Labcorp buying PathGroup?

Someone will need to buy us, how about Sonic? The VC's are trying to grow by buying derm labs, isn't that what Aurora did? It's an uphill battle.

someone needs to buy us. Upper sales exec has an expensive lake house to pay for since COVID has dried up. Unless he’s got some other brilliant idea that anyone with his title should have done years ago.

Where are all the African American employees in this company? No Women on the board or in Upper Management? This company needs to be looked at.............

Maybe no women or blacks are qualified. You hire on experience not color or gender. That's what's wrong with this crap of hiring to get the token black or female. What about Hispanic Asian Etc. Get over this crap and hire the best person.

Maybe no women or blacks are qualified. You hire on experience not color or gender. That's what's wrong with this crap of hiring to get the token black or female. What about Hispanic Asian Etc. Get over this crap and hire the best person.

Total ticking time bomb. The people in power are ……. Anti anything but white male.

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