Lab Corp Up For Sale!

Want to know what it is like to be taken private by Bain Capital? As the former and current employees of Clear Channel. Most of the employees were fired. The radio stations were automated. The ones left have to do the work of 4 people for the same pay. Benefits were cut. Most of the employees were invested in Clear Channel's employee stock purchase plan for their retirement. When Bain purchased the stock form them, they only gave them 40 cents on the dollar. In other words, they found another way to steal pensions.

This is why you hear Oxycontin Rush Limpdick in every market all day spewing his poison, hate and corporate elitist propaganda.

I hope this happens. You will see all kinds of Rats fleeing and begging for jobs. Those of us who have already left will remember when you call begging for a job.

Karma, I love it.

I hope this happens. You will see all kinds of Rats fleeing and begging for jobs. Those of us who have already left will remember when you call begging for a job.

Karma, I love it.

I understand your sentiment but I would remind you that most of the grunts, at LabCrap, are good people, trying to get by. Believe me, I am happy for you, that you were able to move on. Some of us haven't had that good fortune and are still stuck working for d***head managers who don't know their a** from a hole in the ground, as you well know. Wait, that's not fair. There are some really good managers left, though they be few and far between because those in higher positions have a hard time facing truth/reality. Gotta' keep the stock price high! Maybe a change will be good... I doubt it... but only time will tell. One thing is for sure... having a lawyer for a CEO was a horrible idea, and it's only gotten worse. Congrats on your ability to get away from the Titanic before she sinks. Here's to hoping that the rest of us will have some good luck, too. God knows we deserve it.

Does anyone else see the irony that LabCorp, who does not comment on any published reports, jumped at the chance to deny the rumors about a buyout? There have been serious allegations published about the company in the past with no comment. Why now? Hmmm

Huh? You are an idiot comparing the two situations. Get a fucking clue about what your talking about. How would you compare what Obama's doing to this Country? Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? This thread sees right through your silly comparisons.

And are not too bright if you don't see the connection, nit wit So what were you doing 4 years ago, packaging subprime mortages for Countrywide???

Look, I have been through a number of mergers and buyouts. The management always bald face lied. You will get more accurate and way more info outside of the company. They will deny everything until the dotted line has be signed.

Look, I have been through a number of mergers and buyouts. The management always bald face lied. You will get more accurate and way more info outside of the company. They will deny everything until the dotted line has been signed.

To name a few: The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the Afordable HealthCare Act, outlawing torture and ending the war in Iraq and winding it down in Afganistan, saving General Motors, finally taking down Bin Laden, putting good progressives on the Supreme Court, putting W' s two wars on the books so we could see what the financial price tag is, etc...

He will do a lot more when those ignorant red neck tea baggers get voted out of the House of Representatives. Who is holding up progress becuase they want to take us back to the 19th century and can't get past the color of the President's skin? They are still singing Dixie and trying to wave that confederate flag. Peiople of good will know just what I am saying.

Yet idiot don't you know that the Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act?

didja ever google "stock market performance of democrats vs republicans?

Here's a clip:

"This primary season, President Obama has been slammed by Republicans like Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum over what they believe to be his anti-corporations, job creation-stifling economic policies.

However, Obama might have some fresh ammunition to fire back at his challengers, at least on the standpoint of the health of the stock market. According to Bob Drummond of Bloomberg, the US stock market has performed significantly better over the past five decades under Democratic presidents than to Republican presidents.

Drummonds cites the results of the Bloomberg Government (or BGOV) barometer, which created a hypothetical $1,000 fund that tracked the S&P 500 (^GSPC) when Democrats sit in the White House versus when Republicans hold the office.

What the barometer reveals is that when tracking only the years a Democrat was president, starting with John F. Kennedy, the fund would now be worth some $10,920, representing an increase of 992%. Comparatively, beginning with Richard Nixon to the last day of George W. Bush’s term, the fund would only have reached $2,087, which represents a relatively paltry gain of 109%.

For the 23 years of Democratic presidencies we’ve had since Kennedy, the S&P-tracking fund would have brought an annualized return of 11%, compared to the 2.7% returned under 28 years of Republicans in the White House.

“The market does tend to do better under Democrats than under Republicans,” Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at S&P Equity Research in New York, told Bloomberg. “Is it because Republicans mishandled the economy, or inherited a weak economy? I’ll leave that to others.”

Stovall does note that every post-WWII Republican president has faced a recession in his first term in the Oval Office (“Nine of 11 recessions that began since 1945 -- and seven of eight since Kennedy ran for president in 1960 -- started with Republicans in the Oval Office,” notes Drummond), which would go a long way in demonstrating that it was exogenous factors and not specific partisan presidential policies that affected the performance of the stock market.

While the sample size used in this study is probably too small for the results to have any significant meaning, it should at least put to rest any notion still out there that Democrats are in any way anti-capitalist.

Read more:"

Get a clue. The stock market has little to do with the underlying economy. It's a function of the money supply. As the FED issues and sells treasuries, it is creating money which is a debt instrument. Primary dealers sell those debt instruments. Primary dealers get the principal from the buyers. They turn around and use that newly created money to buy equities, or short precious metals, or manipulate commodities, because there are no other investment vehicles offering any kind of return. They don't need to pay the FED back necessarily since the FED is loaning the primary dealers money at essentially no cost right now. It's all funny money.

All that newly minted money has found it's way into the markets and inflated them. The primary dealers and the Federal Reserve are broke. Bankrupt. The world is disposing of and refusing to buy newly created U.S. Federal Reserve debt. So who is buying all of that new debt that we issue? You guessed it. Our own Federal Reserve. They call it monetizing the debt. I call it fraud. Whatever you call it, you cannot make this shit up. Primary dealers are desperately trying to repair their bankrupt balance sheets. They hide all of their losses, commercial and residential real estate, derivative exposure, through some of the most magnificent accounting gimmickry on the planet. Who allows that gimmickry? Our complicit and paid for Congress.

How long can this continue? I am in complete amazement that the masters of the universe have been able to manipulate markets this long. Going on four years. They are desperately trying to funnel everything and everybody they can into the stock market for one last giant catastrophe. Retirement accounts, the wealth of this country, is going to get stolen. It has to. That is the only wealth available to shore up the trillions in debt and losses that bankers truly owe. Time will run out before they can inflate away their losses with new and free money. It is that bad.

In the meantime, anyone getting into markets now, better be prepared to get fleeced. Obamacare is the last nail in the coffin. A CBO report has stated that Obama and the Democrats under estimated the cost of Obamacare (ON PURPOSE) by at least 1.2 trillion (incl. admin. costs) bringing the true costs of Obamacare to over 2 trillion in it's first ten years. Before it's even implemented. Who's gonna pay that? Apparently nobody gives a shit.

To name a few: The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the Afordable HealthCare Act, outlawing torture and ending the war in Iraq and winding it down in Afganistan, saving General Motors, finally taking down Bin Laden, putting good progressives on the Supreme Court, putting W' s two wars on the books so we could see what the financial price tag is, etc...

He will do a lot more when those ignorant red neck tea baggers get voted out of the House of Representatives. Who is holding up progress becuase they want to take us back to the 19th century and can't get past the color of the President's skin? They are still singing Dixie and trying to wave that confederate flag. Peiople of good will know just what I am saying.

President Obama's national health care law will cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, according to a new projection released today by the Congressional Budget Office, rather than the $940 billion forecast when it was signed into law.

Democrats employed many accounting tricks when they were pushing through the national health care legislation, the most egregious of which was to delay full implementation of the law until 2014, so it would appear cheaper under the CBO's standard ten-year budget window and, at least on paper, meet Obama's pledge that the legislation would cost "around $900 billion over 10 years." When the final CBO score came out before passage, critics noted that the true 10 year cost would be far higher than advertised once projections accounted for full implementation.

President Obama's national health care law will cost $1.76 trillion over a decade, according to a new projection released today by the Congressional Budget Office, rather than the $940 billion forecast when it was signed into law.

Democrats employed many accounting tricks when they were pushing through the national health care legislation, the most egregious of which was to delay full implementation of the law until 2014, so it would appear cheaper under the CBO's standard ten-year budget window and, at least on paper, meet Obama's pledge that the legislation would cost "around $900 billion over 10 years." When the final CBO score came out before passage, critics noted that the true 10 year cost would be far higher than advertised once projections accounted for full implementation.

Link please

1. Obamacare costing $1.75 Trillion...? That's less than the Republican Wars over the past decade. At least we may get something for ourselves.

2. These "Democratic" accounting tricks. Are they similar to those employed by the Repubs in the tax cut bills and how the "sunset provisions" take effect?

3. And Bozo criticizing the investment return issue: May I suggest an audit of your college econ classes? You've been reading from blogs again. Those are poor substitutes for the real thing.

Of course, your buddy, Rmoney, could solve this crisis by simply selling off some non-performing assets like in his Bain days. Something like Texas or Hawaii.

1. Obamacare costing $1.75 Trillion...? That's less than the Republican Wars over the past decade. At least we may get something for ourselves.

2. These "Democratic" accounting tricks. Are they similar to those employed by the Repubs in the tax cut bills and how the "sunset provisions" take effect?

3. And Bozo criticizing the investment return issue: May I suggest an audit of your college econ classes? You've been reading from blogs again. Those are poor substitutes for the real thing.

Of course, your buddy, Rmoney, could solve this crisis by simply selling off some non-performing assets like in his Bain days. Something like Texas or Hawaii.

Amen. You know that's right!

I hope this happens. You will see all kinds of Rats fleeing and begging for jobs. Those of us who have already left will remember when you call begging for a job.

Karma, I love it.

this company is a mess and they need to start all over horrible place to work an most high lever management don not have a clue !! its run out of NC and most high lever directors and above went to no name colleges or none at all an have little education . These no competition in this company its a bunch of good ole boys !!!! I would never consider this co a top pharma company as we in pharma laugh at this !!! They sell contacts thru insurance companies an lab tests real skill set here !!!! PLease !! bunch of losers !!!