And what point are you trying to make??? I made the point that the former USSR and e. german athletes were doping in the 60's'-90's,--"Why do you think the USSR and E.Germany dominated the world in sprts from the 60's thruh the 90's?? Yes, Doping! Most countries do it but it i not big deal there". to answer to your comment:
"Only in America would a sports star get prime time Oprah coverage to admit that he's a muh fuh liar. Most countries would scorn him and ostracize him. "
The point I was making was that most countries could really give a shit that one of the American athletes was caught doping, when most of the world has been doping for decades. You made the point that the most countries would scourn him--- well I beg to differ, since most countries dope . And since you didnt even bother to read the article where it is clearly admitted by former e. german athletes that there was doping going on-- your argument does not hold water. What do you thing the dope testing technology was like in the 60's and 70's?? probably similar to the DNA tests at the time. If you want to start an argument, then have some facts and intelligence in your rebuttals.
And if your point is that all of these 100s of 1000s of former Soviet and Soviet sattelites athletes are lying, you are delusional. why would they lie??
Also, I, being of eastern european decent, have first hand knowledge of the doping going on there.
And, while you keep stating that Americans are dumb, you are one example of a real dumb Amercian. Read some history of the Eastern Block, And Warsaw PAct countries.
Tink, I noticed that you FAILED to comment on any of the VALID AND FACTUAL points that I made in my comments about Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong - and that the BEST you could do is point your finger at other countries in a lame attempt to divert and distract attention to what an ASSHOLE Lance Armstrong truly is!
Did any of the Olympic athletes LIE in courts of law to hurt others financially? Hmmm, Tink? Did any of the Olympic athletes take $40M from the US taxpayers via the US Postal Service based upon LIES and the use of performance enhancers? Hmmm, Tink? Did any of the Olympic athletes RUIN the careers of other professional based on LIES and the use of performance enhancers? Hmmm, Tink???
Why don't you answer THOSE questions, Tink??? Hmmm?
And ALL Olympic athletes were subject to the SAME doping tests!!! East Germany was NOT exempted from those tests!!! And the USA endorsed those test AND their results. So if so many East Germans or Russians were on anabolic steroids or other performance enhancers WHY DIDN'T THE SYSTEM CATCH THEM AT IT, TINK???
So it only stands to reason that if the East Germans and Russians weren't caught (according to YOU) that MANY AMERICANS WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN CAUGHT EITHER, would they, TINK???
You can't have it BOTH ways, darlin'. To claim that the East Germans and Russians benefited and we DID NOT - is pure bullshit.
But pointing your finger at foreigners for what Lance "I'm no doper" did, is INEXCUSABLE!
All other bicyclists were tested JUST LIKE ARMSTRONG WAS. Do you think the World Doping Association would only point the finger at Armstrong if many others were caught doing the same damn thing??? Of course not. THEY WOULD ALL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!!
You've got a wild imagination that makes excuses for the home team while blaming everyone else, Tink.