Kindler is a democrat...

You've got it all wrong, the GOP/Teabaggers are the ones tied to the corporate interest groups and lobbyists. Why did they almost let the government default by refusing to cut taxes for the wealthy and wouldn't even stop subsidies to oil companies who make billions in profits? Unless you're a millionaire, the right wing's policies aren't helping anyone but themselves and the groups who are paying them to ruin our economy, while they support the failed Bush plans which have caused the greatest gap of financial inequality in history.

I'm not very political but it's interesting and kind of hilarious how liberals have selected this small group (tea party) to attack. These people hold no office and no real political power yet liberals are terrified of them. I just don't get it. Do you have any of your own thoughts or are you just capable of repeating political rhetoric?

I'll tell you how, (by the way sshhh, lets keep this a secret, we want a TEA party inspired republican to win the nomination, obama will then be a shoe in):

-Texas' rank among states in spending for teachers' salaries: 50.
-Texas' rank among states in spending for the environment: 49.
-Texas' rank among states in per-capita funding for public health: 48.
-Texas' rank among states in delivery of social services: 47.
-Texas' rank among states in child-support collections: 42.
-Texas' rank among states in per-capita spending on public education: 41.
-Texas' rank among states in percentage of population living in poverty: 5.
-Texas rank among states in water and air pollution: 1.
-Texas rank among states in percentage of poor working parents without insurance: 1.
-Texas rank among states in percentage of children without health insurance: 1.
-Texas rank among states in executions: 1.
-Proportion of adult Texans who are currently locked up in a state prison facility: 1 in 98.
-Proportion of adult Texans who are currently under supervision of the penal system (in jail or on probation, for example): 1 in 26.
-Texas rank among states in % minumum wage jobs: 1.
-Texas rank among states in % of adults with high school diplomas: 47

Are these the reasons people are leaving the other 49 states in droves to live, work and start businesses there?

Liberal meccas with super debt like Massachusetts, California, New York, Michigan and New Jersey are losing population faster than most other states and liberal paradises like Detroit, NYC, Philadelphia and DC are overrun with violence, gangs, poverty, drugs and corruption.

Oh yeah, we can't leave Illinois and Chicago off this list either. Maybe Newsweek will put on it's cover one day, "We are all Chicago now."

Obama sucks and he has a record of economic destruction and incompetence. I bet a $100 dollars he runs on his record of fighting terrorism which he has done by keeping all the Bush policies in place - still in Iraq and Afghanistan, troop surge, killing bin Laden, starting war with Libya, keeping Gitmo open, killing pirates and other terrorists, dropping bombs from high above and drone attacks which occasional kill women and children. This is a bloodthirsty president when you look at it like this. But I give him some credit where credit is due.

1) If you are stating that everyone outside of FOX news, is "Liberal Media", then I guess you are right! :) But really, he is far from extreme left wing, they do exist though and are not hard to find. They are the democrats answer to the TEA party. But again, in rference to TEA party ideals, everyone is a "left wing nut".

2) On the Credit rating, you clearly have not read, nor seen the responses from S&P. Agaim, their is not a single news source outside of FOX news that thinks that obama had anything to do with that. In fact, S&P blames the Replublicans in the house of representatives. Here, let me help you; here is a quote directly from S&P:

"The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America's governance and policy making becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed..."

3) On Spending, the only spending that you can be referring to is the stimulus package, which was largely tax cuts, and assistance to the states. In fact Texas used their money to eliminate their budget deficit. Again, most economists agree that the stimulus DID work, as we were losing 700K jobs per month. In fact, many say that it wasn't big enough.

4) On middle class getting out of social security, first there are few people regardless of income that want social security eliminated. No one ever suggested that middle class Social security recipients would lose benefits due to means testing; the wealthy would be most impacted by means testing for SS and medicare. You do agree that these entitlements need to be reformed right? Now should we cut the benefits of, or charge higher premiums for Millionaires/Billionaires, or should we cut yours or your neighbors'? Remember, you are JUST a drug rep, you ARE NOT among the wealthy. Trust me Bill gates can afford it! Duh!!

Stop being so emotional, and wipe the froth from your mouth please. You need to state facts, and stop the emotional factless rants! You cant win against me, unless you do.

1) You can watch abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc, cnn or pbs, etc. and not miss the same liberal democratic talking point on the same day. Hmm!
2)The liberal Democratic party could have raised the debt limit all by themselves for 2 years without any debate, like they did everything else, right up to last Nov-Dec I wonder why they didn't?
3)We were told and sold on the stimulus package because it was for shovel ready projects that would improve our roads, bridges, and other crumbling infrastructure, But as you say it went to states etc to keep union teachers, firefighters, policemen working and paying their union dues to the liberal democratic party. It also, went to states to support their idiot social programs that are braking them.
4) A hard working person or couple who save all their lives will be considered rich. Trust me, just like Obamacare, I don't trust people like you to decide wether I should get something or not

1) If you are stating that everyone outside of FOX news, is "Liberal Media", then I guess you are right! :) But really, he is far from extreme left wing, they do exist though and are not hard to find. They are the democrats answer to the TEA party. But again, in rference to TEA party ideals, everyone is a "left wing nut".

2) On the Credit rating, you clearly have not read, nor seen the responses from S&P. Agaim, their is not a single news source outside of FOX news that thinks that obama had anything to do with that. In fact, S&P blames the Replublicans in the house of representatives. Here, let me help you; here is a quote directly from S&P:

"The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America's governance and policy making becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed..."

3) On Spending, the only spending that you can be referring to is the stimulus package,
which was largely tax cuts, and assistance to the states. In fact Texas used their money to eliminate their budget deficit. Again, most economists agree that the stimulus DID work, as we were losing 700K jobs per month. In fact, many say that it wasn't big enough.

4) On middle class getting out of social security, first there are few people regardless of income that want social security eliminated. No one ever suggested that middle class Social security recipients would lose benefits due to means testing; the wealthy would be most impacted by means testing for SS and medicare. You do agree that these entitlements need to be reformed right? Now should we cut the benefits of, or charge higher premiums for Millionaires/Billionaires, or should we cut yours or your neighbors'? Remember, you are JUST a drug rep, you ARE NOT among the wealthy. Trust me Bill gates can afford it! Duh!!

Stop being so emotional, and wipe the froth from your mouth please. You need to state
facts, and stop the emotional factless rants! You cant win against me, unless you do.

Our nation isn't founded on "stable" governance. You make a point that means nothing to the educated.

Our nation is built on "we the people.". We are our government. The Soviet Union, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Libya before the revolt are or were all stable governments.

Our system has elections, divided powers, debate and rule of law. All of these things are the opposite of stable governance and it works because stable governance is a their of men's freedoms.