Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong


Only in America would a sports star get prime time Oprah coverage to admit that he's a muh fuh liar. Most countries would scorn him and ostracize him. He took $40M from the US Post Office, perjured himself that got other people in legal trouble, called his detractors who offered evidence that he was a doper 'liars' and some other pretty nasty names, knowingly accepted 7 tour de France biking titles while he was doped up for all 7 and made a ton of money off the lies. God almighty. Quite a liar he was. I saw him on TV defiantly attacking those who pointed the big finger at him. heh. The best liar wins in America. And it worked for a long, long time. But his number finally came up.

What worries me is that some guys in the gym tonight were actually defending him. Saying crap like "All the rest of them are doing it too" or "But look at all the noteriety his fame brought to America". Our nation has lost her moral compass, my friends. It's a free for all. All for one and one for all. When a nation's moral code starts to fail world history tells us over and over again that it assumes a very dangerous and precarious position.

Good luck to all of you and your families. Especially to all the youth. They will need the most luck of all.

Only in America would a sports star get prime time Oprah coverage to admit that he's a muh fuh liar. Most countries would scorn him and ostracize him. He took $40M from the US Post Office, perjured himself that got other people in legal trouble, called his detractors who offered evidence that he was a doper 'liars' and some other pretty nasty names, knowingly accepted 7 tour de France biking titles while he was doped up for all 7 and made a ton of money off the lies. God almighty. Quite a liar he was. I saw him on TV defiantly attacking those who pointed the big finger at him. heh. The best liar wins in America. And it worked for a long, long time. But his number finally came up.

What worries me is that some guys in the gym tonight were actually defending him. Saying crap like "All the rest of them are doing it too" or "But look at all the noteriety his fame brought to America". Our nation has lost her moral compass, my friends. It's a free for all. All for one and one for all. When a nation's moral code starts to fail world history tells us over and over again that it assumes a very dangerous and precarious position.

Good luck to all of you and your families. Especially to all the youth. They will need the most luck of all.

We are becoming a nation without dignity. Cheat and don't contribute to society are the new hallmarks of America.

We are becoming a nation without dignity. Cheat and don't contribute to society are the new hallmarks of America.

I got no problems with the dopeing, I blame the bike racing culture, they have to clean house or just allow it, I really don't care either way. What I have a problem with is Lance has always been a world class jerk, but because he only had one nut the press gave him a pass and tarred & fethered anyone that told the truth. Enabled by the media Lance only became a worse person not better.

I got no problems with the dopeing, I blame the bike racing culture, they have to clean house or just allow it, I really don't care either way. What I have a problem with is Lance has always been a world class jerk, but because he only had one nut the press gave him a pass and tarred & fethered anyone that told the truth. Enabled by the media Lance only became a worse person not better.

That's as dumb as saying "I don't blame that guy for holding up that liquor store. I blame society for cultivating an environment of materialism where the guy with the most toys wins. The poor guy just wants to have as much stuff as the next guy. And, besides, the poor guy is probably addicted to drugs and needs a fix. Society got him hooked on drugs. It's not his fault. So I have no problem with holding up liquor stores."

Americans are so damn stupid it's not even funny. They fawn over their celebrities to such a degree that even when they get caught red handed they still make up excuses for them.


Where is Congress? Why aren't they issuing a subpeona for Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong?

The Feds PROSECUTED Roger Clemons for perjury and obstruction - for which he was fully acquitted in a court of law. And they did it based on the SUSPICION that he was doing steroids while playing pro baseball. He was never found guilty of doing steroids. Yet they went after him with their legal gun's ablazin' and cost Roger Clemons many, many thousands (if not millions) in legal fees.

Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong took $40M from the US Postal Service (which is for all intents and purposes bankrupt) which was contingent upon all the lies he told about not doping up prior to his competitions. He LIED under oath to get other people who accused him of lying in legal trouble. He acquired HUGE amounts or wealth (estimated at $120M or more) as a result of his lies. Today this is ALL common knowledge and he admits to all his lies that brought him SEVEN Tour de France titles.

Where is Congress? And why is Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong getting a pass that Roger Clemons never got??? Hmmm??? Is Lance too tightly connected within the political ranks of the DC scum for that to happen? Hmmm???

And I recall here on CP Pharma when many posters were making excuses for Lance back when he was being accused of doping and was defiantly denying it. More than a few called it a 'witchhunt' and said that Lance was being unfairly targeted. Where are those fucks today?? Come out in the open so we can see you! Come admit you were totally wrong! You know who you are! Call Lance what he rightfully is: A MUH FUH LIAR WHO USED THOSE LIES TO FINAGLE LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY OUT OF MANY PEOPLE WHO WOULD HAVE OTHERWISE SCORNED HIM IF THEY KNEW THE TRUTH!!! :(

That's as dumb as saying "I don't blame that guy for holding up that liquor store. I blame society for cultivating an environment of materialism where the guy with the most toys wins. The poor guy just wants to have as much stuff as the next guy. And, besides, the poor guy is probably addicted to drugs and needs a fix. Society got him hooked on drugs. It's not his fault. So I have no problem with holding up liquor stores."

Americans are so damn stupid it's not even funny. They fawn over their celebrities to such a degree that even when they get caught red handed they still make up excuses for them.


Dude the 47% rule, you need to get back to work I need more minutes on my Obama phone. If you think the doping was wrong in bike racing, do you think it is wrong for super models to have their photos touched up? For what it's worth I have more toys than you and they are bigger than yours. I think you are confused my friend, what Lance did has nothing to do with materilaism, entitilement , socoicalism etc... it was about winning, the rest was just a side effect.

Dude the 47% rule, you need to get back to work I need more minutes on my Obama phone. If you think the doping was wrong in bike racing, do you think it is wrong for super models to have their photos touched up? For what it's worth I have more toys than you and they are bigger than yours. I think you are confused my friend, what Lance did has nothing to do with materilaism, entitilement , socoicalism etc... it was about winning, the rest was just a side effect.

Well, Congress though it was wrong when they singled out Roger Clemons and several others for alleged steroid use in professional baseball, didn't it?

In fact, Clemons was charged with Obstruction and Perjury related to his testimony, which he fought and was later acquitted. Barry Bonds was prosecuted as well. So why would it be wrong for baseball but okay for bicyling? And many other players were embarrassed and had their reputations ruined EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NEVER EVEN PROVEN THAT THEY TOOK STEROIDS.

Now we have a full-blown CONFESSION from Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong, don't we? And he took $40M from the US Postal Service. Did Clemons or Bonds do that? Nope!

So either we have EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW in America, or we don't.

And you need to pull you nose out of someone's ass. Either that or call a proctological surgeon to remove it for ya. hah. :D

Well, Congress though it was wrong when they singled out Roger Clemons and several others for alleged steroid use in professional baseball, didn't it?

In fact, Clemons was charged with Obstruction and Perjury related to his testimony, which he fought and was later acquitted. Barry Bonds was prosecuted as well. So why would it be wrong for baseball but okay for bicyling? And many other players were embarrassed and had their reputations ruined EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NEVER EVEN PROVEN THAT THEY TOOK STEROIDS.

Now we have a full-blown CONFESSION from Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong, don't we? And he took $40M from the US Postal Service. Did Clemons or Bonds do that? Nope!

So either we have EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW in America, or we don't.

And you need to pull you nose out of someone's ass. Either that or call a proctological surgeon to remove it for ya. hah. :D
I am still waiting for my 40 acres and a mule. Ain't nothing in this world fair or equal

I am still waiting for my 40 acres and a mule. Ain't nothing in this world fair or equal

You dumb ass. Claiming that it's 'unfair' to find your drug store's shelves empty of analgesic creme to apply to your butt and equating that 'unfairness' to 'equality under the law', a constitutional guarantee, is about as fucking stupid as it gets.

It's fucks like you and your stupidity that is destroying the country from within.

Where is Congress? Why aren't they issuing a subpeona for Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong?

The Feds PROSECUTED Roger Clemons for perjury and obstruction - for which he was fully acquitted in a court of law. And they did it based on the SUSPICION that he was doing steroids while playing pro baseball. He was never found guilty of doing steroids. Yet they went after him with their legal gun's ablazin' and cost Roger Clemons many, many thousands (if not millions) in legal fees.

Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong took $40M from the US Postal Service (which is for all intents and purposes bankrupt) which was contingent upon all the lies he told about not doping up prior to his competitions. He LIED under oath to get other people who accused him of lying in legal trouble. He acquired HUGE amounts or wealth (estimated at $120M or more) as a result of his lies. Today this is ALL common knowledge and he admits to all his lies that brought him SEVEN Tour de France titles.

Where is Congress? And why is Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong getting a pass that Roger Clemons never got??? Hmmm??? Is Lance too tightly connected within the political ranks of the DC scum for that to happen? Hmmm???

And I recall here on CP Pharma when many posters were making excuses for Lance back when he was being accused of doping and was defiantly denying it. More than a few called it a 'witchhunt' and said that Lance was being unfairly targeted. Where are those fucks today?? Come out in the open so we can see you! Come admit you were totally wrong! You know who you are! Call Lance what he rightfully is: A MUH FUH LIAR WHO USED THOSE LIES TO FINAGLE LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY OUT OF MANY PEOPLE WHO WOULD HAVE OTHERWISE SCORNED HIM IF THEY KNEW THE TRUTH!!! :(
I may have been one of those -- and I will admit I was wrong. I just didn't want to believe it.

Happy now?

I got no problems with the dopeing, I blame the bike racing culture, they have to clean house or just allow it, I really don't care either way. What I have a problem with is Lance has always been a world class jerk, but because he only had one nut the press gave him a pass and tarred & fethered anyone that told the truth. Enabled by the media Lance only became a worse person not better.

This is the same media that gave you Penn State Football, and Mante T'ao (or whatever the fuck it is), and jammed it down your throat, how larger than life that they are. The media of all stripes have been partisan hacks for some time now. They are embarassing in the height of their laziness. Kind of like Academia.

I may have been one of those -- and I will admit I was wrong. I just didn't want to believe it.

Happy now?

Drug Dumper, I appreciate your honesty. Apparently you are the only one willing to fess up.

Only one thing I ask of you, Drug Dumper. Learn from your mistakes. Don't EVER believe these fucking celebrities and what they tell you. They are all master liars. They have the ability to look you right in the eye and lie like fucking snakes without flinching or batting an eyelash. They are nothing more than lowlife sociopaths. Assume they are lying, Drug Dumper. Make them PROVE to you that they are telling the truth before you believe them next time.

That's all I ask. You are a real trooper for stepping up to the plate and admitting you got duped, dear. And my hat comes off for you. :)

This is the same media that gave you Penn State Football, and Mante T'ao (or whatever the fuck it is), and jammed it down your throat, how larger than life that they are. The media of all stripes have been partisan hacks for some time now. They are embarassing in the height of their laziness. Kind of like Academia.

Libluvs, we've been pravdatized, my friend. Not much different from the Soviet Union 1969.

The media doesn't give a fuck about the truth anymore. It's actually an arm of the government today. No truth. And if they can turn a blind eye to the truth to create some sensationalism and drama - it's as sure a thing as scoring in a whorehouse.

I've seen a much better nation, Libluvs. I worry not for myself. I worry for the kids. What we are doing to them is atrocious. :(

Who really gives 2 shits about cycling anyway? The French maybe? If it was not for Lance Armstrong winning 7 in a row most American's really would not even care about the Tour De France. Isn't the Tour De France in June or July? Those are the two worst sports months during the year if you are not some yankee who likes boring ass baseball...gag...

July does have one redeeming quality, SEC FOOTBALL MEDIA DAYS!!!

Who really gives 2 shits about cycling anyway? The French maybe? If it was not for Lance Armstrong winning 7 in a row most American's really would not even care about the Tour De France. Isn't the Tour De France in June or July? Those are the two worst sports months during the year if you are not some yankee who likes boring ass baseball...gag...

July does have one redeeming quality, SEC FOOTBALL MEDIA DAYS!!!

It's not about cycling, BamaBoy. As usual you're a day late and a dollar short.

It's about a nation that has lost it's moral code.

You should be very concerned about this shit with a young boy who's going to live in America (or whatever they call it later) for a long, long time.

Are you really that detached?


What happened to Drug Dumper's post? Why was it deleted? She did the honorable thing and stepped up by admitting that she made the wrong call on Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong when this was discussed in previous threads. Why did they dump your post, Drug Dumper? You should be proud of fessing up. It takes a BIG person to do that. Please explain the delete. God bless you for your courage. But I hope you didn't delete your own post. That would be cowardly.

Libluvs, we've been pravdatized, my friend. Not much different from the Soviet Union 1969.

The media doesn't give a fuck about the truth anymore. It's actually an arm of the government today. No truth. And if they can turn a blind eye to the truth to create some sensationalism and drama - it's as sure a thing as scoring in a whorehouse.

I've seen a much better nation, Libluvs. I worry not for myself. I worry for the kids. What we are doing to them is atrocious. :(

Have you read some of the stuff coming out of Pravda lately? One had an interview with Putin, telling Americans NOT to go down the road of Socialism. "You see how that turned out for us." Also, Pravda just published an editorial, stating that Americans need to hold onto their guns with both hands, and that once they allowed Stalin to do that, mass murder followed. Pravda is actually more right than our media now.

What happened to Drug Dumper's post? Why was it deleted? She did the honorable thing and stepped up by admitting that she made the wrong call on Lance "I'm no doper" Armstrong when this was discussed in previous threads. Why did they dump your post, Drug Dumper? You should be proud of fessing up. It takes a BIG person to do that. Please explain the delete. God bless you for your courage. But I hope you didn't delete your own post. That would be cowardly.

Check out post #10. It hasn't been deleted, and it was also quoted in another post.

Good grief, is that all you have to worry about? Sad