Kip reads Cafepharma

December will be waive two. The first waive of reps leaving will be those with other job offers in hand now who find out on Thursday they have a position. They will just be disappointed they don't get to double dip with severance and new job.

December will be waive two. The first waive of reps leaving will be those with other job offers in hand now who find out on Thursday they have a position. They will just be disappointed they don't get to double dip with severance and new job.

There are a TON of reps interviewing elsewhere right now. Even if they are retained on thursday, there will be many who will leave once offers start coming in.

There are a TON of reps interviewing elsewhere right now. Even if they are retained on thursday, there will be many who will leave once offers start coming in.

Yes, I know of a lot of reps who are in the middle of interviewing. They are done with this BS of OLD technology, INFLATED pricing and pathetic contracting. I think reps are finally realizing that this job is only $120k a year. NO THANKS. You will see a waive of reps leaving soon on their own.

Yes, we were supposed to get an email today about the dm's retained and their territories....omg, I hope they can get their shit together after Thursday and have a new sales roster available.....too much to ask? or is it just details not thought about in those "high level" meetings? Whatever, I'm bored and I don't really care anymore, just drop the gullotine and let's all move on. The new culture of untrust and ruthlessness has begun.

There are a TON of reps interviewing elsewhere right now. Even if they are retained on thursday, there will be many who will leave once offers start coming in.

I bet not that many leave. They may say that but we went through a huge layoff last year and no one quit so if they make it through this one most will fall back into the same daily bullshit of this job. The jnj sugar tit is too sweet for most.

interviewing for what? So now we will have to compete for entry level at other companies. Like I see my self going back to my docs with a competitor,NOW THATS REAL CREDIBLE . Best to get out of the business, because it does not matter if you hit your number . YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE ZERO CONTROL OVER YOUR FUTURE WHEN YOU ARE WORKING FOR THE MAN

Or trying to sell to surgeons that are owned by the hospital. No access, no meetings, nada! If you want a device job u need to get into spine or hardware if you want in the hospital. It's only getting worse. I had 100% access and I have about 40%. It's a brutal sudden change. Think about a career change, seriously!

Anyone hear the rumor about early retirement being offered to the rest of ESC once the reps are cut? That's the latest going around home office but the company doesn't want to offer it till they lose some headcount through displacement.