-You men we weren't in the worst economy since the Great Depression, when bush left office?
-You mean bush didn't use "weapons of mass destruction" as an excuse to invade, and occupy Iraq?
-You mean there really WERE WMD found in Iraq?
-You mean the bush ta cuts did NOT add 3 billion to the budget?
- You mean the bush med-d plan was funded?
- You mean bush did not start two unfunded wars, the first unfunded wars in US history?
- You mean that those two unfunded wars have not added more than 3 trillion. YTD, to the deficit?
-You mean 9/11 didnt happen in 2001, when bush was in office for eight months (oh, forgot it was clintons fault)?
OOps, my bad, I got it all wrong!
Now to the election, exactly what republican is going to beat obama? The tea party wackos ensure that your candidates run to the extreme right. So, a right wing coocoo might win the republican nomination, but no way will a tea party type ever when over independents,
therefore they can not win the election. Ok, so Rick Perry is going to beat Obama? Michelle Bachmann? Mitt Romney, miaybe but he wont win the nomination (nut enough foam emanating from his mouth). Unless the republicans put the tea party nuts in place, they dont stand a chance to win the presidency.
I mean saying it's Bush's fault is not a reelection strategy.
Saying it Bush's fault doesn't work 3 years in.
Bush inherited a recession, a tech bust, 9/11, Katrina, and engaged in 2 wars. Blah, blah, blah...
Defend Obama and his record without mentioning Bush, Tea Party, Republican or any of his political opposition. Just try it!