Kip reads Cafepharma

Ethicon has given me a good life over the last decade. Changing the comp plan at the 11th hour was the straw that broke the camels back for most I have spoken with. It is almost as though this new Ethicon is trying to go to the polar opposite of the current JNJ Credo. They are going to wake up in a few months and see that they have lost market share. It is too bad the way they have handled this whole impending disaster. Oh Well!! Life moves on.

You are right about market share. I agree that the market has changed and the role of reps has expanded beyond the surgeon, hence the re-org. But, Ethicon is undersetimating the impact. The loss in share will be significant and don't think you can just expand again if that happens. It's too late then.

The company has panicked imo. Sure we need to adapt but you took it too far. Just settle the hell down next time you need to change and quit being so greedy.

Ethicon has given me a good life over the last decade. Changing the comp plan at the 11th hour was the straw that broke the camels back for most I have spoken with. It is almost as though this new Ethicon is trying to go to the polar opposite of the current JNJ Credo. They are going to wake up in a few months and see that they have lost market share. It is too bad the way they have handled this whole impending disaster. Oh Well!! Life moves on.

Coviden, Applied, AMS, Hologic.....will take what is little left of our market share. And I am done caring. The way they have treated the reps with the comp plan is ridiculous. And this whole "procees" was not handled correctly. Credo? What credo?? I am sick of them talking about that on every conference call. They seriously have 0 respect for any of us. How can you seriously enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner with your family? They could have made the timing better. I swear that they do this on purpose. I am on to greener pastures, and you should too. Only the dumb fools will stick around. Shame on them.

Coviden, Applied, AMS, Hologic.....will take what is little left of our market share. And I am done caring. The way they have treated the reps with the comp plan is ridiculous. And this whole "procees" was not handled correctly. Credo? What credo?? I am sick of them talking about that on every conference call. They seriously have 0 respect for any of us. How can you seriously enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner with your family? They could have made the timing better. I swear that they do this on purpose. I am on to greener pastures, and you should too. Only the dumb fools will stick around. Shame on them.

It's a shame but the companies you mentioned are all going through the same layoff process. They may take some share but it'll be at the cost of good employees who got pushed out to keep shareholders happy.

Why doesn't someone share this information with the media? Today's market was down and the evening news named several big companies with huge losses and someone needs to tip the media off. Given the recent JNJ problems with quality, mesh recalls leading to discontinuation of products this year, I'm sure the media would love to follow up with a story regarding the "good ole days of JNJ's credo" when it meant something....what was it again?...oh, that's right, something about laced Tylenol back in the 70's or 80's?....whatever, ancient history now. It's a new day, a new company and it's going to be flat out cool!!! NO credo to be found!! Shit, I'm still waiting to hear Q12 engagement/credo survey results....LOL, btw, how much did that waste of time cost the company to do this year?
I'll be sticking around as long as I can. Enjoy watching the talking heads on their video emails and especially enjoy sharing it with others!!

Lets talk LITIGATION here. "changing the comp plan" for 10 months prior is going to turn into a nightmare for them. There are reps that will be paying back 10-20K. Let me point out that this has NEVER been put in writing or in our playbook. Therefore, this is a major issue. Yes, the company has a right to adjust comp but not for 10 months we earned fair and square. Bring it on JNJ, I've already contacted my attorney.

Lets talk LITIGATION here. "changing the comp plan" for 10 months prior is going to turn into a nightmare for them. There are reps that will be paying back 10-20K. Let me point out that this has NEVER been put in writing or in our playbook. Therefore, this is a major issue. Yes, the company has a right to adjust comp but not for 10 months we earned fair and square. Bring it on JNJ, I've already contacted my attorney.

10-20k? That's nothing! There are reps who are affected to the tune of $50-55k for one product category

Lets talk LITIGATION here. "changing the comp plan" for 10 months prior is going to turn into a nightmare for them. There are reps that will be paying back 10-20K. Let me point out that this has NEVER been put in writing or in our playbook. Therefore, this is a major issue. Yes, the company has a right to adjust comp but not for 10 months we earned fair and square. Bring it on JNJ, I've already contacted my attorney.

Unless your attorney takes the case under a contingency agreement plan to lose not only the comp money you think you can sue for but also the money your attorney will happily take from you in retainer funds. They can change a comp plan at any time going forward even if thy means the formula used would change what monies were earned in prior quarters. Good luck suing my friend! Do you really think jnj did this without consulting the legal team first knowing how many people this would effect and during a time when a huge layoff would occur? They are insensitive but not dumb.
You are better off taking that money and saving it for when the axe falls and you are out of work for 6 months or more because 500 other reps just like you are going for the same jobs.

Here's an idea Ethicon folks...why doesn't someone forward that letter written by the rep in Arizona to the Wall Street Journal??? They would LOVE to get their hands on a story like this- JNJ laying off reps and at the 11th hour telling them (not in writing) that this WHOLE years comp was going to change and they will now have to pay back $10,000-$50,000 of hard earned money.

The WSJ knows all about the credo and this my friends is a HUGE deal. It's not in writing for a reason. One of two things are going to come out of this. 1. Bad Press and JNJ DOES NOT want negative media coverage and/or 2. Litigation due to so many people being fed up. Stand up for yourselves people!! Asking Kip on a conference call will do nothing. The WSJ is the place to document this unethical behavior especially from big bad JNJ.

' JNJ takes back a year of rep compensation and goes against their Credo to hit bottom line'
Layoffs happen all the time and that's not a story...this is beyond unethical behavior, especially from a company that PRIDES themselves on the credo!

Here's an idea Ethicon folks...why doesn't someone forward that letter written by the rep in Arizona to the Wall Street Journal??? They would LOVE to get their hands on a story like this- JNJ laying off reps and at the 11th hour telling them (not in writing) that this WHOLE years comp was going to change and they will now have to pay back $10,000-$50,000 of hard earned money.

The WSJ knows all about the credo and this my friends is a HUGE deal. It's not in writing for a reason. One of two things are going to come out of this. 1. Bad Press and JNJ DOES NOT want negative media coverage and/or 2. Litigation due to so many people being fed up. Stand up for yourselves people!! Asking Kip on a conference call will do nothing. The WSJ is the place to document this unethical behavior especially from big bad JNJ.

' JNJ takes back a year of rep compensation and goes against their Credo to hit bottom line'
Layoffs happen all the time and that's not a story...this is beyond unethical behavior, especially from a company that PRIDES themselves on the credo!


Here's an idea Ethicon folks...why doesn't someone forward that letter written by the rep in Arizona to the Wall Street Journal??? They would LOVE to get their hands on a story like this- JNJ laying off reps and at the 11th hour telling them (not in writing) that this WHOLE years comp was going to change and they will now have to pay back $10,000-$50,000 of hard earned money.

The WSJ knows all about the credo and this my friends is a HUGE deal. It's not in writing for a reason. One of two things are going to come out of this. 1. Bad Press and JNJ DOES NOT want negative media coverage and/or 2. Litigation due to so many people being fed up. Stand up for yourselves people!! Asking Kip on a conference call will do nothing. The WSJ is the place to document this unethical behavior especially from big bad JNJ.

' JNJ takes back a year of rep compensation and goes against their Credo to hit bottom line'
Layoffs happen all the time and that's not a story...this is beyond unethical behavior, especially from a company that PRIDES themselves on the credo!
What letter???

Ethicon will dig deep against any lawsuits or anyone that tries to pin them down. They'll pull your phone records, audit expense reports, all your emails, texts, and even call your surgeons/customers looking for any reason to fire you. I'm all about standing up against the man, but go about it the right way and as a group. Be smart, not emotional

Ethicon will dig deep against any lawsuits or anyone that tries to pin them down. They'll pull your phone records, audit expense reports, all your emails, texts, and even call your surgeons/customers looking for any reason to fire you. I'm all about standing up against the man, but go about it the right way and as a group. Be smart, not emotional

So what? If you are let go, what do you have to lose. Even if you are retained, there are plenty that are trying to leave. JNJ has much more to lose

A very well written letter from a CSR on the west coast to Kip and Tim. It is a great letter and I agree that the WSJ would love to get ahold of it but other reps should be encouraged to write their concerns with the credo/unethical behavior to Kip/Tim as well as the Journal. At first I thought if I had to payback that much dough, I would write a letter too but I am only in payback by $2,000. Then I started thinking about the lack of concern and Kip's answer to that question yesterday. It doesn't matter if you are affected by $1 or $50,000, IT IS 100% UNETHICAL AND GOES AGAINST THE CREDO and the above poster is correct that is has NOT been put in writing.
I say send all concerns to the media as well. This could be a nice case study for business school down the road on ethical behavior and how to handle a company restructure.

The comp plan change, while the timing sucks, is well within the rights of the company to employ. You would just be wasting your time and money by fighting it. The only people it really affects are people who are displaced anyways. If you are retained, baseline and quota evens out after 12 months.

The comp plan change, while the timing sucks, is well within the rights of the company to employ. You would just be wasting your time and money by fighting it. The only people it really affects are people who are displaced anyways. If you are retained, baseline and quota evens out after 12 months.

Yes. It may be legal. The point is that it is unethical and contradicts the Credo.