Kowa Continues to Pay None Performers??

KOWA is about to see some major changes. They are about to see some consecutive President club winners LEAVE. They will be surprised..... but have been warned several times to pay their performers or lose them. What reps in the company does KOWA not need to lose????

Some of you guys are ridiculous. Some are making perfect sense. The IC plan does SUCK. I know reps that grew Livalo 8-9% and got $1.00 per script with close to 400 scripts. That is ludicrous, compared to a rep that had 231 scripts that made $2.50 per script with 11% growth.

However, you can really make money with your 2nd product. Look at the payout grid.

Kowa recently came out with an "All Time High" Contest that pays reps each time they hit an all time high TRx for Livalo or Lipofen. The problem with this contest and many of the other Kowa contest or even IC program is that the reps who have been performing all along are at a disadvantage.

For this contest, if your current All Time High TRx for Livalo is 100 you have to get 101 to be in the money. For another rep who's All Time High is 15 they just have to get 16 scripts to be in the money (be serious, who's making more money for the company?). Additionally, an area with more potential or has better tracking of their data will always be more likely to win these contest.

Until Kowa figures out how to reward Performers they will continue to have turn over. There has to be a market share consideration, Livalo and Lipofen have been around long enough to know how it compares to the other branded products in each territory.
Bonuses may suck but the base pay sure is low!

So it sounds like: Low base salary, small bonuses and Me-Too products that aren't priced to compete with $4 and generic competition. If there is micro-management and frequent ride-alongs on top of it--it could officially be the worst pharma company to work for! Can't imagine why there is frequent turnover.?? lol.
Keep up the good work, Kowa!!

So it sounds like: Low base salary, small bonuses and Me-Too products that aren't priced to compete with $4 and generic competition. If there is micro-management and frequent ride-alongs on top of it--it could officially be the worst pharma company to work for! Can't imagine why there is frequent turnover.?? lol.
Keep up the good work, Kowa!!

Well, there are the few reps that they dangle the carrot and say: "Look at him/her! They make huge bank in bonuses"! These are really few and far between. Most reps aren't making shit.
More than most I.C. plans, it's dictated by managed care and has ZERO to do with the rep. If you've fallen into a golden territory, good for you. Hold onto it, its a cake walk for you. You have good volume, good managed care access and a lot of docs writing your products (rare for these products, trust me...). For the rest, don't expect to make much in bonus. If you can live off the low base salary and your manager is not up your behind, it's not too bad. Unfortunately, your numbers are probably going to be low and they WILL be up your behind.
In reality, most of the reps should be looking for other jobs. The time worked is really not worth the money earned.

KOWA is about to see some major changes. They are about to see some consecutive President club winners LEAVE. They will be surprised..... but have been warned several times to pay their performers or lose them. What reps in the company does KOWA not need to lose????

It's already happened. Anyone remember the DM from Memphis (Enoch?)? I heard he left because he was embarrased at how low his reps were making. He was the number one DM last year and went to P club. I like how that guy operates, where did he go? I'd work for him!

It goes without saying we live in a generic world in terms of Manged Care. That said:
10 Great Reps=decent Managed Care Access all things considered, but still challenging.
50 Good Reps=Very challenging Managed Care Access
"The rest that should just go away"=You're not going to win any trips, no matter how "great" or hard working you are because of difficult Managed Care.
It would be interesting to see how a "Superstar" rep would perform if they were suddenly taken out of their Cake Territory and put in a territory that has NEVER performed well.
I'm pretty sure it's more the territory itself than the actual rep's performance.

AMEN!!! But Brad and his mindless DM's will continue to blame the reps, it's easier and requires little thought or effort. Blame the rep, it has to be the rep, because everyone knows that "there isn't a better product than Lipofen and Livalo is soooo unique!" Yeah Right!!!!!!!!!!!

First two weeks of the ATH contest. First week, one person awarded points for going from 8 to 9 scripts and the second week someone awarded points for going from 13 to 14 scripts. Screw the reps who are bringing in 70, 80, or 100 scripts but not at their ATH, who is paying the bills at Kowa 13 scripts or 100 scripts but who is getting the bonus or award points? Does this make sense?

I realize that most comments on here are going to be negative and from disgruntled employees and former employees. If someone is happy with their bonuses, they aren't likely to post on here or if they do--they are immediately branded as being in management, Home Office, A Loser, etc...
That said, I am curious as to how the new IC plan compares as a whole to the old one. I've heard postive and negative. It seems to be extreme: people are either REALLY happy or REALLY pissed about it.

Hello, Idiot.

The non performers are REALLY happy. They don't have to dig very deep to crank out of few more scripts.

The High Performers are REALLY pissed, especially those with a high baseline. And let's not even get into Kowa's data.

There. I made it simple for you.