Lab Corp Up For Sale!

Question:What is the difference between an Obama supporter and a Romney supporter?

Answer: The Obama supporter signs the back of the check and the Romney supporter signs the front of the check.

So what was that? Another angry white man joke?
Why don't you ask Sheldon Adelson and David Koch which side of the checks Romey signed, idiot.

Your candidate. He is as stiff as a board and moves like a robot.

Question: Why did Adelson write the checks for Romney?

Answer: Because he promisted to make the Justice Department who is investigating his illegal bribery case assoiciated with his casino's in China go away.

Where have you been living? Under a rock. The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act (2006) requires the Postal Service (the only agency private or public) to fund its pension fund for 75 years in advance within a period or 10 years. Every year they have to come up with billions in order to comply with this law which was designed to bankrupt the Post Office so that it may be privatized and the pension fund stolen. 75 years in advance is funding for employees who have not been born. This would be laughable if it were not so sinister and overtly so.

The US Constitution tried to protect the Post Office, acknowleging its necessity.

HENRY WAXMAN, a liberal socialist democrat, was one of the co-sponsors of that bill. hmmmm what's in it for their agenda? Libs/dems seem to ALWAYS do something ONLY when it pays off personally and to their voter base....

HENRY WAXMAN, a liberal socialist democrat, was one of the co-sponsors of that bill. hmmmm what's in it for their agenda? Libs/dems seem to ALWAYS do something ONLY when it pays off personally and to their voter base....

Give us a break already. Are we supposed to believe that republican't right wing nut jobs are only motivated by altruism?

If you work in HealthCare and you support Obama. Just put a gun in your mouth. why because you are commiting suicide. i have sold in Canada, england and Sweeden. Because of what are called "Tenders", that have to be approved by the government...for EVERYTHING, most of the time the deal closed with very little room for profit. Why do you think German based business brag whne they raise $1 Million dollars (American) for "Venture Capital". In the US no one brags at less then 10-15 million. The smaller amount barely keeps them afloat. so they come to the US and sell in our market.

Only one year, did I only cober Europe. I had a base of $75K US. I was at $4 million in sales, which was a little over 107% of goal. I made $35K in commish.

I moved back to the US was at 96% in the Mid-West sold 2.7 Million, had the same base for arguments sake and made $62.5K in commish.

The truth is that all politics aside. National Health Care not only will not let a 75year old man get prostate cancer treatment. If he is a retired Medical Rep, it will make sure he can not afford to pay for it if he so chooses.

And if you vote for Romney/Ryan, what do you think is going to happen when they defund the rest of the Planned Parenthood clinics and repeal the Affordable Care Act? The defunding has already begun in the state of Texas. Since so much of your testing, especially anatomical pathology comes from Planned Parenthood , what do you think will happen at LCA?

Because your cult like ideology can't process and compute facts and logic!!!

The Democratic Party has a cult like ideology? You obviously have a sophisticated understanding of politics and history, so (and I'm not the original poster) can you be more specific as to why you think political parties are cult-like? I'll hang up and wait for my facts and logic.

Get a clue. The stock market has little to do with the underlying economy. It's a function of the money supply. As the FED issues and sells treasuries, it is creating money which is a debt instrument. Primary dealers sell those debt instruments. Primary dealers get the principal from the buyers. They turn around and use that newly created money to buy equities, or short precious metals, or manipulate commodities, because there are no other investment vehicles offering any kind of return. They don't need to pay the FED back necessarily since the FED is loaning the primary dealers money at essentially no cost right now. It's all funny money.

All that newly minted money has found it's way into the markets and inflated them. The primary dealers and the Federal Reserve are broke. Bankrupt. The world is disposing of and refusing to buy newly created U.S. Federal Reserve debt. So who is buying all of that new debt that we issue? You guessed it. Our own Federal Reserve. They call it monetizing the debt. I call it fraud. Whatever you call it, you cannot make this shit up. Primary dealers are desperately trying to repair their bankrupt balance sheets. They hide all of their losses, commercial and residential real estate, derivative exposure, through some of the most magnificent accounting gimmickry on the planet. Who allows that gimmickry? Our complicit and paid for Congress.

How long can this continue? I am in complete amazement that the masters of the universe have been able to manipulate markets this long. Going on four years. They are desperately trying to funnel everything and everybody they can into the stock market for one last giant catastrophe. Retirement accounts, the wealth of this country, is going to get stolen. It has to. That is the only wealth available to shore up the trillions in debt and losses that bankers truly owe. Time will run out before they can inflate away their losses with new and free money. It is that bad.

In the meantime, anyone getting into markets now, better be prepared to get fleeced. Obamacare is the last nail in the coffin. A CBO report has stated that Obama and the Democrats under estimated the cost of ObamacareO\ (ON PURPOSE) by at least 1.2 trillion (incl. admin. costs) bringing the true costs of Obamacare to over 2 trillion in it's first ten years. Before it's even implemented. Who's gonna pay that? Apparently nobody gives a shit.

They are doing the same thing here that they have already done to most of the 3rd world countries: Infuse a huge amount of money into the economy, create a bubble in an industry like real estate,band then abruptly pull the money out of the economy causing a huge crash and defaults everywhere. Afterwards, come back and buy up everything of value at pennies on the dollar. Or pay off the corrupt leaders and politicians of the 3rd world country, give huge loans for things like construction projects where the work is done by foreign corporations so the money never circulates in the economy. When the country cannot pay back the lone, the resources are confiscated in order to pay back the defaulted loan. What males matters worse is institutions like the World Bank do what all other banks do: Fractional reserve money created out of thin air through issuing credit. The Chinese got wind of the trick and started to play just as hard by manipulating their currency and floating it against the dollar. But things are so corrupt now, all it would take is a glitch in the computer program on purose or not to cause a catastrophe. We just experienced an incident not long ago and no one has explained what happened.
It is pretty much an example of the chickens coming home to roost.

Instead of worrying about Obamacare, you out to worry about losing government funded health care. Don't kid yourself. What do think pull through is all about anyway?All of the labs do it.

If history repeats itself, the so called "job creators" will employ that cheap money that they got from the FED that they are hording to purchase real estate, corporate equities, natural resources, and everything else of value at bargain basement prices which will be pennies on the dollar. Not just here in the good ole USA where congress and the White House is also up for sale, but gloabally. Why? To maintain the status quo and insure that you will always be just a sharecropper on massa's plantation.