Labcorp buying PathGroup?

I want to leave the lab I am at and apply for a job at PathGroup. The main hub is fairly close to me, but I’m afraid they may have a tobacco free policy and test new hires for nicotine. Anyone know? I’m working on quitting, I have stepped way down but I’m just not there yet. I supplement with gum and I know that still shows up on a test.
this is what you are concerned with? not working conditions, salary, PTO. Wow, we are going be lucky to have you. How did Walmart not snatch you up?? You must be a pilar of the community.

I think its in the works..............
Business is dying in TN and other States. I am shocked more folks aren't fired at this company. Lazy folks all over this company. Too many guys golfing and staying at home. I bet you half the sales force is home 3 days a week and the TAMS 4 days a week.
bye bye pathgroup....................

Haha so delusional and uninformed. Business is stronger than ever in TN and taking business from quest and labcorp daily. We just gained more accounts in the past week and haven’t slowed at all with holidays. This smells like a disgruntled ex employee

Are you serious or just clueless? PathGroup has done nothing but grow. They are currently in the middle of a major relocation to accommodate the growth. Every section has seen consistent growth. They are constantly hiring and expanding range. I am not sure if you are a disgruntled ex employee or employee at one of their competitors trying to spread false rumors. If anything, growth has been too consistent... thus the need for even larger facilities. Misinformation is rampant on these boards. If sales force is only working 3-4 days a week, then they must be pretty good to keep the company growing at the pace it has. I guess if they worked harder the current plans for expansion would not be enough. I can assure you PathGroup is here, alive, and growing. The other major labs may grab some accounts by bargain basement pricing, but they usually return for the service and turn around times. Don’t waste your time listening to these fools that are telling flat out lies or have no clue what is actually happening. I seriously don’t know where this information is coming from. I would assume some sales person from a competitor trying to undercut what they fear. Trust me, i wish the growth would slow a bit sometimes... but until it does they will keep hiring and modernizing. Use common sense folks... companies that are losing business and dying don’t embark on expansion projects that will allow them to not only keep up but continue to grow. For your own credibility, find another company to insult and spread lies about because you truly look like a fool by making such misinformed comments. If you don’t believe me, check out their new location being constructled near the airport.

Agreed!! I can’t wait to be in the new space. Not looking forward to the actual moving but after that it’ll be great. With previous employers there was always a productivity drop off around the holidays. It’s actually was business as normal and getting busier

I was at Grassmere yesterday and saw a few folks from Quest. We are definitely for sale.

What tipped you off? Pritzker bringing in a high level Executive or all the Quest middle management in sales and ops?

This was the plan from the beginning. Old paths, Medical directors, and Steve/joe get big payouts, pritzker makes a little $ and discovers that they aren’t qualified to get into healthcare, and Quest buys business because hey can’t get it any other way.

Pretty cut and dry situation.

PG bought.. PBM-Dallas TX
48 pathologist
I thought they were medfusion/aka
Nothing on this board talking about this May 1st!!!
Baylor Scott White hospitals

press release May 1st on Pathgroup/Linked in
Just google- PG buys PBM (48 drs) NGS testing/all ameripath accounts send to Medfusion/this pathgroup who is housed inside Medfusion/Quest bldg.