I never knew they were commuting this fraud while working there. Just did what was asked and clocked in and out. I heard a rumor that they opened again in Kennesaw back when the raid happened so shortly after that not sure if that lasted since it’s been some years now
I remember once sonal would get annoyed and say “this is a band aid fix, but we need a real solution” regarding the sales reps
I saw so many people disrespected in that place. I stood up to Sonal when I was disrespected and didn’t bite my tongue - she hated that… I ain’t no fucking pussy

ima say it to ur face if I have a problem with you
I was also disrespected by Minal as well but not as bad as Sonal
all of them are disgusting and greedy and like I said before Sonal had MAJOR TRUST ISSUES AND MICROMANAGEMENT ON EVERYTHING and of course you have to since you’re doing illegal activity but sorry Sonal you weren’t successful baby - you wasted your time
but looking back it makes sense that you were hiding something much deeper. I had NO idea then. did what i was hired for and went home.
She said the N word all the time… made comments about my weight and judgement on the people who carried the company on their backs for Minal, Sonal, Tushar and whoever else. If she was ever nice, she was faking it.
I’ve read every page of this thread until now and definitely wanted to chime in… this thread has been hilarious and I’ve checked in on it through the years.
Drove by the other day and the building is for sale. Glad Justice is served on Minal and will ask the burning question that others have asked and kept this thread alive- any new updates to this?
and I know I’m not the only former employee of LabSolutions that’s following this thread or leaving comments