Kip reads Cafepharma

Forst, I've been here for 13 years. From day one I've said I wouldn't wipe my a$$ with the Credo.

Second, the mess that this company will soon become will largely fall on the shoulders of the one actually calling the shots right now.....perky marketing genius SB.

Yes please contact the media. Let me know when one of them gives a shit. Yes this is all tragic to the reps losing jobs but layoffs are a part of everyday America today. As for the Credo who gives a fuck. The media only jumps on a story when a drug or device hurts or kills patients not when sales reps that most people believe are overpaid to begin with have a comp plan changed on them.

LOL not disagreeing with any points . BUT DO YOU REALLY THINK ANY OF US ARE THAT IMPORTANT > You should only have loyalty to people not a company .WAKE UP ITS A BUSINESS TO EARN A PROFIT > CREEDO COME ON THATS ALL HYPE AND MARKETING > OH and look at who really runs the company and where they are from . JnJ is a legal mafia

Things definitely aren't the same in device sales anymore....16 years in this business, made quota all but 5 of those years and didn't miss by much when i didn't. Just want to make sure the family and kids are taken care of and I can retire before I'm 95!!....sad to think that I may have to start all over again with another company....think it's time for a career change.

As the largest revenue producer of MD&D, these change has already been in the wall street journal for months and quoted as reducing head count. They would probably be very interested in the ethical conflicts that have now come to light.

It's a business of course companies are going to want to be ahead of the curve. I did read another article but not in WSJ JnJ profits were up. so that is a good thing . I am %100 JNJ stock in my 401k. I might get the call but i understand and no i am not waiting for the government to ay my mortgage