KS to retire in March 2010

ATO rumor late yesterday:

KS is going to retire ):

Did anyone else hear the whispers?

he is in tight

Director Total Compensation 2008

David Baltimore $281,590
Frank J. Biondi, Jr. $327,206
François de Carbonnel $113,206
Jerry D. Choate $277,078
Vance D. Coffman $529,609
Frederick W. Gluck $314,174
Frank C. Herringer $357,790
Gilbert S. Omenn $304,174
Judith C. Pelham $297,141
J. Paul Reason $273,391
Leonard D. Schaeffer $300,891

Not bad for a few days work a year. Disgraceful.

What a mess

Originally Posted by Anonymous
A half dozen messages have been deleted from this thread. Most dealt with the company's market cap now vs when KS became CEO. I guess readers need to do the math themselves. Don't forget the billions in deals and stock buy backs. Today's market cap is $57.2 B.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
12 billion in bond debt used to buy back shares over the last 8 years ???

Throw in aquisition costs for Avidia, Kinetix, Immunex, Tularik, Abgenix, Alantos and Ilypsa. That should be about 20 billion more. If I recall, market cap was about 73 billion at the start of the KS era.