.
Let us know what shit he’s pulling on Lily reps. FU LL

He's awful, the company pulled reps from the field over a month ago. Lance makes us virtual detail him weekly amidst the constant reports he requires.
He did get caught doing ride alongs AFTER we pulled reps from the field, pissed off many offices.
He wore a mask and gloves, looked like a real bandito!
I wish this fool would quarantine himself for life, complete mess. Hopefully companies will also develop a vaccine to cure Lancelitis.
I'm going to cough endlessly on field rides so he leaves early. If he pushes me, I'll claim I have c-19 and there is nothing he can do about it.
My idea of social distancing with this fool is being 10 miles apart. He has tested positive for having asshole antibodies.
ALWAYS be prepared to role play before each call. Never deviate from his roll play. Always place samples the way he likes to place them. NEVER set samples down before you get a signature.
Make as many useless excell sheets with data and numbers. He LOVES that shit! He will micromanage every aspect of the job. Including the amount of time you spend backing up from a parking lot.

Make sure you drive perfectly! He will rip you a new asshole if you don’t.
He loves Monday ride a longs and fridays. He might wana do a ride along on a Sunday!

He will track you, never lie of where you are. ALWAYS EXPECT HIM TO TRACK EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE. He was trained by a micromanager and has become a bigger asshole than his old boss.

He makes reps cry, he will break you down step all over you and make you cry some more. He is the type of manager that enjoys making people miserable.

My suggestion, get the fuck out of his territory and inform all of your team members to document everything he does and says. Always assume he is fucking you over And report him every time he does anything that makes you uncomfortable.

He should NEVER manage anything alive.

Good luck, you will need it.

Does anyone know if he has shown his schlonger during any of his ride withs? Just curious . . . . . Bunny Camden . . . .
Nope. Still here. Just checking on that ass wipe. He must be going crazy since he can’t do ride alongs and jam his reps. He’s a POS and always will be.
Let us know what shit he’s pulling on Lily reps. FU LL

Last time I saw Lance was at the Walmart 2 months ago. He was literally taking the last 24 pack of toilet paper out of an old lady's cart. Guess he was preparing for months of chimichanga consumption.

This guy is ruthless. I've heard he has already virtually written reps up, that's the Lance way. Real treat this manager is.

I heard that it was Lance that was on the grassy knoll.

Really?? I heard he was in the book depository, writing up employees. It wasn't until the next day where he was seen on the assy knoll. There he was, all alone, running reports amidst the chaos.

I just saw him at a AMM protest holding a sign. It read - asshole managers matter. He was later observed looting at Office Max. All he took were cases of printer paper, paper that he would use to print useless reports.
Nope. Still here. Just checking on that ass wipe. He must be going crazy since he can’t do ride alongs and jam his reps. He’s a POS and always will be.
Let us know what shit he’s pulling on Lily reps. FU LL

Untrue, saw Mr. Lance with a rep yesterday. Something went array, the rep was sitting on a bench crying. He was pacing back and forth trying to calm her down. They were both wearing PPE masks.

Guess he didn't get the internal memo, a special clown mask has been issued for him.
Well what the fuck! Lance Lopez .... legendary dickwad.... Lily reps loving his shitty managerial style.? I bet customers are happy about Covid. No reps and no Lance Lopez. The kingdom is safe once again. Hey Lance. You’re still the most hated asshole human we know. Merck was glad to dump your stupid azzzzz. Keep this thread alive! Make Lance a douchebag again...
Love reading about Lance. Years later he is still the most hated manager. He’s really not a manager. Just some POS that is capable of ruining your life if you allow it. Say hello to that miserable loser. FU LL
HNY Lance. Geezus ..... good to see how folks will continue to write about your miserable azzzzz....probably still the jackass you always were. It’s time for you to go away once and for all. Do you realize just how many folks still hate you with a passion?! This thread will be your legacy... fa eva ".....