Lance Lopez

Oh Dear God. I love seeing how this douchebag still has a thread going on him. He can’t hide from the misery he put people through. I’d love to hear from current reps how this moron is treating people. He can’t change so I suspect it’s the same style of putting you down and belittling you. Worst manager and human I’ve ever known. Fk u Mr Lopez
damn. This thread is crazy long. You. People are obsessed with this guy. Looks like he ain’t goin anywhere. Tough break. Lots of jobs out there if you have the stones to go get em. But hey, this is Lily right. Don’t be great just be good and coast. You all pretty much suck anyway.
Lance is a loser who will throw you under the bus to protect himself. He's a scumbag. He's a tool. Best thing to do is to run. HR will always have his back because he's management and he'll document well enough to make it look like you're the bad apple. fuck this guy.
Lily losers stop complaining about lance. He’s got you all beat. He is terrible but he is thriving.
You are complaining on this thread. If any of you had skills you would leave. Bunch of buns at Lilly
Lily losers stop complaining about lance pumping my mothers ass
He’s got her rectum all beat. He is terrible but he is thriving in moms fat ass
You are complaining on this thread. If any of you had skills you let me blow you if male and brown
Bunch of man buns at Lilly that I want to rim
I am so sick of this thread popping up all the tine

I guarantee you it's the same person bringing him back up over and over again. Whoever this is please get over it. I get it, he was bad. We've all had bad managers before. And to be honest, most of us CURRENTLY have a horrible DM. In fact, I hate my DM. I hate him with a passion, but I won't call him out by name, nor will I bring him forward this this thread every freakin month for years straight. Dude, get over it and move on.
I am so sick of this thread popping up all the tine

I guarantee you it's the same person bringing him back up over and over again. Whoever this is please get over it. I get it, he was bad. We've all had bad managers before. And to be honest, most of us CURRENTLY have a horrible DM. In fact, I hate my DM. I hate him with a passion, but I won't call him out by name, nor will I bring him forward this this thread every freakin month for years straight. Dude, get over it and move on.

Exactly what I was thinking. A few posts maybe okay. But god this is insane. A little obsessive and sad.
Exactly what I was thinking. A few posts maybe okay. But god this is insane. A little obsessive and sad.

Just in! Lilly is courting someone externally that Lance used to manage and I have it on good authority this person will accept the position. The job is one level up from Lance and this persons first priority is to seek revenge on Mr. Lance. He's so excited and plans to force him into a cold basement cube at Indiana HQ. He's gonna crap his pants when he learns of his new superior, he might actually have a meltdown.

Lance, better schedule a moving van, you are fuckin out of CA. Hope you like haystacks and snow you miserable shit.

Go Sooners!
This guy is a major tool. In my twenty years in sales I have never seen or heard of a manager hated by so many reps. He moved back home to Fresno because word was out on him in Sac. I came pretty close to punching this prick once. Karma is a B|T(H isn’t Lance? Scumbag!
This guy is a major tool. In my twenty years in sales I have never seen or heard of a manager hated by so many reps. He moved back home to Fresno because word was out on him in Sac. I came pretty close to punching this prick once. Karma is a B|T(H isn’t Lance? Scumbag!

Lance sent out his updated calendar and is working with me first thing 1-2-20', there ain't any customers around pal!
This guy is a major tool. In my twenty years in sales I have never seen or heard of a manager hated by so many reps. He moved back home to Fresno because word was out on him in Sac. I came pretty close to punching this prick once. Karma is a B|T(H isn’t Lance? Scumbag!

He actually suggested a district holiday gathering at the Denny's off #99, cheap sob. I can't take this no more.....
she is hot as hell. Lucky to have her back, go out drinking with her. She’s a hoot

No rest for the weary, Lance is holding a district call on New Years Eve to discuss territory level plans and managed care messaging. Expect the call to last well into the night, beyond the stroke of midnight when his balls drop. Power up your computer's my friends, Lance has a 2020 plan in place - go through 20 reps in 20 months!
This thread is amazing. Lance is a legend and you are all building that legacy. So proud of Lilly employees. Some of the worst in the industry. You guys are terrible and yet you still complain. You make money for doing nothing, stop complaining about Lopez. I don’t know the guy but stop this thread it is sad.