Lab Solutions Did they get shut down or raided by FBI ??

Agreed. Not all labs are the same. And the ones assuming that all labs are doing something is probably doing something illegal themselves.

Agreed! It was amazing how many people were telling us that everyone was doing telemedicine but I knew we weren't nor did we ever. With the Feds cracking down on anyone who has been doing telemedicine in the past especially if someone either for the lab or someone who was getting paid by the lab was paying the telemedicine company then you had better get prepared for the FBI to come knocking. I know of one Fla group that tried to say they were only charging for the software rights but that dog won't hunt. I think most of us have all seen one legal opinion that said that trying to claim you were only paying for the software and not the physician ordering the testing will not stand up in court. It isn't hard for the Feds to look at how far the patients zip code is from the ordering physician and to also look at the number of lab tests ordered by that physician to determine if that physician is being paid off. I don't know why some people are not using their common sense, they can see from the times on the electronic orders how much time the doctor spent reviewing the patients files plus just look at how many were done in one day even if its a paper order. 75% of the time the doctor is never even calling the patient to have any type of interaction which is strike one and then they never have any type of follow up call which is strike two nor do they provide any guidance to the patient so therefore it is nothing more than a screening test which is strike 3 and everyone involved is out. CBS just did an investigative report on CGX testing and what a shock, the physician from another state never spoke to the patient. The patient was testing at a so called health fair. People tried doing this crap with compounds and they ended up killing the goose that was laying the golden eggs and they may end up doing the same again.

Agreed! It was amazing how many people were telling us that everyone was doing telemedicine but I knew we weren't nor did we ever. With the Feds cracking down on anyone who has been doing telemedicine in the past especially if someone either for the lab or someone who was getting paid by the lab was paying the telemedicine company then you had better get prepared for the FBI to come knocking. I know of one Fla group that tried to say they were only charging for the software rights but that dog won't hunt. I think most of us have all seen one legal opinion that said that trying to claim you were only paying for the software and not the physician ordering the testing will not stand up in court. It isn't hard for the Feds to look at how far the patients zip code is from the ordering physician and to also look at the number of lab tests ordered by that physician to determine if that physician is being paid off. I don't know why some people are not using their common sense, they can see from the times on the electronic orders how much time the doctor spent reviewing the patients files plus just look at how many were done in one day even if its a paper order. 75% of the time the doctor is never even calling the patient to have any type of interaction which is strike one and then they never have any type of follow up call which is strike two nor do they provide any guidance to the patient so therefore it is nothing more than a screening test which is strike 3 and everyone involved is out. CBS just did an investigative report on CGX testing and what a shock, the physician from another state never spoke to the patient. The patient was testing at a so called health fair. People tried doing this crap with compounds and they ended up killing the goose that was laying the golden eggs and they may end up doing the same again.

True. And that is why labsolutions is shutting down because what they were doing was wrong and they made millions of dollars from people who didnt even nees the test. The company has already started firing half od the lab. They cant afford it anymore. All the money was coming for MEDICARE AND MEDICARE IS NO LONGER PAYING THEM!

I tried to warn everyone about LabSolutions and others about Medicare Fraud and Telemedicine for Genetic testing. Go to Law360 today and see where "Minal Patel" the CEO of LabSolutions has been charged. I would bet that ANY lab that has been doing telemedicine for genetic testing is in BIG trouble so even if you were not but your lab was accepting telemedicine in the past you had better be concerned that they will get raided too and all of their bank account frozen. Once that happens we all know the end is near.

Patel charged and arrested in a 164 million dollar fraud case!!!!! WTF, 164 million. wow. look out distributors and everyone at Lab Solutions, time to run and hide if it’s not too late.

rumor has it that something went down at Lab Solutions this week. Any word? did the FBI raid and/or shut them down??

I tried to warn everyone about LabSolutions and others about Medicare Fraud and Telemedicine for Genetic testing. Go to Law360 today and see where "Minal Patel" the CEO of LabSolutions has been charged. I would bet that ANY lab that has been doing telemedicine for genetic testing is in BIG trouble so even if you were not but your lab was accepting telemedicine in the past you had better be concerned that they will get raided too and all of their bank account frozen. Once that happens we all know the end is near.
100 percent true! Its going down