Kowa recently came out with an "All Time High" Contest that pays reps each time they hit an all time high TRx for Livalo or Lipofen. The problem with this contest and many of the other Kowa contest or even IC program is that the reps who have been performing all along are at a disadvantage.
For this contest, if your current All Time High TRx for Livalo is 100 you have to get 101 to be in the money. For another rep who's All Time High is 15 they just have to get 16 scripts to be in the money (be serious, who's making more money for the company?). Additionally, an area with more potential or has better tracking of their data will always be more likely to win these contest.
Until Kowa figures out how to reward Performers they will continue to have turn over. There has to be a market share consideration, Livalo and Lipofen have been around long enough to know how it compares to the other branded products in each territory.
You have some valid points, but I disagree with some of them. I agree the turnover is incredibly high and something should be done regarding that. I also agree that the IC plan needs to be tweaked. It really is not fair if you are stuck in a low volume territory: even if you grow the business at a reasonable rate, you are not going to make any money.
It doesn't appear to be anything that needs to be drastically changed, though. Just increase the amounts a little for the lower volume. If you grow your low volume territory 5 or 10% a month, you should be able to buy more than a Happy Meal, literally. Just sayin'....
That said, I think the concept and most of the grid is fair. You are rewarded for high growth and you are really rewarded for high volume and high growth. If you've grown your territory to the point of getting 100 trx in a week, ATH or otherwise--you'll be compensated for it.
I don't think it's realistic to be awarded AGAIN in a weekly contest for something you've already achieved. In fact, you may have already been rewarded for a previous contest, as well as monthly bonuses....How many times should you be rewarded for something you've done months or years ago? This is sales. We are in a "what have you done for me lately" business and we have to always get more.
The current ATH contest is fair: everyone can win every week because you are competing against your own ATH. If you can't beat your own ATH in a quarter, then you shouldn't win. Period.
The example you listed about the 15 and 100 ATH doesn't have merit, in my opinion, and here is why. For one: anyone getting that low an ATH is not making JACK for bonus and it's not they can get something in terms of a contest prize. If you don't believe me: look at the grid for that low a volume....
For you getting at or around 100 TRX in a week--cry me a river. You're getting a decent monthly bonus, you've probably already been rewarded for your 100 ATH and suck it up! It's a hell of a lot easier to get more TRX from someone already writing than to get NRX from someone who's never written.
And once again: it's sales. You have to keep increasing and can't rest on your laurels from something you've done 6 months or a year ago.
And regarding the data: that's not an issue, anymore with W.K. It's a heck of a lot more accurate than IMS ever was.
EVERYONE can beat their own ATH every week. You need to quit making excuses and go sell something.